

单词 monet
释义 Mo·net 英məʊˈneɪ, mɔː-美moˈne, mɔ-AHDmō-nāʹ, mô- 高COCA¹⁷⁵¹⁸BNC²¹¹²⁸

French impressionist painter 1840-1926 Claude Monet is the initiator of the famous impressionist art school.
克洛德·莫奈是著名的印象画派开创者。 cnki

Manet is widely described as the father of the Impressionists, yet he obstinately kept his distance from his classmates, Renoir, , Monet and Degas.
马内被公认为印象画派之父,但他却总是顽固地与其同学如雷诺瓦、希斯里、莫奈、狄嘉保持距离。 ecocn

Spend your morning at the National Gallery off Trafalgar Square, where you'll see paintings by the masters including Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt, Picasso, Michelangelo, Monet and Van Gogh.
你可以去国立艺术馆游览一上午,附近有个特拉法加广场有很多鸽子,在馆里可以欣赏到历来大师作品包括达芬奇,伦勃朗,毕加索,米开朗琪罗,莫奈以及梵高等。 yeeyan

The artwork is worth more than one million dollars. One of the pieces was painted by Claude Monet in 1897.
被盗的画价值超过一亿美元,其中一幅是克劳德·莫奈1897年的作品。 putclub

The collection of Western art includes paintings by such famous artists as Monet, Van Gogh, Picasso and Matisse.
西方艺术的收藏品包括莫奈,梵高,毕加索,和马蒂斯这些著名艺术家的作品。 anoah

The same is true of painters like Monet, Renoir, or Dali and moviemakers like Hitchcock, Fellini, Spielberg, Chen Kaige or Zhang Yimou.
同样,像莫奈、雷诺阿、达利这样的画家,希区柯克、费里尼、斯皮尔伯格、陈凯歌或张艺谋这样的电影制作人也是如此。 blog.sina.com.cn

The western painting has experienced essential changes as a result of the arduous exploration of Monet, Seurat, Cezanne, Van Gogh, Gauguin.
西方绘画经过莫奈、修拉、塞尚、凡·高、高更等人的艰难探索已发生了本质变化。 cnki

When Monet brushed color onto canvas, he birthed beautiful paintings into the world.
莫尼特把色彩刷在画布上的时候,美丽的画作诞生了。 yeeyan

But this rarely works- after all, a knowledgeable collector isn't going to buy a stolen Monet that he can't display publicly.
但这种情况很少,毕竟知识渊博的藏家不会买一副被盗而无法公开展示的莫奈名画。 yeeyan

Caen, Rouen, Bayeux, Honfleur, Deauville and Monet's Giverny are where the tourists go.
卡昂,鲁昂,贝叶,翁弗勒尔,多维尔和莫奈吉维尼都是游客喜欢去的地方。 yeeyan

Christie’s also faced difficulties the following night with one of its star lots, Claude Monet’s “Nymphéas”, dating from1906.
克里斯蒂在第二天晚上的拍卖会上也遇到了同样的困难,一件推荐的藏品,克劳德.莫奈作于1906年的《睡莲》却乏人问津。 ecocn

For the last year or more I have also dedicated more time to studying and collecting the art of French impressionists such as Renoir, Monet, Camille Pissarro.
在过去的一年多,我也花了很多时间来专门研究和收集法国印象派艺术,如雷诺阿,莫奈,毕沙罗。 blog.sina.com.cn

In the gallery of western art, you'll have the chance to appreciate the works of Monet, Renoir, Gauguin, Van Gogh, etc.
在西方艺术画廊里,您有机会欣赏到莫奈、雷诺阿、高更和梵高等人的作品。 chinafanyi.com

I've also been the solitary viewer of one of Monet's waterlily paintings, because I went to Christie's to see it before it went under the hammer.
我看莫内的一幅《睡莲》时也是独自一人,因为我是在佳士得拍卖会之前去看的。 yeeyan

Jan HuntleyClaude Monet Foundation: The public expect to see a very famous garden in perfect condition.
简·亨特利莫奈基金会:公众希望见到一个毫无瑕疵的著名花园。 jbenglish

Jeanne Monet wrote in his memoirs that one needs to be prudent in making conclusions about China.
让·莫内在回忆录中说,看待中国判断中国必须要保持谨慎,不能妄下结论。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

One of the pieces was painted by Claude Monet in1897.
其中一幅是克劳德·莫奈在1897所创作的作品。 iciba

Pigeons can not only discriminate between paintings by Picasso and those of Monet, but also tell the difference between live video images and previously recorded images.
鸽子不仅能辨别毕加索和莫奈画作的区别,还能分辨出现场直播影像与录播影像的区别。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Priceless works by Picasso, Van Gogh, Monet and many others adorned the walls of the family estate.

The participants were asked to view paintings from both unknown and famous artists Monet, Van Gogh, Picasso and others, as well as photographs that depicted similar subjects.
要求研究对象观看一些画作,这些作品来自一些不知名或知名的画家莫奈、梵高、毕加索等等;另外,他们还要看一些拍摄类似内容的照片。 yeeyan

Ultimately, Monet says: “ You have to realize that your overweight husband or boyfriend or partner is only going to lose weight when he wants to, which sometimes leaves you out of the equation.”
最后, Monet表示,“女性要明白,只有当你那超重的丈夫或男朋友或伴侣真正意识到自己需要减肥时,他才会去做,也许有时候这让你不平衡。” yeeyan




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