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leg. leg 基本双解英英词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型派生词用法例句Thesaurus例句 abbr.=legal¹⁰⁰;legal
n.名词 C腿one of the limbs of an animal's or person's body used for standing and walking CU腿肉the leg of an animal used as food C裤腿part of a garment covering this limb C桌椅的腿one of the supports of a chair, table, etc. C一段行程section of a journey Noun: a human limb; commonly used to refer to a whole limb but technically only the part of the limb between the knee and anklea structure in animals that is similar to a human leg and used for locomotionone of the supports for a piece of furniturea part of a forked or branching shape;he broke off one of the branches the limb of an animal used for fooda prosthesis that replaces a missing lega cloth covering consisting of the part of a pair of trousers that covers a person's legnautical the distance traveled by a sailing vessel on a single tacka section or portion of a journey or course;then we embarked on the second stage of our Caribbean cruise 可追溯至史前日耳曼语lagjaz,来自于语义是“弯曲”的源,进入古斯堪的纳维亚语为leggr,13世纪进入英语为leg。 用作名词 n. 动词+~bend one's legs弯腿break one's leg折断腿骨catch sb by the leg抓住某人的腿cross one's legs交叉着双腿cut off a leg截掉一条腿cut one's leg〈俚〉喝醉draw sb's leg〈口〉哄骗取笑某人fall on one's legs跌而不伤,运气好,侥幸摆脱困境find one's ice leg学会滑冰get a leg in取得某人的信任give sb a leg up〈口〉帮某人上马,帮某人越过障碍困难have a leg to stand on抵赖kick one's legs踢腿lose one's legs失去两腿,喝醉pull sb's leg〈口〉哄骗愚弄某人raise one's legs抬腿recover one's legs跌倒后又站起来run off one's legs破产shake a leg〈口〉跳舞,〈美俚〉赶紧stand on one's own legs独立自主,不依赖他人tear the leg of one's trousers撕破裤腿形容词+~be all legs人又瘦又长back legs后腿bandy leg罗圈腿broken leg断腿front legs前腿lame leg瘸腿last leg行程最后一段long leg长腿right leg右腿shapely leg匀称的腿short leg短腿skinny leg皮包骨腿straight legs直腿sturdy leg强健的腿thick leg粗腿thin leg细腿wooden leg木制的腿名词+~chair leg椅腿chicken leg鸡腿pork leg猪腿sea legs在颠簸的海船甲板上走动的能力,不晕船table leg桌腿介词+~in the leg在腿上on one leg用单腿on one's last legs濒临死亡get sb upon his legs使某人恢复健康,帮助某人在经济上自立set sb upon his legs使某人恢复健康,帮助某人在经济上自立with both legs用双腿~+介词the legs of a bed床腿leg of the law警察,律师,执法人员 用作名词n.be all legs过分瘦长 be disproportionately long and thin be on one's legs康复至可以走动 after an illness be well enough to walk about give sb a leg up用钱或影响力帮助人 use money or influence to help sb not have a leg to stand on论点等站不住脚,对行为无合理的解释等 have nothing to support one's opinion, justify one's action, etc. pull one's leg开某人的完笑,耍弄某人 make fun of sb, especially by making him believe sth that is untrue;tease sb shake a leg出发,动手,赶快 get moving;start to act;hurry show a leg起床 get out of bed stand on one's legs自食其力 make a living for oneself stretch one's legs去散步 go for a walk as exercise walk off sb's leg把某人累得筋疲力尽 tire sb by making him walk too far or too fast walk sb off sb's legI took the children to the zoo and they walked me off my legs.我带着孩子们去了动物园,他们让我走得疲惫不堪。非常记忆le乐+g哥⇒乐乐给哥哥按摩腿近义词 gamlappinlimppartpropbracestagememberportionsectionsupport 用作名词n.Humans have two legs, dogs have four.人有两条腿,狗有四条腿。 He felt an intense pain in his leg.他感到腿部疼得厉害。 He lost the use of his legs.他双腿残疾。 His legs refused to carry him further.他的腿已不听使唤,一步也走不动了。 Would you like some leg or some breast of turkey.你要火鸡的腿肉还是胸肉? She bought a leg of mutton.她买了条羊腿。 The leg of my tights has torn.我的连裤袜的裤腿破了。 He lost his left leg in the war.他在战争中失去了左腿。 Most chairs have fourlegs.大多数椅子是四条腿。 The last leg of our trip was most tiring.我们旅行的最后一段行程最累人。 From Bombay we made a long leg to Singapore.我们从孟买到新加坡的一段旅程很长。 The premier has just completed the first leg of his five-nation tour.这位总理刚刚结束了他五国之行的第一段旅程。Pdipleg料腿Pbigleg巨腿症Pleg-iron脚镣Pbootlegv.私卖Pbird-leg鸟状腿Pleggeda.有…腿的Pthick-leg巨腿症Pbow-legsn.弓形腿Pprolegn.原足腹脚Pstork-legs鹳形腿Pleggy-ironn.脚镣Pforelegn.前腿前脚Pleg-ill蹄间炎羊Pleg-sticker厩螫蝇Pleggingn.绑腿裹腿Pscissor-leg剪形腿Pbowleggeda.弯腿的Pleggy-pullvt.愚弄Pleggylessa.无腿的Pyellowlegsn.黄脚鹬Pleggy-restn.搁脚凳Pleggymann.采访记者Pduck-leggeda.短腿的Pbootlegging走私漏税Pleg-pulln.恶作剧愚弄Pspindlelegsn.细长的腿Psaber-legged军刀状腿的Pthree-leggeda.三条腿的Ptwo-leggeda.有两条腿的Pbowlegn.内弯腿O形腿弯腿Prough-leggeda.腿上有毛的Pspindle-leggeda.腿细长的Plegginessn.长腿腿细长茎长Pspindled-leggeda.腿细长的Pdoglegn.〔道路等的〕急转弯Pleggya.长腿的腿细长的茎长的Pbandy-leggeda.两腿向外弯曲的Pblacklegn.骗子破坏罢工的工人Pleggingsn.护胫护腿女式紧身裤Plegmann.采访记者资料搜集助手Pbadger-leggeda.两腿长短不一的Pcross-leggeda.盘着腿的翘着腿的Pleggyworkn.跑腿活儿新闻采访工作Pbootleggern.造私酒者走私者走私犯Pmidlegn.腿的中部中足ad.在腿的中部Pjacklega.未成熟的不正直的权宜之计的Pleg-of-muttona.羊腿形的近似三角形的Pone-leggeda.只有一条腿的片面的不公道的
leg指动物或人的“腿”,是可数名词;指“腿肉”时,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。leg有时指“一段旅程”或“一个运动项目的赛程”,是新闻用语。 说“腿瘸”时不可用leg作主语,而应以人作主语。 动词67%,名词33% 用作名词The breaking of his rightlegmade him walk on crutches only.他右脚的折断使他只有靠拐杖走路。 Thelegof my tights has torn.我的裤袜的裤腿破了。用作不及物动词The car won't start, so we'll have tolegit.汽车发动不起来了,我们只好走着去了。 Heleggedafter me.他在我后面走。noun.appendage used for support 同义词 lap,limb,part,pole,stagebrace,column,member,pile,portion,post,prop,section,segment,shank,stake,stilt,stump,support,upright appendagenoun a subsidiary part, as a limb arm,extremity,foot,hand,limb,member,penisphallusprojection,protuberance boostnoun encouragement aid,assistance,backup,buildup,goose,hand,handout,help,helping hand,improvement,leg,leg up,lift,praise,promotion,shot in the arm,support extremitiesnoun animate being's appendage acmes,acuteness,adversities,apices,apogees,borders,boundaries,bounds,brims,brinks,butts,climaxes,consummations,crises,depths,dire straits,disasters,edges,ends,excesses,extremes,extremes,frontiers,heights,lasts,margins,maximums,nadirs,outsides,pinnacles,plights,poles,remotes,rims,setbacks,terminals,terminations,termini,tips,tops,troubles,verges,vertexes,zeniths extremitynoun animate being's appendage backside,finger,flipper,foot,hand,leg,limb,paw,posterior,toe haunchnoun upper legs buns,buttocks,hip,leg,loin,posterior,rump,thigh limbnoun appendage arm,bough,branch,extension,extremity,fin,gam,leg,lobe,member,offshoot,part,pin,pinion,process,projection,spray,sprig,spur,stem,switch,unit,wheel,wing As you stand, maintain the natural curve in your lower back and keep your core muscles tight. Use your leg muscles— not your back— to lift the object. 在你站起来的时候,继续保持腰背部的自然曲线,保持收紧你的核心肌肉。用你的腿部肌肉——不是背部——去抬起物品。 yeeyan For example, to stretch your quadriceps, lie on your right side and grasp your left ankle with your left hand, pulling your ankle toward the back of your leg. 举个例子,为了伸拉你的股四头肌,先向右侧卧,然后用你的左手抓住你的左脚踝,将你的脚踝向你的腿后侧提拉。 yeeyan Similarly, for the curtain call, when actors bow or curtsy, they place one foot behind the other and bend at the knee, thus‘ breaking’ the line of the leg. 类似的,当谢幕的时候,演员鞠躬或者行屈膝礼,他们将一只脚放在另一只的后面,弯曲膝盖,这样“切断”了腿的那条直线。 yeeyan So I think my team would say that when she starts tapping her pen and the leg starts moving quickly, that it’s time to move on. 因此我想,我的团队会说,当她开始敲打她的钢笔并且她的腿开始快速地移动,那就是时候要往前推进了。 yeeyan We looked at the walkway and saw people waving towels at us, then we looked further out to sea and saw what looked like blood, and a man's leg come up. 我们向岸上人行通道望去,看到人们向我们挥舞着毛巾,然后我们转头看向深海方向,看到大片血样的东西,还有一条人腿浮了上来。 yeeyan |