

单词 morning sickness
释义 morning sickness ˈmɔːnɪŋsɪknəs ☆☆☆☆☆高短语⁴¹¹⁸²

nausea early in the day; a characteristic symptom in the early months of pregnancy Morning sickness is an unavoidable part of pregnancy for most women, but many are reluctant to take medications to quell nausea and vomiting.
大部分孕妇在怀孕初期都会出现恶心和呕吐的症状,为了胎儿的健康,准妈妈们一般不会选择吃药来缓解。 yeeyan

It has a very pleasant, light scent that is perfect for pregnancy, even when I had morning sickness.
它让我很愉快,淡淡的香味,很适合孕妇,即使我是有孕吐症状的人。 fcp114.com

The authors found confirmation for the widely- held belief that morning sickness is an indicator that the pregnancy is progressing well.
研究人员验证了普遍认可的观点,即早孕反应是妊娠进展顺利的标志。 dxy

Unless you have extreme morning sickness or other medical issues, you should be able to continue to do your work as usual.
除非你有非常严重的害喜或者其它医疗问题,你应该能够照常工作。 yeeyan

Women who suffered from extreme early morning sickness were three times more likely to give birth prematurely and the baby was nearly three times more likely to be of low weight.
曾有一次或一次以上流产经历的妇女几乎有双倍的可能性在她们的下一次妊娠时早产,而那些有三次或以上流产经历的妇女则更加危险。 topsage




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