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词汇 Brega
释义 Brega
According to some reports, Brega,45 miles to the west, and Ras Lanuf may already be back in rebel hands.
有报道称,西面45英里处的布列加以及拉斯拉努夫可能已经回到反抗军的掌控之中。 ecocn

As the debate continued, Qaddafi’s forces moved along the coastal road toward Brega.
争论还在进行,卡扎菲的部队已经沿着海岸公路打到布雷加。 yeeyan

The exact location of the front line could be anywhere between the towns of Ajdabiya, Brega, and Ras Lanuf, and it changed day to day.
前线的准确位置可能就阿季达比亚、布雷加和拉斯拉努夫之间的任何位置,天天都在变化。 yeeyan

The oil port of Brega has been the main front line in the east of the country for months.
布雷加的石油港口几个月来已经成为东部国家主要的前进线。 yeeyan

They have been pushed eastward over the last two days after CNN reported on Sunday that rebels took Brega, Ras Lanuf and Bin Jawad and reached a town just east of Sirte.
在周日 CNN曾报道起义军占领了布雷加、拉斯兰鲁夫和宾贾瓦德并抵达色特东部城镇后仅两天,起义军就被打的往东面撤退。 yeeyan

At a checkpoint outside Brega, we dismissed our driver and secured a ride with some rebels, in a red van that we quickly concluded was a scout vehicle.
在布雷加郊外的一个检查站,我们让司机离开,和几名反对派军人一起坐上了车,我们很快就发现,这辆红色面包车是侦察用的。 yeeyan

But the regime's counterattack has outmanoeuvred the poorly disciplined and ill- trained rebels who barely made a stand at Brega before fleeing toward Ajdabiya.

Libyan fighters, with backing from NATO airstrikes, came close to taking control of the key eastern oil hub of Brega.
在北约空袭战机的支持下,利比亚战斗机几乎取得了对东部石油重镇布雷加的控制。 ecocn

Libyan rebel fighters are silhouetted at sunset on March7,2011 in the oil center of Brega.
2011年3月7日,在石油生产重镇布雷格,夕阳的映衬下的利比亚反叛军士兵。 yeeyan

Libyan rebels made a new push into the strategic oil town of Brega as a Libyan government envoy traveled for talks on bringing an end to the fighting.
利比亚叛军向战略石油重镇布雷加发动新一轮攻势,而一名利比亚政府特使为了结束冲突前往谈判。 voa365

Libyan warplanes launched new air strikes Thursday against the key eastern oil port of Brega, a day after rebels drove forces loyal to leader Moammar Gadhafi from the city.

Nato aircraft have been targeting pro- Gaddafi forces near Brega in recent days, reporting hits on armoured vehicles and rocket launchers near the town, according to Reuters.
近几天来,北约的空军持续瞄准布雷加附近的卡扎菲军队。据路透社消息,袭击破坏了城镇附近的装甲车和火箭发射器。 yeeyan

Opposition forces in Libya Sunday continued to battle troops loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi around the oil- town of Brega,800 kilometers east of Tripoli.
利比亚反对派星期天在的黎波里以东八百公里的石油城镇布雷加周边继续和效忠利比亚领导人卡扎菲的军队进行战斗。 voanews

Still, despite claims that the opposition had once more taken back parts of Brega, a rolling barrage by loyalist forces soon had the rebels on the retreat again.
然而,尽管有人说反对势力已经重新夺回布里加的部分地区,政府军的密集火力让叛军们再次撤退。 ecocn

Taking Brega is believed to be critical to defeating the colonel.
夺取布雷加被认为是打败卡扎菲的关键所在。 ecocn

The rebels beat off the colonel’s forces in their attempt to recapture Brega, an oil town west of Benghazi see map.
政府军企图夺回班加西以西的产油城布瑞加见地图,遭叛军击退。 ecocn

Witnesses said pro- Gadhafi forces in a convoy of more than 50 armed vehicles stormed Brega, which lies on the Gulf of Sirte about800 kilometers east of the capital, Tripoli.
目击者说,亲卡扎菲的军队乘坐50多辆装甲车冲入布雷加。布雷加位于苏尔特湾,在利比亚首都的黎波里以东大约800公里。 voa365

Brega, still heavily defended by Colonel Qaddafi’s forces, is almost as crucial as Zawiya.
另一石油重镇 Brega几乎如同 Zawiya一样重要,仍由卡扎菲上校加派重兵保护。 ecocn




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