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词汇 landry
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Controlled burns have been done and tested before, Admiral Landry said, and had been shown to be “ effective in burning 50 to 95 percent of oil collected in a fire boom.”
“有限燃烧”海面浮油以前早有先例。 玛丽·兰德里说,这种方法可以有效地清除海面浮油的50%,甚至95%。 yeeyan

Rear Admiral Mary Landry today directed BP to launch a new procedure whereby the riser pipe will be cut and a containment structure fitted over the leak.
海军少将玛丽·兰德里命令 BP公司采取新方法以切断立管和帮助控制设施装在泄露的部位。

The drive to the beach is far more dangerous than any shark encounter, says Texas A&M University at Galveston marine expert Andre Landry.
“驱车去海滩比碰到鲨鱼危险多了。”加尔维斯顿的德克萨斯 A&M大学的海洋专家安德烈•兰德里说到。 yeeyan

The trade of Landry by Houston was a surprise.

“ You really don’t have to worry very much about sharks when you’re at the beach, ” Landry says.
兰德里说,“其实去海滩的话,你并不必太过担心鲨鱼。” yeeyan

“The bull shark is known for its aggressiveness, ” Landry says.
“牛鲨因其极具攻击性而闻名,”兰德里说到。 yeeyan

Admiral Landry said that a burn would take place offshore where no one on land could see it.
海军上将兰德里说,“控制燃烧”将会在远离陆地的洋面上施行,届时将不会有人留意得到。 yeeyan

Admiral Landry said a final decision had not been made yet about whether to burn the oil.
玛丽·兰德里补充道,当然燃烧浮油这个解决方法目前还没有最后被拍板。 我们还必须再权衡一下利弊才能最终下定决心。 yeeyan

Cleatter Landry, who works at the concierge desk, insists “ our ghosts are friendly.”
在服务台工作的克里特·兰德里坚持说:“我们的鬼魂都很友善。” yeeyan

His father was a carpenter, and Landry helped out every summer, sanding furniture.

Hope that Landry will recover quickly.
希望兰德里快速的恢复起来。 ballhey

Hopefully Landry will be back and ready to role.
但愿兰德里将恢复回来,准备上场。 ballhey

Houston found a way to rally back from an early10-point deficit, and Brooks and Landry closed it out.

I see no reason to believe that Landry is somehow going to surpass Harris in a few years or ever.
根据费根纪事报的文章,我无法找到任何理由兰德里几年后会好过哈里斯。 hoopchina

No, but I don't see any reason to think that Landry will be better than Harris in a few years.
不,我没有看出任何理由认为兰德里几年后比哈里斯更好。 hoopchina

Premier Bernard Landry took to wearing the white ribbon and the other two main party leaders in Quebec, Jean Charest and Mario Dumont, followed suit.
加拿大总理伯纳德·兰德里以及稍后两位重要的魁北克党派领导让·查理斯特和马里奥·都蒙都亲自佩戴了白丝带。 yeeyan

Landry downplayed the severity of his injury, but the inability to identify it or project how long he would be out gives the team cause for concern.

Landry is called God Bird, as he always flies high to get a slam dunk.

Landry said she discovered“really strong evidence” of the Saved by the Bell star's infidelity.
兰德说她发现马里奥对她不忠,而且证据确凿。 yeeyan

Landry's reservations about ornamental trophies stem from his rural upbringing and from an inborn sense of what is appropriate.




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