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词汇 Tarim Oilfield
释义 Tarim Oilfield
As a result,there has been a great increase in the numbers of people employed.Since 1994,with the operation of the Tarim Oilfield,the annual increase of employment in the Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture of Bayingolin alone has exceeded 18%.极大地促进了就业人口的增加,仅巴音郭楞蒙古自治州从1994年以来,随塔里木油田开发,每年新增职工人数超过18%;
As a result, there has been a great increase in the numbers of people employed. Since 1994, with the operation of the Tarim Oilfield, the annual increase of employment in the Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture of Bayingolin alone has exceeded 18%.极大地促进了就业人口的增加,仅巴音郭楞蒙古自治州从1994年以来,随塔里木油田开发,每年新增职工人数超过18%;
The applications of MSF MMH inorganic polymer drilling mud in Tarim Oilfield show the mud is completely suit to the deep interval at 5450m, which improved ROP, provented boreholeenlargement, reduced downhole problems and cutmud costs.室内试验表明,无机聚合物MSF正电胶泥浆具有剪切稀释性好,携砂悬砂能力强,防塌效果显著和适用范围广等特点。塔里木油田提103井应用表明,MSF正电胶泥浆完全适用于5450m的深井段,有利于提高机械钻速、防止井径扩大、减少井下事故和降低泥浆成本。
As a result, there has been a great increase in the numbers of people employed.Since 1994, with the operation of the Tarim Oilfield, the annual increase of employment in the Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture of Bayingolin alone has exceeded 18%.极大地促进了就业人口的增加,仅巴音郭楞蒙古自治州从1994年以来,随塔里木油田开发,每年新增职工人数超过18%;
The important senses of the artificial wetland in Kela operation district of Tarim oilfield were introduced in wastewater utilization,ecological construction and wind erosion control.结合塔里木油田克拉作业区的实际情况,从废水的资源化、生态建设意义和减缓风蚀等角度出发,阐明了人工湿地建设在干旱区的重要作用;




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