

单词 locatable
释义 lo·cat·able 英ləʊ'keɪt美'loʊkeɪt COCA¹⁸⁵³⁸⁹BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb⁵⁷⁸⁸⁹
vt. 找出,探明

find the position of

vt. & vi. 在…设置

establish in a place

discover the location of; determine the place of; find by searching or examining;

Can you locate your cousins in the Midwest?

My search turned up nothing

determine or indicate the place, site, or limits of, as if by an instrument or by a survey;

Our sense of sight enables us to locate objects in space

Locate the boundaries of the property

assign a location to;

The company located some of their agents in Los Angeles

take up residence and become established;

The immigrants settled in the Midwest

locate, detect



locate, situate



用作动词 v.
~+名词locate the firm in Florida把公司设在佛罗里达州locate an object确定某物体的位置locate the seat找座位~+副词locate somewhere位于某地locate carefully小心地发现locate centrally集中发现locate conveniently方便地确定位置locate systematically系统地寻找~+介词locate at位于,坐落在…附近locate beside位于…旁locate in位于,坐落在…附近locate in the Janesville Shopping Center坐落在琼斯维拉商业中心locate on坐落在…locate next to the river位于河边
locate in v.+prep.

在…定居 settle in a place

locate in sthThe head company decided to locate in Qingdao.决定把总公司设在青岛。locate sth in sthQuickly he located the trouble in the engine and set it right.他很快找出并排除了发动机的故障。
Mother finally located the children in the attic.母亲终于在顶楼找到了孩子们。
The kitchen is located in the basement.厨房位于底层。
The new college will be located in the suburbs.这所新建的学院将设在郊区。
The hospital is to be located in your town.医院将位于你们城镇。
The building is located in a business centre.该大楼位于商业中心。
Geographically, that country is located in the Southern Hemisphere.从地理上说,那个国家位于南半球。
Scientists have discovered that most of the active volcanoes in the world are located in a T-shaped area.科学家们发现,世界上大部分活火山都位于一个T形地区里。locate in sthAfter Father retires he's going to locate in Nanjing.父亲退休后,打算在南京定居。近义词 put放nest巢take拿up向上root根come来set放置find发现post职位base底部seat座位camp野营spot地点down向下site地点place地方trace痕迹station站plant植物house房屋squat蹲下found建立track轨道detect发觉settle解决occupy占用reside居住reveal显示assign分配orient东方across横过uncover揭开discern辨别unearth发掘deposit放置situate 位于discover发现localize集中fix使 … 固定position位置disclose揭露establish建立collocate布置residence住宅take root生根turn up朝上翻ferret out追猎quarter四分之一come across碰到ensconce安顿下来pinpoint精确地找到track down跟踪追捕espy从远处等突然看到…take up residence居住定居下来…
S+~+AHe went to New York and located there.他到纽约后就在那里定居了。
Early settlers located where there was water.早期的移民安居在有水的地方。
S+~+ n./pron.The little boy's mother tried to locate him in the garden.那小男孩的母亲试图在花园里找到他。
The police are trying to locate the missing man.警察正努力寻找失踪人的下落。
Excuse me,I'm trying to locate this address.打搅您,我在寻找这个地址。
They finally located the small hospital in the hills.他们最后在山里找到了这所小医院。
The general tried to locate the enemy's site.那位将军想找出敌人营地的位置。
The radar promptly located the enemy plane.雷达立即找到了敌机的位置。
We've located the source of the signals, sir.先生,我们已找到发出信号的地方了。
He requested help from the librarian to locate the book he wanted.他请求图书管理员帮助找出他要找的书的位置。
They tried to locate the town on the map.他们试图在地图上找出该城的位置。
We followed the stream until we located its source.我们沿着溪流走,直至找到了它的源头。
The instrument can locate a minute flaw.这仪器能发现微小的裂缝。
It is important to locate new industries where labour and raw materials are easily available.把新工业设置在劳动力和原材料都便利的地方是很重要的。
Where are you going to locate your home?你打算把家安在哪里?
He located himself behind the screen.他使自己居于幕后。
Where is the new factory to be located?新工厂将设在哪里?
Our new cultural centre will be located here.我们新的文化中心将设在这里。
His house is located next to ours.他的房子位于我们隔壁。
The capital is located on the river.首都位于河畔。
The store is located on the main street.那家商店位于主要街道上。

locate的基本意思是“找到”,后面多跟表示地点或位置的词,指找到某人某物所在的确切位置或来源,后面多接表示地点或位置的名词,其后接sb 时,表示弄清某人所在的地点,并不是找到某人。引申可指“探出,探明”,指有意识地去搜寻和发现,而不用于表示偶然地得知。



They decided to locate a new school in the suburbs.他们决定在郊区设置一所新学校。
The company wished to locate its new factory beside the river.这家公司希望把新工厂建在河边。用作不及物动词After he retired, he went to locate in California.他退休后在加里弗尼亚定居。 So, for instance, if you misplace your TV remote, you can find it because it is tagged and locatable through the internet.
例如,如果你不知把遥控器放哪了,没关系,你可以很轻松就找到它了,因为它在互联网上被标记了、定位着。 yeeyan

On most computers I walk up to and use, the remote desktop connection is not easily locatable in the Start Menu.
在大多数我使用的计算机中,要在“开始菜单”中找到“远程桌面连接”程序并不是一件很容易的事。 yeeyan

Within the locatable ambit of concentration, the growth and multiplication of cells are bated, but the number of death cells increased unobvious.
在试验浓度范围内,细胞生长和增殖虽然受到抑制,但死亡细胞并无明显增加。 cnki




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