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词汇 singling
释义 sin·gle 英'sɪŋɡl美'sɪŋɡl COCA³⁸⁴⁹⁴BNC⁴²⁰⁶²Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
vt. 挑选

select from others for special attention, etc.

C 单程票

a single ticket

U 单打

s single run


having only one part, quality; being only one

a base hit on which the batter stops safely at first basethe smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number;

he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it

they had lunch at one

being or characteristic of a single thing or person;

individual drops of rain

please mark the individual pages

they went their individual ways

used of flowers having usually only one row or whorl of petals;

single chrysanthemums resemble daisies and may have more than one row of petals

existing alone or consisting of one entity or part or aspect or individual;

upon the hill stood a single tower

had but a single thought which was to escape

a single survivor

a single serving

a single lens

a single thickness

not married or related to the unmarried state;

unmarried men and women

unmarried life

sex and the single girl

single parenthood

are you married or single?

characteristic of or meant for a single person or thing;

an individual serving

single occupancy

a single bed

having uniform application;

a single legal code for all

not divided among or brought to bear on more than one object or objective;

judging a contest with a single eye

a single devotion to duty

undivided affection

gained their exclusive attention

hit a single;

the batter singled to left field


❌ Why have you singled me up for criticism?

✔️ Why have you singled me out for criticism?

single out 是短语动词,作“挑出,选出”解,其中副词 out 不能由 up 替代。

single, choose, collect, elect, pick, select



My wife is going with me to help me pick out a new suit.我妻子和我一起去以帮我挑选一件新西装。


I like collecting stamps very much, and I've also collected many foreign stamps.我非常喜欢集邮,我还收集了许多外国邮票。


It is highly important for us to choose and train successors.对我们来说,挑选和培养接班人是十分重要的。
The students chose him as their monitor because they liked him.学生们选他做班长,因为他们喜欢他。
The greedy boy chose the largest apple in the dish.那贪心的孩子从盘中挑了一个最大的苹果。
You may choose from them the one you like best.你可从它们中间选出你最喜欢的一个。
They chose her a secretary.他们选择她做秘书。
He was chosen our team leader.他被选为我们的队长。


They selected a diamond engagement ring.他们挑选了一枚钻石订婚戒指。
Why didn't you select a nice subject?你为什么没选一个好题目?
Select the book you want.选你需要的书。
We selected her to represent us.我们选她作为我们的代表。
He selected the village as a base of operation.他选择了该村为试验基地。
He selected a pair of socks to match his suit.他为配他的那身衣服选了一双袜子。


We elected the captain of our football team by a show of hands.我们举手选举我们的足球队长。
Only someone born in the United States can be elected as President.只有在美国出生的人才可以被选为美国总统。
The committee is made up of men and women elected by the people.委员会是由人民选出的人员组成。


He was singled out to succeed his uncle.他被选出来继承他叔叔的产业。
single, only, sole




That is the only fault to be found with him.那是他身上挑得出来的唯一毛病。
We were the only women there.那儿的女生只有我们几个。


The sole survivor of the crash was a little baby.这次撞车的唯一幸存者是一个婴儿。
He is the sales representative with sole responsibility for sales in the North East.他是负责东北地区销售业务的销售代表。

4.语义上, sole>single>only。













用作动词 v.
~+副词single appropriately合适地挑选single arbitrarily任意地挑选single critically挑剔地挑选single definitely肯定地挑选single deliberately深思熟虑地挑选single discreetly慎重地挑选single dispassionately不带偏见地选出single emotionally情绪激动地挑选single fastidiously过分讲究地挑选single finally最后地挑选single impudently厚颜无耻地选出single inevitably不可避免地挑选single injudiciously不明智地挑选single instinctively本能地挑选single invariably不变地挑选single irrelevantly不相关地挑选single logically按逻辑推理地挑选single mistakenly错误地挑选single morally道义地挑选single nonsensically无意义地挑选single precisely精确地挑选single promiscuously不加区分地挑选single prudently慎重地挑选single resolutely果断地挑选single righteously正直地挑选single ruthlessly无情地选出single scrupulously认真地挑选single sensibly合理地挑选single shrewdly明智地挑选single speedily快速地挑选single sympathetically同情地挑选single tactfully机敏地挑选single tastefully趣味高雅地挑选single ultimately最后地挑选single unaccountably不可理解地挑选single unanimously一致挑选single universally筛选single out挑出用作形容词 adj.~+名词single agent独家代理商single bed单人床single cause唯一原因single heir唯一继承人single person唯一的人single reason唯一理由single right of sell独家经销权力single room单人房间
single out v.+adv.

挑出 select from others for special attention, etc.

single sb/sth ⇔ outThey were all to blame, why single him out for punishment?他们全都应该受到责备,为什么单单挑出他来受惩罚?
Why have you singled this out for criticism?你为什么单挑这件事批评?
He singled out in human nature the ugly elements to mock at.他挑选了人性中的丑恶成分来加以嘲讽。
Three other people were singled out for special praise.另外三人被挑选出来给予特别表扬。
He was singled out to succeed his uncle.他被选出来继承他叔叔的产业。近义词 onecullpickfreelonesingularexclusivev. chooseselectadj. distinct反义词 wedsomeseveralmarriedadj. accompanied
用作名词n.They quoted 756 dollars for the single New York—London fare.他们对纽约到伦敦的单程机票开价是756美元。
Two-second class singles to Leeds, please.请来两张到利兹的二等车厢单程票。
He bore off the first prize in the men's singles.他获得男子单打冠军。
The men's singles at Beijing last year were exciting.去年北京网球锦标赛男子单打打得真精彩。
One £5 note and the other £5 in singles, please.请给我一张5英镑和五张一英镑的钞票。
Evenings bring couples and singles for concert.夜晚引得成双成对和单身的男女去听音乐会。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.They desired their single son to become a pilot.他们想让他们的独生子当飞行员。
The single child of a couple enjoys free medical care.独生子女享受公费医疗。
She had screamed for half an hour and not a single person had come to her aid.她呼叫了半个小时,但没有一个人来帮助她。
The president has not appointed a single black judge to the south.总统从未向南方委派过一个黑人法官。
Hardly a single house was to be seen.几乎连一栋房子也见不到。
Jane is coming to stay with us.Have we another single bed?简要来跟我们同住,还有单人床吗?
A single spark can start a prairie fire.星星之火,可以燎原。
Completely cured.Not a single spot on them.瞧!完全恢复了,在他们身上没有一点儿疤痕。
The new furniture cost us every single penny we had.新家具花了我们所有的钱。
There wasn't a single person on the beach.海滩上一个人影都没有。
His single aim was to make money.他唯一的目标是赚钱。
Papa would not permit the waste of a single drop of water.爸爸不允许浪费一滴水。
You'd be surprised at the amount that boy can pack away in a single day.这个男孩子一天的饭量会叫你大吃一惊的。
They covered 120 miles in a single night.他们仅一夜就走了120英里路。
We can't afford wasting a single minute.我们连一分钟也不能浪费。
Not a single one is omitted.没有一个人被遗漏。
We have lumped all the advanced students into a single class.我们已把所有程度高的学生编成了一个班。
Actors have to learn their lines by heart; they mustn't get a single word wrong.演员必须把他们的台词记熟,不得出一点差错。
The single man was tired of instant noodles and ate out for a change.这个单身汉吃腻了方便面,于是下馆子换换口味。
We could not understand why he went to so much trouble for a single nut.我们不理解为什么为了一颗螺帽他会费这么大事。
Not a single boy in the class could get the problem out.班上没有一个学生解得出这道题。
Not a single of speck cloud is to be seen.一朵云也看不见。
S+be+~Misfortunes never come single.祸不单行。
Some roses are double; others are single.有些玫瑰是双瓣的,有些是单瓣的。
Are you married or single?你是已婚还是单身?
I wonder why he remains single.我纳闷为什么他不结婚。







single的意思是“单一的,单个的”,指不伴随、不依傍、不参与其他事物。引申可指“单人的; 未婚的,独身的”等。



用作名词There are two second-classsinglesto Leeds.有两张到利兹的二等的单程票.
They organize parties forsingles.他们为单身者组织聚会。
I'd like to break this ten dollar bill into tensingles.我要把这张10元钞票换成10张。用作动词as in.designate
同义词 allocate,allot,appoint,appropriate,assign,authorize,choose,define,describe,earmark,elect,mark,name,nominate,set aside,stipulateapportion,characterize,charge,commission,connote,constitute,delegate,denote,depute,deputize,dictate,evidence,favor,finger,indicate,individualize,make,opt,peg,pick,pinpoint,prefer,show,single,slot,tag,tapbutton down,mete,pin down,put down for,reseve,set apart,tab
反义词 confuse,disallow,ignore,keep,refuse,reject,conceal,deny,dislike,hide,lose,refute,veto The Foreign Office said the Iranian government's policy of singling out Britain for blame over the unrest was“ absurd” and put its diplomats at risk.
外交办公室称,英国谴责这场暴动,伊朗政府就把英国排除在外,这一做法是很荒谬的,而且把本国的外交官置于了危险境地。 yeeyan

The KIO has also alleged that government troops are targeting civilians in its offensives against the KIA, usually singling out ethnic Kachin villages for retribution.
克钦独立组织还声称,政府军在针对克钦独立军发起攻击的同时,还把打击对象指向了平民,他们通常会在战斗之后挑出克钦族村庄进行报复。 yeeyan

Universal interventions that benefit everyone avoid singling out and stigmatizing anyone, and because of this, they often attract widespread citizen support.
大学的介入有利于每个人避免排挤和侮辱任何人,也因此获得了更多的市民支持。 yeeyan

“ I think we're lied to about a number of things, ” Cotillard said, singling out9/11 as an example of the US making up horror stories for political ends.
“我认为我们在一些事件上被欺骗了”,歌蒂亚说,并挑选了911事件作为美国政府为达到政治目的而编派恐怖事件的佐证。 yeeyan

“By singling out certain lifestyles and foods, it’s diminishing very good quality nutrition sources, ” she says.
提出某种生活方式和食物,不是对其他有营养食物就有所贬低了。 yeeyan

“Proposition8 fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license,” Judge Walker wrote in his opinion, issued Aug.4.
“8号议案将男女同性恋挑出,否认他们婚姻合法的做法没有践行合理原则。” Walker法官在他8月4日发布的意见中写道。 yeeyan

Singling out obscure radio stations for very specific criticisms of him, Grondona said he reads and listens to everything, all night long.
对于向他提出具体批评的电台,格隆多纳说他常常通宵达旦地去阅读和聆听。 yeeyan

Singling out tax havens as the culprits behind tax flight is out of date, for two reasons.
避税港是导致税收外流的罪犯的单纯观点过时了,这有两个原因。 ecocn

But in many other countries, opposition to the idea of singling out talent and grooming it runs deep.
但是在其他许多国家,反对“重点培养尖子生”的声音越来越强烈。 ecocn

But singling out the role of acidification will be hard.
但是单独分离出酸化的作用将是非常困难的。 yeeyan

If metrics do help a manager uncover an issue, singling someone out is likely to cause more problems than it solves.
如果制度确实能够帮助一个管理员去发现一个问题,那么将某人踢出局可能会产生更多的问题。 ibm

Later in his impromptu speech Mr Sha turned to an American colleague, singling out Bob Orr, from the executive office of the secretary-general.
随后,沙祖康在他的即席演说中,把矛头转向一位美国籍同僚——在秘书长执行办公室工作的波布·奥尔。 yeeyan

Now investors are starting to differentiate between the weak and the strong, singling out those countries such as the Baltic nations where the economic imbalances look egregious.
现在投资者开始区别对待经济弱国和强国,剔出那些经济失衡严重的国家比如波罗的海的一些国家。 ecocn

We're not singling out particular languages for such support.
我们并没有为了这种支持而选择语言。 infoq




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