

单词 landfilling
释义 land·fill·ing 英'lændfɪl美'lændfɪl 高COCA⁵⁷⁶⁷⁸BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
a low area that has been filled inlandfill waste site垃圾填筑地landfill site垃圾填埋点landfill disposal垃圾填埋处理…sanitary landfill卫生垃圾堆
近义词 tip小费dump倾倒garbage dump垃圾堆scrapyard废品堆放场junkyard美废物堆积场…scrapheap废物堆渣子堆…

用作名词The settlement of MSW landfill is a principal Geotechnical Engineering problem of sanitarylandfilling.生活垃圾卫生填埋场的沉降是目前卫生填埋法所涉及的主要的岩土工程问题之一。 The settlement of MSW landfill is a principal Geotechnical Engineering problem of sanitary landfilling.
生活垃圾卫生填埋场的沉降是目前卫生填埋法所涉及的主要的岩土工程问题之一。 cnki

The Waste and Resources Action Programme WRAP, a government- funded agency charged with reducing landfilling, among other worthy goals, helped to pay for the initial trial of the recycled bottles.
“废物及资源行动计划”简称为 WRAP,是一个由政府提供资金的部门。 这个部门其中一个有价值的目标在于减少废品堆填。 ecocn

Trying to meet a target set by one of those European directives, it discourages landfilling by taxing it heavily.
为了满足欧洲规定的目标,对垃圾填埋课以重税。 yeeyan

Different types of landfilling area losing stability in valley landfill sites were summarized, calculation and control methods were presented;
总结了山谷型垃圾填埋场填埋库区边坡失稳的类型,给出了计算方法和治理措施; chemyq

Do you think landfilling is the best solution of solid waste management in Hong Kong?
你认为堆填法是香港最合适的垃圾处理方法吗? question-survey

If fly ash is treated for landfilling, a large amount of fly ash will cost huge financial expenditure and occupy land, which is shortage in Shanghai.
若采用填埋处理,飞灰将消耗上海巨额的财政支出,占用紧张的土地资源。 cms.shu.edu.cn

In contrast, the e- Steward standard completely prohibits landfilling and incineration of e- waste under any circumstances.
比较起来, e- Steward标准的确制定了在某些情形下完全禁止掩埋和焚烧电子垃圾的条例; yeeyan

In2006 the Technical University of Denmark conducted a review of272 studies comparing the effects of recycling with those of landfilling or incineration.
在2006年,丹麦的科技大学主持了一项由272个对比实验组成的研究。 其对比的是废品回收利用和废品填埋各自带来的效果。 ecocn

Incineration cannot, of course, eliminate landfilling.
焚化当然不可能避免掩埋。 iciba

Slope stability including slope stabilization of landfilling area and waste body.
边坡稳定包括填埋库区和垃圾堆体的边坡稳定。 chemyq

The problems of location, garbage dam, landfilling process, management and funds are discussed.
分析了在选址、垃圾坝、填埋作业、管理与资金等方面的问题。 dictall

Therefore, control of methane emission during landfilling operation was important for reducing methane emission from municipal solid waste landfills in China.
因此,调控填埋作业期间的甲烷排放是我国控制生活垃圾填埋场甲烷排放总量的关键之一。 cnki

Two groups of tests were carried out to explore the effects of adding aged refuse with a landfilling time of10 years on the hydrogen production process by anaerobic fermentation of kitchen waste.
采用添加填埋10年的矿化垃圾对餐厨垃圾厌氧发酵产氢过程的影响进行了两批试验。 cnki

Visitors are always amazed, the site manager says, to discover how much more there is to landfilling than tipping waste in a hole.
填埋地点的经理人说,参观者通常很诧异地发现填埋的垃圾比倾卸在洞中的垃圾要多很多。 ecocn

Landfilling is the most important controlled method for municipal solid waste MSW disposal.
填埋是处理城市固体废弃物 MSW的主要方法。 chemyq




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