

单词 mouthful
释义 mouth·ful 英ˈmaʊθˌfʊl美ˈmaʊθˌfʊlAHDmouthʹf‹l' ★☆☆☆☆高四六4COCA¹⁹⁸⁶⁹BNC¹²⁴⁵⁸iWeb¹⁹⁵⁷³Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

the quantity that can be held in the moutha small amount eaten or drunk;

take a taste--you'll like it

say a mouthful说意味深长的话说中…
蒋争熟词记忆mouth(n.嘴-ful名词后缀;满⇒满口;一口的量非常记忆mouth嘴巴+full满的⇒一口下去,嘴巴就塞满了mouthn.嘴-ful名词后缀;满⇒满口;一口的量钱博士mouth嘴+ful充满…的量⇒满口词根记忆a mouthful of food一口食物近义词 sup啜bite咬sip啜饮jot少量spot地点drop落下gulp吞咽swig大喝taste味觉grain谷物scrap碎片morsel少量sermon布道swallow燕子lecture讲课draught通风spoonful一匙crumbC碎屑slurp饮食出声earful听腻的话forkful一叉的量invective恶言漫骂harangue慷慨激昂地劝说…tirade长篇的攻击性演说…

用作名词I can't manage anothermouthful.我一口也吃不下了。
He wants to eat it up at amouthful.他要一口把它吃掉。
He took amouthfulof sweet country air.他吸一口清香的乡村空气。
That Russian name is really amouthful.那个俄文名字真拗口。noun.portion
同义词 bite,gulp,morsel,piece,taste
assertionnoun declaration, positive statement
affirmation,allegation,asservation,attestation,avowal,contention,defense,insistence,maintenance,okay,predication,profession,pronouncement,report,say so,stamp of approval,stressing,two cents' worth,vindication
bitenoun mouthful of food
commentnoun statement of opinion;explanation
animadversion,annotation,backtalk,buzz,comeback,commentary,crack,criticism,dictum,discussion,editorial,elucidation,exposition,footnote,gloss,hearsay,illustration,input,judgment,mention,mouthful,note,obiter,observation,opinion,remark,report,review,two cents' worth,wisecrack
gulpnoun swallow
morselnoun tiny piece
nipnoun swallow, taste
bite,catch,dram,drop,finger,jolt,morsel,mouthful,nibble,pinch,portion,shot,sip,slug,snifter,soupçon,toothful And you, well, ‘Carmen Elcira’ has always been a mouthful for me.
你呢,叫你‘卡门·艾尔茜拉’我一直觉得拗口。 yeeyan

Don’t worry, you can always have a tasty mouthful later in the day.
不要担心。你在一天之中总会有机会美美地吃一口的。 edu.sina.com.cn

In one botched effort, a doctor instructs Albert to talk with a mouthful of marbles, a gagging endeavor that might have altered the imminent monarchical succession.
之前一位医生让阿尔伯特嘴含弹球说话,这次矫正说话的努力最终作废,还差点改变即将到来的国王继位仪式。 yeeyan

She suffered heavy bruising and a “ mouthful of blood”, according to police reports.
据警方报告,蕾哈娜那时忍受着沉重的感情伤害和满嘴的血迹。 yeeyan

The problem is you're sharing germs with everyone else in the pool, and they can be transmitted as easily as swallowing a mouthful of water while playing Marco Polo.
问题在于,泳池里每个人的病菌都可以传给其他人,而你可能仅仅因为在玩马可波罗注的时候咽了一口水下去,就被传染到了。 yeeyan

“You can't get fat from eating a single mouthful” goes a saying in China.
“一口吃不成胖子”,中国的谚语说。 bandao

A mouthful of seal flesh has little to recommend it, unless you are drawn to a slippery, dark, lamb- like meat that tastes as if it had been left to stew in a dirty aquarium.
满口的海豹肉并不值得向你推荐,除非你喜欢那又滑又黑,像羊羔一样的肉,那尝起来就像是被养在肮脏鱼缸里的东西。 ecocn

Although he is “ not normally a drinker” he had obliged his staff by quaffing a bottle of champagne— though they had drained it of all but a mouthful, he admittedsee picture.
尽管他“不是个爱喝酒的人”,这刻却让下属痛饮一瓶香槟——他也承认每人只有一口酒。 ecocn

Edgar had made a slop in his saucer, and scarcely swallowed a mouthful.
埃德加倒了一些在他的碟子里,也咽不下一口。 putclub

Every time the sheep bleats it loses a mouthful.
羊每叫一次,就少吃一口。 ebigear

Finally she took a mouthful.
但最后,她喝了一口。 fao

Focus on each mouthful.
专注于每一口。 yeeyan

Go on, give your true love this sublime pinot noir- dominant pink, which with a bit of bottle age has evolved into a rich, toasted almond and delicate red fruit- scented mouthful.
去,给你的真爱这个高贵的黑比诺主导粉红色,这和一瓶已发展成为一个丰富的,烤杏仁味和微妙的红色满口水果香味。 yeeyan

His scabies scars quickly turned bright red. He flung his jacket on the ground, spat out a mouthful of saliva and said.
他癞疮疤块块通红了,将衣服摔在地上,吐一口唾沫,说。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

His two companions seemed quite unsettled by this story, and as the flames crackled in the hearth they each took a copious mouthful of the brandy that was readily available nearby.
另外两个人听了他的故事都显得很不安,壁炉炉膛里传出噼噼啪啪的木柴燃烧的声音,他们都拿起身边的白兰地,大大地吞了一口。 eol

I went there and swallowed a mouthful. Then I lost consciousness.
我走过去,喝了一口,然后就失去了知觉。 who

In fine, the one mouthful doesn't eat is absolute not scientific.
总之,一口不吃是绝对不科学的。 yeeyan

Overseas visitors should remember that it is often unnecessary to eat more than a single mouthful of a dish at a Chinese banquet.
晚宴结束前还有一道水果,来华访问的海外宾客应记住,赴宴不可贪吃,每道菜浅尝即止。 putclub

She prims her thin lips after every mouthful of tea.

That's a mouthful— but is it useful or even meaningful?
这个定义很长,但它是否有用或者甚至有意义? ibm

Think about it, what happens when you swallow a mouthful of beer on Earth?
想想看,在地球上你吞一口啤酒会发生什么? yeeyan

To round off the celebrations, a mouthful of mooncake is essential.
在这样一个完美的夜晚,月饼是不可或缺的美食。 iciba




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