

单词 deference
释义 def·er·ence 英ˈdefərəns, ˈdefrəns美ˈdɛfərəns, ˈdɛfrənsAHDdĕfʹər-əns, dĕfʹrəns ★☆☆☆☆高四GIST宝八COCA¹⁷⁰¹⁷BNC¹⁴⁰³³iWeb²⁰⁸⁵⁶Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰

a courteous expression by word or deed of esteem or regard;

his deference to her wishes was very flattering

be sure to give my respects to the dean

courteous regard for people's feelings;

in deference to your wishes

out of respect for his privacy

a disposition or tendency to yield to the will of othershonour,homage,reverence,deference



homage指“以诚恳恭敬的态度表示敬意” 。



词根词缀: de-取消 + -fer-携带,拿取 + -ence名词词尾in deference to遵从out of deference to遵从pay deference to对 … 表示敬意…show deference to对 … 表示敬意…treat with deference尊敬
de离开,或向下+ence名词后缀,来自拉丁语动词的现在分词形式,相当于ing→任人带走⇒顺从,尊重。它的动词为defer拖延;听从词根记忆defer+ence近义词 服从遵守…awe敬畏honor荣誉homage敬意esteem尊敬regard尊敬honour荣誉respect尊敬civility礼貌reverence敬畏obedience服从compliance顺从conformity一致admiration钦佩obligingness亲切obsequiousness奉承submissiveness服从compliancy一致符合complaisance彬彬有礼respectfulnessrespectful的名…

用作名词His immediatedeferencemade her regretful.他毫不迟疑的顺从使她感到有些抱歉。
I changed my plan indeferenceto your opinion.我听从你的意见,改变了计划。
They are married in church out ofdeferenceto their parents' wish.他们遵从父母的愿望在教堂举行了婚礼。
We all showeddeferenceto his skill.我们都敬重他的熟练技巧。
You must treat your teachers withdeference.你必须尊重老师。noun.(obedience, compliance
同义词 yieldingacquiescence,capitulation,complaisance,condescension,docility,obeisance,submission
反义词 fightdishonor,disobedience,disregard,ignorance,impoliteness,noncompliancenoun.attention, homage
同义词 civility,courtesy,reverenceacclaim,consideration,esteem,honor,obeisance,politeness,regard,respect,thoughtfulness,veneration
反义词 discourtesy,disregard,rudeness,disdain,dishonor,disrespect,ignorance,neglect,thoughtlessnessdisobedience,impoliteness,noncompliance
admirationnoun great respect
allegiancenoun loyalty
amenabilitynoun complaisance
amenablenessnoun complaisance
attentionsnoun courtesy
complaisancenoun agreeableness
accommodativeness,acquiescence,compliance,courtesy,deference,friendliness,kindness,obligingness,politeness,respect In their rage, the staff have shed all deference and discretion.
愤怒之下,职员们已经失去了所有的服从与慎重。 ecocn

Instead of looking misty-eyed to the past, Fanshawe urges a new code of conduct based on mutual respect, not on the fear and deference that prevailed in the past.
范肖认为,与其对过去泪眼想看,不如建立一套新的道德行为准则。 这个的基础是相互的尊重,而不是像过去一样,建立在对特权阶级的畏惧和顺从的基础上的。 yeeyan

The contemporary American classroom, with its grades and deference to the clock, is an inheritance from the late19th century.
美国当代教育的等级制度和对时间表的服从,是自19世纪后期开始的继承与延续。 yeeyan

The patrician in Solzhenitsyn hated this lack of deference in the West. That is one respect in which the great man was wrong.
索尔仁尼琴身上的贵族气质令他十分看不惯西方的缺乏顺从,就这一点来说这位伟人是想错了。 ecocn

And remember, he says, courts give a lot of deference to the military.
而且要记住,法院对军方是比较尊重顺从的。 yeeyan

As well as that, there is the traditional deference to leaders across Africa.
同时由于在非洲各国,对领导人的顺从是由来已久的。 ecocn

But that kind of deference to the arcane traditions of Parliament is partly what got MPs into this mess in the first place.
但是对议会神秘传统的顺从是让议员们首先陷入混乱。 yeeyan

But this deference may not last.
但这样的守势不会持续太久。 yeeyan

He bowed in sarcastic deference.
他一边向后退,一边鞠着躬,真是一种讽刺的谦恭。 yeeyan

His followers treated bin Laden with great deference, referring to him as “the sheik,” and hung on his every pronouncement.
他的追随者们对本·拉登非常敬重,提到他都以“酋长”称呼,并仰赖他的每项决定。 yeeyan

In practice, each public school is an independent kingdom that pays nominal deference to education authorities.
事实上,每一所公办学校都是一个独立的王国,名义上顺从教育当局。 yeeyan

In their view, other countries should then confer more deference on China and accommodate to it on issues that China regards as important, rather than China continuing to accommodate them.
在他们看来,其他国家应当对中国更加顺从,顺应中国认为重要的问题,而不是中国一直在顺应他们。 yeeyan

On July3rd Thais voted, yet again, against deference and hierarchy.
而在7月3日那天,泰国人民投票,再次反对顺从政策和阶级制度。 ecocn

So the age of deference is not quite dead.
因此,顺从的年代依然没有结束。 yeeyan

The second virtue they develop is deference, the willingness to listen and learn from the moral and intellectual storehouses of the people you are trying to elp.
他们发展的第二个美德是顺从敬意,乐意听从其他他们试图帮助的品行端正和智慧的人,并从他们知识宝库中学习。 yeeyan

They loathe deference and hypocrisy as much as“ whingers” and“lily- livered socialists”.
他们厌恶顺从和伪善,就如厌恶“牢骚不断的人”和“胆怯的社会主义者”。 ecocn

Waiters and receptionists grovel before him. The police treat him with deference.
服务生和接待员们在他面前卑躬屈膝,警察对他区别对待。 yeeyan

You are learning true obedience and deference.
你正在学习真正的顺从和尊重。 ebigear




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