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词汇 kidney qi
释义 kidney qi
Hair during the various stages of one's life exemplifies the physiological changes which are connected to the developments ofkidney qior the vital energy of the body.头发是生命中各阶段里的生理变化的主要指标,由于肾气兴旺才得以长得既长又多,乌黑光亮。
Milkvetch Root is one of the main drugs for replenishing Qi and playing an important role in the treatment of kidney disease.It can reinforce original qi andkidney qi.黄芪是补气要药,在肾系疾病的治疗中具有重要作用,可补益元气,大补肾气,古文献中有丰富的记载与研究。
The authors hold that over middle age,the declination ofkidney qiis the chief cause for ageing and deficiency of spleen and blood stagnation are also contributory to senility.The …认为中年以后肾气衰退是衰老的重要原因,脾虚及血瘀亦起一定作用,在神阙、足三里穴施行保健灸具有温阳益气、活血通络作用,是一种自我保健的方法。
Histopathological Study on the Protecting Effect of Golden Chamber Pill for Reinforcing Kidney Qi on Injuries of Kidney and Ear by Gentamicin金匮肾气丸对庆大霉素肾和耳损害保护作用组织病理学研究
Keywords Jiuchuankang Decoction;inhaled hormone;asthma catabasis;syndrome of insufficiency of lung andkidney qi;children;久喘康;吸入激素;哮喘缓解期;肺肾气虚证;儿童;




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