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词汇 anxiety
释义 anx·i·e·ty 英æŋˈzaɪɪtiː美æŋˈzaɪɪtiAHDăng-zīʹĭ-tē ★★★☆☆高四六研IT牛46八COCA²⁹⁶³BNC³⁰⁴⁵iWeb²⁸⁰³Economist⁵⁴⁵⁴


an uncomfortable feeling in the mind usually caused by the fear or expectation that sth bad will happen


a cause of anxiety


a feeling of worried eagerness

psychiatry a relatively permanent state of worry and nervousness occurring in a variety of mental disorders, usually accompanied by compulsive behavior or attacks of panica vague unpleasant emotion that is experienced in anticipation of some usually ill-defined misfortune
anxiety, care, worry


1.care指由于责任重大,担心与恐惧而产生的“忧虑”“担心”; anxiety则指因悬而未决或吉凶难卜的事而引起的焦虑与紧张不安,也可指因即将到来的灾难和不幸而产生的恐惧与忧虑; worry则指由于问题、环境及人而从内心深处产生的“不安”“焦虑”或“烦恼”。



4.care的复数形式cares常表示烦恼或引起不安的具体的事; worry的复数形式worries通常指生活中使人操心的事,而anxiety则没有此用法。例如:

Care had made him look ten years older.操心使他看起来比实际年龄大了10岁。
The rich had their cares also.有钱的人也有他们烦恼的事情。
He expressed his anxiety for his son's safety.他说他担心儿子的安全。
His anxiety for knowledge deserves our praise.他对于知识的渴望,值得我们赞扬。
As his confidence in his work increased, his anxieties about his work is diminished.因为他对工作的信心增加了,对工作的担忧就减少了。anxiety,worry,care,concern






用作名词 n.
动词+~cause anxiety使人担忧display anxiety表现出焦虑drown one's anxieties and worries in drink借酒浇愁feel anxiety感到担心relieve anxiety消除忧虑undergo anxiety担忧形容词+~constant anxiety持久的烦恼deep anxiety严重的忧虑domestic anxiety家事的烦恼endless anxiety无限忧虑great anxiety非常忧虑horrible anxiety极为担心much anxiety忧心忡忡overwhelming anxiety极大的忧虑pecuniary anxiety金钱问题的烦恼undefined anxiety无可名状的烦恼unnecessary anxiety不必要的烦恼well-founded anxiety有缘由的忧虑wide-spread anxiety普遍的忧虑介词+~fall a prey to anxiety被忧虑困扰free from anxiety无忧无虑in great anxiety非常忧虑wait with anxiety焦急地等待without anxiety无忧无虑地~+介词anxiety about对…的忧虑anxiety about future对前途担忧anxiety for渴望,焦急盼望anxiety for knowledge强烈的求知欲anxiety for news想得到消息的焦急心情anxiety for sb's return渴望某人回来anxiety for sb's safety为某人的安全担忧
anx=ang-的过去分词形式,已经被勒紧,已经感到憋屈+i连接字母+ety=ity,抽象名词后缀,表状态→已经被勒紧憋屈之状态→焦虑,渴望,挂念⇒转作具体名词表实例令人焦虑的事情。非常记忆an一个〖熟词〗+xie谢〖拼音〗+ty踢〖谐音〗⇒他有点焦虑,说了个谢字后就踢飞我了来自anxiousadj. 担忧的;渴望的来自anxiousa. 担忧的,渴望的近义词 worryconcerndistresssuspense反义词 calmnessassurancecertaintyconfidence
用作名词n.And now a new anxiety seized me.现在我又不由得提心吊胆起来。
His anxieties diminished.他的忧虑减轻了。
Her anxieties deepened with each passing day.她的忧虑与日俱增。
His anxieties kept him awake overnight.忧虑使他一夜未眠。
All these anxieties make him look pale and tired.这一切担惊受怕使他面色苍白,疲惫不堪。
All his cares and anxieties made him look quite old.操心及忧虑使他显得苍老。
The anxieties of the past week had left her exhausted.前一个星期种种令她焦急的事使她疲惫不堪。
This has caused us much anxiety.这使我们十分焦急。
Mothers feel anxiety when their children are sick.孩子病了母亲总是很焦急。
The doctor's report removed all their anxieties.医生的报告消除了他们所有的忧虑。
After listening to his advice she had no more anxieties.听了他的劝告之后,她不再忧虑了。
You have no reason for anxiety.你没有理由担忧。
Her son is a source of considerable anxiety.她的儿子总是令她牵肠挂肚。
He was surprised by the triviality of her anxieties.她对琐碎小事的忧心忡忡使他感到惊讶。
Lack of money is one of his chief anxieties.资金不足是他主要的焦虑之一。
He received the news of his father's sickness with great anxiety.他得知父亲生病的消息时焦急万分。~+ prep. -phraseHer anxiety about the science test increased as it grew nearer.随着科学考试的日益临近,她愈发忧虑起来。
As his confidence in his work increased, his anxieties about it diminished.随着工作信心的增加,他对工作的担心逐渐减少了。
His speech removed all anxieties about higher prices.他的讲话消除了人们对涨价的忧虑。
His statement was an attempt to allay public anxieties about the economic situation.他的声明意在缓解公众对经济形势的忧虑。
You need have no anxiety about that.你不用为那事操心。
He felt anxiety about the possible loss of his job.他对自己有可能失业感到忧心忡忡。
In his anxiety about the trip, he forgot to pay his rent.他急着要去旅行,把付房租的事儿给忘了。
He is full of anxiety about that matter.他对那件事很焦急。
There's a lot of anxiety among the staff about possible job losses.工作人员都很忧虑,担心可能失业。
Children normally feel a lot of anxiety about their first day at school.小孩子对第一天上学通常都感到很紧张。
His anxiety for knowledge deserves our praise.他对于知识的渴望,值得我们赞扬。
The British fail to comprehend the deep European anxiety for progress towards unification because Britain hasn't been invaded since 1066.英国人不理解欧洲大陆的人对欧洲一体化进程的深刻忧虑,因为英国自1066年后未受到过外族侵占。
He felt strong anxiety for her safety.他十分担心她的安全。
He expressed his anxiety for his son's safety.他说他担心儿子的安全。
She expressed anxiety for a new dictionary.她渴望得到一本新字典。
Jim's illness is just another anxiety for his poor mother.吉姆的病是又一件让他那可怜的母亲揪心的事儿。
Everyone has anxieties of their own.各人有各人的烦恼。
It should represent the views and anxieties of party members to the cabinet.它应当向内阁反映党员们的看法和忧虑。
Traffic jams, bad housing, too much concrete and too little grass are the main anxieties of people who live in urban areas.交通阻塞、住房紧张、高楼林立和绿地减少是令都市居民焦虑不安的主要问题。
This can lead to unnecessary anxiety over a child's quite normal behaviour.这可能使人们对一个小孩十分正常的行为产生不必要的忧虑。
That was a great anxiety to me.那件事成了我的一大心病。
Her sick child is a great anxiety to her.孩子生病使她十分担忧。
Tom's foolish behaviour caused great anxiety to his parents.汤姆的愚蠢行为使父母非常担忧。~+to- vWhat he did yesterday showed his anxiety to please his customers.他昨天的所作所为表明他很着急去邀请他的顾客。
Tom's anxiety to succeed led him to work hard.汤姆对成功的渴望使他努力工作。
In his anxiety not to offend them, he agreed to concessions.因为怕得罪他们,他同意让步。~+that-clauseThe manager expressed anxiety that it should be done in no time.经理担心的是没有时间去做这些事。Panxiety-riddena.忧心忡忡的



anxiety后可接由that引导的同位语从句,从句中的谓语动词多用“should+动词原形”, should有时可省略。

用作名词It proved difficult to disguise hisanxiety.他的焦虑难以掩饰。
They show greatanxietyconcerning their retirement allowance.他们对自己的养老金问题显得十分焦虑。
This has caused us muchanxiety.这事使我们极为担心。
Someanxietystill lurked in her mind.她心里还暗暗地有点不放心。
Hisanxietyfor knowledge is to be praised.他对知识的渴求应该受到称赞。noun.worry, tension
同义词 angst,apprehension,concern,disquiet,doubt,dread,jitters,misery,misgiving,mistrust,nervousness,panic,restlessness,suffering,suspense,trouble,uncertainty,unease,uneasinessbotheration,butterflies,care,creeps,disquietude,distress,downer,drag,fidgets,flap,foreboding,fretfulness,fuss,heebie-jeebies,jumps,needles,shakes,shivers,solicitude,sweat,watchfulness,willies,worrimentall-overs,ants in pants,cold sweat,goose bumps,nail-biting,pins and needles
反义词 advantage,belief,blessing,calm,calmness,certainty,collectedness,confidence,contentment,ease,faith,happiness,joy,peace,security,sureness,trust,peacefulnessassurance,composure,nonchalance,tranquility
adrenalinenoun state of excitement
alarmnoun feeling of sudden fear
anxiety,apprehension,cold feet,consternation,dismay,distress,dread,fright,horror,nervousness,panic,scare,strain,stress,tension,terror,trepidation,unease,uneasiness
bothernoun trouble, inconvenience
ado,aggravation,annoyance,anxiety,bellyache,botheration,bustle,care,concern,difficulty,distress,drag,exasperation,flurry,fuss,headache,irritant,irritation,molestation,nudge,nuisance,pain,pain in the neck,perplexity,pest,plague,pother,pressure,problem,strain,to-do,trial,trouble,vexation,worriment,worry
bothersnoun trouble, inconvenience
ado,aggravations,annoyances,anxieties,bellyaches,botherations,bustles,cares,concerns,difficulties,distress,drags,exasperation,flurries,fuss,headaches,irritants,irritations,molestations,nudges,nuisances,pain in the necks,pains,perplexities,pests,plagues,pothers,pressures,problems,strains,to-dos,trials,troubles,vexations,worries,worriments
burdennoun mental weight;stress
Herculean task,accountability,affliction,albatross,anxiety,ball and chain,blame,care,charge,clog,concern,deadweight,difficulty,duty,encumbrance,excess baggage,grievance,hardship,hindrance,load,millstone,misfortune,mishap,obstruction,onus,punishment,responsibility,sorrow,strain,task,tax,thorn in one's side,trial,trouble,weary load,work,worry
burdensnoun mental weight;stress
Herculean tasks,accountabilities,afflictions,albatrosses,anxieties,ball and chains,blame,cares,charges,clogs,concerns,deadweights,difficulties,duties,encumbrances,excess baggages,grievances,hardships,hindrances,loads,millstones,misfortunes,mishaps,obstructions,onuses,punishments,responsibilities,sorrows,strains,tasks,taxes,thorn in one's sides,trials,troubles,weary loads,works,worries The scars of the crisis are fresh, and every new economic report brings another wave of anxiety.
危机造成的创伤还没有愈合,每一份新的经济报告带来的是另一波忧虑。 yeeyan

Above all, it is important to better understand your anxiety, learn to control it by changing the way of seeing things.
尤其重要的是要更好地了解你的焦虑,学会通过改变对待事物的方式来控制它。 yeeyan

All of this flux and churning creates enormous anxiety.
所有这些变迁和动荡带来了巨大的焦虑。 putclub

By our definition, the type of bipolar disorder that most of these kids have is subclinical; they have depressions and they have anxiety disorders.
根据我们的定义,大多数小孩所有的这种双相情感障碍类型是亚临床的。他们有抑郁和焦虑障碍。 yeeyan

Even behind the silly shades, I could see the anticipation and anxiety written in the lines of his face.
即使隔着有点滑稽的墨镜,我仍能看见写在他脸上皱纹里的那种期待和焦虑。 yeeyan

Fear and anxiety were gnawing her.

He was distracted by anxiety.

How you face and perceive these challenges, though, will determine your stress and anxiety levels throughout this process.
你如何面对和理解这些挑战,将决定你在这个过程中的压力和焦虑水平。 yeeyan

However, as I said earlier, the first step is to admit to yourself that you're dealing with anxiety.
然而,就像我在开始时说的那样,第一步,是要承认你自己正在面对焦虑。 yeeyan

I wonder if, somehow, He will use my anxiety to bring someone redemption.

If we feel anxious, we accept our feelings of anxiety.
如果我们感到焦虑,那就接受焦虑的现状。 yeeyan

In order to prevent this, I referred her to our Anxiety Clinic.
为了防止这一点,我将她转移到了我们的“焦虑诊所”。 yeeyan

It brings a sense of fear, anxiety and desperation.
它带来了恐惧,焦虑和绝望的感觉。 yeeyan

So, the anxiety of the nutritionists is unwarranted.
因此,营养师的焦虑是毫无根据的。 yeeyan

That is not to say that God is necessarily found in the depths of anxiety.
不过这并不是说在极度的焦虑中就一定会发现“上帝”这个答案。 yeeyan

The other theory is that these changes reduce the mothers' fear and anxiety so they can better face such challenges.
另一个理论是这些变化降低了母亲的恐惧和焦虑,使得她们可以更好地面对挑战。 yeeyan

The exercise and mental stimulation at the daycare should help your dog overcome separation anxiety.
在日托店里的锻炼和精神鼓舞会帮助你的爱犬克服分离焦虑。 yeeyan

The student was tortured with anxiety.

Their pessimism is perhaps the result of fear and anxiety they experience while facing what they cannot and do not control.
他们的悲观很可能是因为在面对无法控制的情况时的恐惧和焦虑所导致的。 yeeyan

These are all signs of worry and anxiety.
以上这些都是担忧焦虑的迹象。 yeeyan

This is another sign of anxiety.
这是另一个焦虑的表现。 yeeyan

Thus, routine assessment and screening for anxiety and depression in all patients diagnosed with COPD should be considered.
因此,我们最好考虑诊断为 COPD的患者都应该做常规的焦虑和抑郁评估和筛查。 yeeyan

We can have sex at the other levels, but without that same level of trust the vulnerability of sex may be associated with anxiety, fear and distrust.
我们可以有其他层次的性爱,但缺少同一层次对性爱脆弱性的信任可能带有焦虑、恐惧和不信任。 yeeyan

Anxiety about status leads to high levels of stress, which in turn leads to health problems, he says.
对于地位的焦虑导致了高度紧张,这样反过来又导致了健康问题,他说道。 yeeyan

Anxiety wears you out and it shortens your life, but if you have no other answers, you are going to keep worrying.
焦虑会耗尽你的生命,缩短你的生命,但如果你没有别的办法了,你就只能继续忧虑下去。 yeeyan




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