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词汇 Makoni
释义 Makoni
Its appeal in rural areas is weak. And a smaller faction of it, led by Arthur Mutambara, has now endorsed Mr Makoni.
他们在农村的吸引力很微弱,另外他们当中的一个由亚瑟•穆塔姆巴拉 Arthur Mutambara领导的小派别已经决定支持马科尼先生了。 ecocn

But it is unclear whether Mr Mujuru, who has hedged his bets in the past, is directly involved in Mr Makoni's brave— or rash— bid.
但是,据说穆巨如先生曾在过去对马考尼先生的见解闪烁其辞,而他这次是否会直接卷入他行为勇敢或卤莽的竞选还不是很清楚。 ecocn

If so, it may convince the MDC, which is itself split into two factions and is weak on its own, to close ranks and jump on a bandwagon led by Mr Makoni.
如果能这样的话,这个党内联盟也许就能说服民主变革运动——该反对党已经分裂为了两个党羽,而且本身就没有多大力量——以此来同仇敌忾并倒向马考尼先生领导的阵营。 ecocn

In any event, Mr Makoni has given Zimbabweans at least a fleeting moment of hope that real change is in the offing at last.
无论如何,马考尼先生至少让津巴布韦人民有了一刻短暂的希望——真正的变革最终要马上来临。 ecocn

Meanwhile, South Africa's national broadcaster is reporting that the third candidate in the presidential race, Simba Makoni, says he will throw his weight behind Tsvangirai in any run-off.
与此同时,南非的国家广播电台报导说,总统选举中的第3位候选人马科尼表示,他将在决选中支持茨万吉拉伊。 ebigear

Mr Makoni dismisses such concerns.
马科尼先生不大考虑这些顾虑。 ecocn

Mr Makoni, who has been in and out of cabinet since 1980, is still part of the ruling party's top leadership.
马考尼先生自1980年以来就几度进出政府内阁,现在他还是政党高层领导人的一份子。 ecocn

Mr Makoni claims that most of ZANU-PF's leadership supports him.
马科尼先生宣布大多数“民盟”的领导人支持他。 ecocn

Mr Makoni's move offers new chances to the quarrelling opposition.
马科尼的行动为争吵的双方提供了新的机会。 ecocn

Mr Makoni's bold move may convince the opposition Movement for Democratic Change MDC, which has once again failed to heal its own divisions, to join forces to defeat the incumbent.
穆加贝大胆的行径可能说服了反对派 MDC民主变革运动。 MDC再一次的未能修缮自身的分歧,合力击败当权者。 ecocn

Simba Makoni, a former finance minister, has been named as a prospective splinter's possible leader.
一位前财经部长辛巴•马考尼 Simba Makoni已经被提名成为政党分裂后可能上任的政党领导人,而且其前程可观。 ecocn




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