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jumps off短语⁶¹¹⁶² 基本例句 na.军突然出动攻击;开始 A man jumps off the perimeter wall at the site of the Union Carbide factory on November28,2009 in Bhopal, India. 一名男子跳楼在联合碳化物公司于2009年11月28日工厂在印度博帕尔化工厂网站围墙。 bbs.voc.com.cn He takes off for the flagpole like a shot, scales up it, sings the anthem, salutes and jumps off, hitting the ground at attention. 他像子弹一样奔向旗杆,爬到顶部,唱歌,致敬和跳下, 以立正的姿势落在地上。 oklink He describes with satisfaction one scene where the actor jumps off a building and the camera was required to follow behind. 他得意地形容在一个场景中的表现,一个演员从高层跳下,摄像机需要在他身后拍摄。 yeeyan I don't mean she bungee jumps off bridges. 我当然不是指她在桥上玩蹦极跳。 yeeyan Self makes a run for it, and jumps off the balcony and into the waters below. 赛尔夫试图逃命,从阳台上跳入了楼下的水里,一直没有露出水面来。 blog.sina.com.cn When a scuba diver jumps off a boat, he has a device called an octopus attached to his air tank. 当一个带着水下呼吸器的潜水员从船上跳入水中时,有一个叫做章鱼的装置接在氧气瓶上。 leson6666 Yet in the film she jumps off a bridge. 在电影中,她跳桥自杀了。 yeeyan |