

单词 secrete
释义 secrete 英sɪˈkriːt美sɪˈkritAHDsĭ-krētʹ ★☆☆☆☆高四GMST宝八ICOCA²⁴⁰²⁹BNC³⁹⁸²²iWeb¹³⁰⁶⁵Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids;

secrete digestive juices

release a hormone into the blood stream

place out of sight; keep secret;

The money was secreted from his children

GRE红宝书源于: secretadj 秘密的, e-隐藏, 记住还有quot;分泌quot;的意思
来自secret秘密的+ e
se分开+cret分离+e→和其他东西分开⇒藏匿,私下侵吞;分泌。GRE难词记忆secrete→secret a.秘密的→分泌出来的秘密物质词根记忆se+crete分辨=分辨开=分泌,藏起来,来自secreta.秘密的近义词 hide藏stow装载exude流出stash隐藏squirt喷出produce生产conceal隐藏excrete排泄release释放discharge排出hide away包庇eliminate除去ooze使渗出emit发出,发射

用作及物动词He found the moneysecretedin a drawer.他找到了藏在抽屉里的钱。
Squirrelssecretea supply of nuts for winter.松鼠为准备过冬而藏坚果。
Hesecretedhimself to avoid being caught.他为了躲避追捕,隐匿起来了。用作及物动词The kidneyssecreteurine.肾脏是分泌尿液的器官。
Tears aresecretedby an organ under the upper eyelid.眼泪由上眼睑下面的器官分泌。verb.hide
同义词 stash,stowbury,cache,conceal,cover,deposit,disguise,ditch,ensconce,harbor,palm,paper,screen,seclude,secure,shroud,stonewall,veil,whitewash,withholdcover up,finesse,hide out,keep quiet,keep secret,keep to oneself,keep under wraps,plant,squirrel,stash away,sweep under rug
反义词 disregard,expose,ignore,lay bare,let go,let out,open,reveal,take out,uncoverfill,pour in,tellverb.give off, emit
同义词 excrete,perspiredischarge,emanate,extravasate,extrude,exude,produce,sweat
反义词 fill,lay bare,pour in,reveal,tell,uncover
buryverb conceal, cover
cache,cover-up,ensconce,enshroud,hide,occult,plant,screen,shroud,stash,stow away
cacheverb hide a supply of something
accumulate,bury,conceal,cover,ditch,duck,ensconce,lay away,maintain,park,plant,put away,put in the hole,save,screen,secrete,squirrel,squirrel away,stash,stash away,store
concealverb hide;keep secret
beard,burrow,bury,cache,camouflage,cloak,couch,cover,cover up,disguise,dissemble,ditch,duck,ensconce,enshroud,harbor,hide,hole up,keep dark,keep secret,lie low,lurk,mask,masquerade,obscure,plant,put in a hole,put up a smokescreen,screen,secrete,shelter,skulk,slink,sneak,stash,stay out of sight,stow,tuck away,veil,wrap
concealingverb hide, disguise
bearding,burrowing,burying,caching,camouflaging,cloaking,couching,covering,covering up,dissembling,ditching,ducking,ensconcing,enshrouding,harboring,holing up,keeping dark,keeping secret,lurking,lying low,masking,masquerading,obscuring,planting,putting in a hole,screening,secreting,sheltering,skulking,slinking,sneaking,stashing,staying out of sight,stowing,tucking away,veiling,wrapping
concealsverb hide, disguise
beards,buries,burrows,caches,camouflages,cloaks,couches,covers,covers up,dissembles,ditches,ducks,ensconces,enshrouds,harbors,holes up,keeps dark,keeps secret,lies low,lurks,masks,masquerades,obscures,plants,puts in a hole,screens,secretes,shelters,skulks,slinks,sneaks,stashes,stays out of sight,stows,tucks away,veils,wraps
coververb wrap, hide
blanket,board up,bury,bush up,cache,camouflage,canopy,cap,carpet,cloak,clothe,coat,conceal,cover up,crown,curtain,daub,disguise,do on the sly,dress,eclipse,encase,enclose,enfold,ensconce,enshroud,envelop,hood,house,invest,layer,mantle,mask,obscure,overcast,overlay,overspread,protect,put on,screen,secrete,set on,shade,shield,shroud,stash,superimpose,superpose,surface,veil And they’re using scanning and transmission electron microscopes to find the source of a nest- marking chemical that female bees secrete.
他们也在利用扫描和透射电子显微镜寻找雌蜂分泌的巢穴内标志性化学物质的原始资料。 yeeyan

Canning also help the hormone to secrete to adjust body harmoniously is in addition equilibrium, beautiful skin effect stand.
此外,还可以促进荷尔蒙分泌和协调身体平衡,美肤效果出类拔萃。 yeeyan

That's because, the scientists speculate, green tea works on the lining of blood vessels, helping cells there to secrete the substances needed to relax the vessels and allow blood to flow more freely.
科学家们推测,这是因为绿茶作用于血管内壁细胞,帮助其分泌软化血管和加速血液流动的物质。 yeeyan

The bacteria also band together tightly in response to the appropriate AHL, and secrete a protective layer of complex sugar molecules that protect them from their surroundings.
在 AHL的作用下,细菌甚至还会紧紧聚集在一起并分泌一种复杂的糖质保护膜分布于其周围。 ecocn

The caterpillars of these butterflies develop special glands that secrete a nectar-like substance to attract ants.
蝴蝶幼虫拥有一种特殊的腺体,它能够分泌如花蜜的甘甜物质来吸引蚂蚁。 putclub.com

The symbiotic bacteria secrete a mixture of antimicrobial compounds on the walls of the cocoon to ward off microbial threats.
共生细菌在茧壁上分泌一种抗菌物质混和物,以抵抗因细菌引起的威胁。 yeeyan

Among other advances, scientists have already engineered cows that secrete extra lactoferrin into their milk.
其他方面也有进展,科学家已经得到分泌更多乳铁传递蛋白进入牛奶的转基因奶牛。 yeeyan

And lastly, they secrete a hormone called relaxin.
最后,她们分泌一种叫做松弛素的荷尔蒙。 cri

Because the oil is used as a reserve nutrient— like fat— diatoms have evolved no mechanism to secrete it.
由于油的作用是营养储备——就象脂肪似的——所以硅藻没有进化出分泌油份的机制。 yeeyan

Candy can be as efficient as healthier options like fruit, and because people typically secrete little insulin during exercise, crashing is unlikely, said Nancy Clark, a sports nutritionist.
体育营养学家克拉克说,糖果像水果一样可作为有效的健康选择,因为通常人们在运动时分泌的胰岛素很少,因此对身体没有伤害。 yeeyan

If diatoms could be made to similarly secrete the oil they produce, then it could be easily harvested.
如果能让硅藻把它们生产的油份以相同方式分泌出体外,这些油将很容易收获。 yeeyan

In normal circumstances, however, the SCN reacts to the lengthening nights by instructing the brain's pineal gland to secrete more of the hormone called melatonin.
然而,在正常情况下, SCN对夜晚延长的反应是,它会指示大脑的松果腺增加褪黑激素的分泌。 yeeyan

Neurons that reach a particular destination switch on genes that allow them to secrete a nerve growth hormone.
达到特殊部位的神经元可以打开让他们分泌神经生长激素的基因。 yeeyan

Sebaceous glands secrete oil-like sebum for lubricating the hair and skin.
皮脂腺分泌油状皮脂润滑毛发和皮肤。 yeeyan

Some bacteria also secrete proteins that are toxic for the host, leading to mild effects such as diarrhea, or to fatal effects.
有些细菌还会分泌对寄主有毒的蛋白质导致轻度反应如腹泻,重则会致命。 ebigear

Some plant species, such as the Lima bean, secrete a nectar that ants find delicious.
一些植物种类,如利马豆,分泌一种蚂蚁感到美味的花蜜。 yeeyan

Surgical removal of the adrenal gland is the preferred treatment for patients with adrenal tumors that secrete excess hormones and for primary adrenal tumors that appear malignant.
对于分泌过量激素的肾上腺瘤或者有恶化倾向的原发性肾上腺瘤,手术切除肾上腺是首选治疗方法。 yeeyan

The bacteria secrete the alkanes, which can then by easily collected and used as a fuel.
改造过的细菌能分泌烷类,很容易被收集并可以用作燃料。 yeeyan

The claim is that people living in unequal societies secrete less oxytocin, hence they have lower levels of trust.
作者认为生活在不平等社会中的人们分泌催产素的数量会减少,于是他们彼此间的信任感也会降低。 ecocn

The gene's role seems to be to export substances out of the cells that secrete earwax.
该基因可以控制细胞排出物质以分泌耳垢。 yeeyan

The glands on its hind feet can secrete poisonous fluid.
它后脚上的腺体能分泌出毒液来。 edu.sina.com.cn

The impressively named chief cells secrete pepsinogen which, when it mixes with stomach acid, becomes an enzyme called pepsin.
而令人印象深刻的主细胞则分泌胃蛋白酶原,当它与胃酸混合时,就形成一种酶,叫做胃蛋白酶。 yeeyan

The most important of these is to get the algae to secrete their products into the culture medium in which they are being raised.
其中最重要的是,让藻类将油分泌到它们赖以生长的培养基中。 yeeyan

They secrete compounds that induce a proliferation of blood vessels that feed their growth and allow them to infiltrate the walls of adjacent organs.
它们分泌一些可以诱导血管增殖的化合物,而这些血管可以供给它们生长所需的营养并且可以让他们渗透进入相邻器官的内部。 ecocn.org

We know they smear a liquid on the tube, but we don’t know where they secrete it from or what its chemical composition is.
我们知道它们在往玻璃管上抹一种液体,但我们不知道它们是从哪里分泌出来的,也不知道它的化学成分。 yeeyan

We may not think often of the insects that secrete this sticky fluid, but Ethiopians do.
我们可能并不经常去想分泌这种粘稠液体的昆虫,但埃塞俄比亚人却对此十分关注。 edu.sina.com.cn

When threatened, the bugs will secrete an oily, foul-tasting fluid from joints in their legs.
当收到威胁,瓢虫将从腿部关节处分泌一种油性难闻的液体,或装死。 yeeyan

Your stomach cells secrete hydrochloric acid, a corrosive compound used to treat metals in the industrial world.
你的胃会分泌盐酸,这是工业中用来处理金属的腐蚀性化合物。 yeeyan




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