释义 |
Girolamo ,sɑ:vɔ:nɑ:'rɔ:lɑ: 基本例句 吉罗拉莫¹⁰⁰ Turn right at the junction into ViaGirolamoda Vicenza.所有的2岁以下的儿童在使用现有的床铺之下不需付费。 “Syphilis” was originally the title of a Latin poem by the Italian scholarGirolamoFracastoro .在中世纪末和近代初年,梅毒从义大利和法国迅疾传遍了欧洲各国。 Loguercio C, DeGirolamoV, Federico A, et al.Trace elements and chronic liver diseases.J Trace Elem Med Biol. 1997 Nov;11:158-61.张金章;明淑节;边雪丽.;肝硬化患者血清铜、锌含量测定与分析; In the 1600s, long before the invention of photography, a scientist namedGirolamoFumagalli was obsessed with the idea of reproducing images.1600年,人类发明照相机的很多年以前,一位名叫吉罗拉莫的科学家就在为记录图像的方法着迷。 DeGirolamoG,Reich JH.Personality disorders.World Health Organization,Geneva 1993翟书涛,杨德森.;人格形成与人格障碍 |