

单词 Milanesi
释义 MilanesiEconomist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
Carolina Milanesi of Gartner, a market- research firm, expects Google to use Motorola to build benchmark models for Android devices to help others improve their products.
的市场研究公司预计,谷歌此举是想借助摩托罗拉来为安卓设备打造标准的模式,并帮助其他设备改善其产品质量。 yeeyan

Carolina Milanesi of Gartner, another market- research firm, predicts that Android phones will outsell the i Phone and the BlackBerry within three years.
另一家市场调查公司加特纳的卡罗琳娜•米兰西预测,三年内, Android手机销量将超过 iPhone和黑莓。 ecocn

“The longer they Microsoft leave it, ” says Carolina Milanesi of Gartner, “the more consumers will have found an alternative, and not just for tablets but for PCs too.”
“微软要是再拖拉下去,”高德纳的 Carolina Milanesi说道,“将会有更多的消费者选择其他替代产品,而且这不局限于平板电脑,个人电脑也是同样的。” ecocn

But tablets may still have a big impact, argues Carolina Milanesi of Gartner, another research firm.
但是另一家研究公司 Gartner的卡罗琳娜认为,平板电脑仍然具有很大的影响力。 ecocn

Gartner analyst Carolina Milanesi said the fact that Nokia maintained its outlook is a positive signal for many market watches.
Gartner的分析师米拉尼斯 Carolina Milanesi说,诺基亚维持原有预期对很多市场观察人士来说是个积极信号。 www.51kouyi.org

Gartner research director Carolina Milanesi, who had been predicting that Nokia would sell between89m and 91m phones, said“the5800 was an important driver in the smartphone category”.
高德纳研究中心总监 Carolina Milanesi曾预期诺基亚的销售量在8900万部至9100万部之间,她说“5800是诺基亚在智能手机市场的重要推动力”。 yeeyan

'The economic environment continued to negatively impact mobile- phone sales in both mature and emerging markets, ' Ms. Milanesi said.
米兰耐斯说,经济大环境继续对手机销售产生负面影响,无论是在成熟市场还是新兴市场都未能幸免。 ebigear




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