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词汇 Ladysmith
释义 Ladysmith
n.莱迪史密斯在美国;西经 91º07' 北纬 45º27'
The bull of a chap just went butting, and if they didn't look outLadysmithwould fall.这头笨牛总是那样横冲直撞,他们再不小心的话,连史密斯夫人城都要陷落了。
South African Tzu Chi volunteers inLadysmithare getting local residents involved in recycling.南非雷第史密斯慈济志工,让当地居民加入环保行列;
Tzu Chi has built seven primary schools and three nurseries inLadysmith, South Africa.But due to a lack of funding they can't afford to buy extracurricular reading material.慈济在南非雷地史密斯援建了七所慈济小学、三间托儿所,不过由于没有经费购买课外书籍,因此慈济美国总会从2004年就开始在全美推动赠书到南非的活动。
Tzu Chi's support has been a blessing for Thandeka and the girl's concerns for the people's well-being shows that one of Tzu Chi's seeds of love has sprouted inLadysmith.在纯朴的部落里一间简陋的屋子,是田蒂卡的家乡,女孩成绩优秀、考上大学,但是她不高傲。田蒂卡换上了慈青制服,当学校放假时,她就向慈济志工报到,成为志工的最佳帮手。
Consequently when the existence of the Empire was threatened in 1899 by the Boer challenge, I offered my services to it, raised a volunteer ambulance corps and served at several actions that took place for the relief ofLadysmith.后来,英帝国在1899年因遭到布尔人挑战而摇摇欲坠的时候,我主动前去声援,召集了一支志愿救护车队,参加了几次救援雷迪史密斯的行动。
The seeds of love are also budding in South Africa.In the town ofLadysmith, volunteers have taken great strides to educate the students, and their efforts are beginning to bear fruit.爱的种子也在南非发芽,在南非雷地史密斯,慈济志工对教育的努力现在也看到了成效;




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