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词汇 Jonah
释义 Jo·nah 英ˈdʒəʊnə美ˈdʒonə;ˈdʒəʊnə英'dʒəunə 高Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

Old Testament Jonah did not wish to become a prophet so God caused a great storm to throw him overboard from a ship; he was saved by being swallowed by a whale that vomited him out onto dry landa person believed to bring bad luck to those around hima book in the Old Testament that tells the story of Jonah and the whale《圣经》中,约拿Jonah是一名犹太先知。有一回,上帝让他前往亚述国的尼尼微城,警告这个城市的人停止作恶,否则就要毁灭这座城市。因为亚述人是犹太人的敌人,约拿不愿意警告他们。为了逃避,约拿登上一座开往他乡的商船,企图一走了之。没想到,在海上,上帝掀起狂风巨浪,商船眼看要沉了。船上的人陷入一片恐慌之中。有人提议抽签来看看是谁引来的这场灾难,结果抽出的是约拿。约拿承认由于自己违背了上帝的旨意,从而给大家带来了厄运,并请求大家把自己抛到海里。众人将约拿抛到海里后,大海立刻风平浪静了。上帝安排一头鲸鱼吞下约拿,让他在鱼腹里呆了三天三夜。三天后,鲸鱼将约拿从肚中吐到岸边。受到教训的约拿按照上帝的旨意,前去尼尼微警告了当地居民。当地居民听从了他的警告,向上帝忏悔自己犯下了罪恶,因此,上帝宽恕了这座城市。
Jonah:'dʒəunə n.灾星,给人带来厄运的人,约拿Jonah trip失败的计划
近义词 jinx不祥的人或物…

用作名词AndJonahwas exceedingly glad because of the tree.约拿因这棵蓖麻大大喜乐。
The two tale tellers are prophet Nahum andJonah.这二种故事是分别来自先知那鸿和先知约拿。
We are studying the Book ofJonah.出自圣经的〈约拿书〉。
SoJonahmade up his mind to disobey God.于是,〈约拿书〉决心违抗上帝。 Hillary- haters may look forward to reading Jonah Goldberg's forthcoming book, “ Liberal Fascism: the Totalitarian Temptation from Mussolini to Hillary Clinton”, but most people just laugh.
可能希拉里倒想看看约拿戈德堡的新书,“自由法西斯主义:极权诱惑—从墨索里尼到希拉里”,但是多数人看了只能是一笑了之。 topsage

Indeed, Jonah was rescued by a whale when he was thrown overboard, and there have been tales of dolphins assisting swimmers in distress or shielding them from circling sharks.
其实,约拿被丢出船外就是一头鲸鱼解救的,还有各种海豚援助遇险游泳者或在鲨鱼包围游泳者时保护他们的故事。 yeeyan

JONAH GOLDBERG'S“ Liberal Fascism” enjoyed four postponements, a change of subtitle and a lorry load of advance hate-mail before it was finally published a month ago.
在最终出版的前一月,约拿•戈德堡的《自由法西斯主义》一书曾历经四次延期,一次副标题的变更和一大批提前到来的恐吓信。 ecocn




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