

单词 Aristotelian
释义 Ar·is·to·te·le·an 英ˌærɪstəˈtiːliːən, -ˈtiːljən, əˌrɪstə-美ˌærɪstəˈtiliən, -ˈtiljən, əˌrɪstə-AHDăr'ĭ-stə-tēʹlē-ən, -tēlʹyən, ə-rĭs'tə- 高iWeb²⁹³⁷²Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
a follower of Aristotle or an adherent of Aristotelianism
of or relating to Aristotle or his philosophy;

Aristotelean logic

来自古希腊哲学家Aristotle, 来自词根arist, 最好的。近义词 peripatetic巡行者Aristotelic亚里士多德的…Aristotelean亚里斯多德派学者…

用作形容词TheAristotelianparadigm prefers the frog perspective, whereas the Platonic paradigm prefers the bird perspective.亚里士多德的典范偏向蛙的眼光,而柏拉图的典范偏向鸟的眼光。 And, you can ponder. So, this is the Aristotelian view.

So these precise astronomical observations really caused immense problem for the Aristotelian world view.

The Aristotelian had said that things move because they are striving to reach a particular situation.

The Aristotelian world view obviously places the earth right at the center.

Well, attacks Aristotelian tradition he uses in effect the skeptical problem of the criterion.

Well the main is, I think to kick the Aristotelian tradition into touch.

And the Aristotelian explanation was based on the idea that they must have been made of a completely different stuff, whose nature is completely different from that of the stones on earth.

And the Aristotelian view held for a long time, but eventually it started to crumble in the light of more data.

But in any case the Aristotelian statesman's goal will be restoration of the conditions of constitutional government and rule of law as quickly and again as efficiently as possible.

But what is the Aristotelian standard of natural? right or natural justice?

For nearly10 years, he was the honorary secretary of the principal British philosophical association, the Aristotelian Society, and a trustee of the London Library.
近10年来,他是英国哲学学会,亚里士多德学会,和伦敦图书馆董事会的名誉校长秘书。 yeeyan

He is getting us out of that Aristotelian rut and moving us back to something that makes more sense.

If you understand and remember the points just mentioned above, you can talk meaningfully about Aristotelian ethics.
如果你理解和记住了上述观点,你已经了解了亚里士多德道德学的意义。 yeeyan

In this respect he follows the Aristotelian conception of a teleological or purpose driven natural world.
在此他服从了亚里士多德对于目的论和驱动自然世界的意图的观念。 yeeyan

Moreover, Mr Seligman’s emphasis on“ good character” is reminiscent of the Aristotelian virtues and chimes with recent work carried out in British think-tanks.
此外,所塞利格曼先生强调的“优良品德”令人想起了亚里士多德的美德与英国智库最近执行的工作相一致。 ecocn

Mr Seligman says he now rejects the Aristotelian view that all human action aims at happiness.
塞利格曼先生说他现在不同意亚里士多德那所有人类活动的目的是幸福的观点。 ecocn

Now not only Aristotelian science very unsatisfactory from this point of view.

Now we have all this data, and this Aristotelian model is looking goofier and goofier.

Oaksterdam University in Oakland is today unique in the world as a sort of Aristotelian lyceum for the study of all aspects—horticultural, scientific, historical— of the weed.
如今,位于奥克兰的奥克斯特丹大学作为全球唯一的亚里士多德式学园,从种植、科学、历史等角度研究大麻的方方面面。 yeeyan

So how do you explain that within the Aristotelian model?

The research approaches to metaphors in west mainly include the Aristotelian approach, the traditional linguistic approach, the pragmatic approach and the interactionist approach.
这些研究视角主要包括四大类:亚里士多德隐喻观,传统语言学隐喻观,语用学隐喻观和互动理论隐喻观。 iciba

The statesmen in the Aristotelian sense is the one who seeks to return as quickly and efficiently as possible to the normal situation.

We have the background of the Aristotelian theory of motion which ascribed desires to physical objects.

Aristotelian science was based on a very common sensible idea.




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