

单词 jealousies
释义 jeal·ous·y 英'dʒeləsi美'dʒeləsi COCA⁵⁶⁵⁹²BNC³²⁹⁸⁷
a feeling of jealous envy especially of a rivalzealous vigilance;

cherish their official political freedom with fierce jealousy

delusion of jealousy嫉妒妄想professional jealousy经 同行间的嫉妒…
近义词 envy羡慕spite恶意wariness注意suspicion猜疑resentment怨恨distrust不信任suspiciousness可疑watchfulness警觉性possessiveness自制力green-eyed monster嫉妒protectivenessprotective的名…反义词 tolerance宽容generosity慷慨

用作名词Her admiration for him was tinged withjealousy.她对他的钦佩带有一点妒忌。
Some women have a disposition tojealousy.有些女人生性爱妒忌。 At the least, the power and money that flows from Ahmed Wali to members of his small Popalzai tribe have exacerbated local jealousies.
至少,权力和金钱从艾哈迈德瓦利流向他手下的波帕扎伊小部落成员,都加剧了当地人的嫉妒。 ecocn

Presumably, the nations of the world would set aside all jealousies and ideological hang ups, knowing that failure to act together meant doom for all.
世界上的国家总该摒弃所有的猜忌和意识形态上的差异,并且懂得不能共同行动就意味着世界末日的到来。 ecocn

All the influencing factors have the same relationships with the three jealousies, but the path coefficients are different.
所有的影响因素对三种嫉妒的影响关系相同,但影响的路径系数有所不同。 cnki

As long as you understand your friends might have jealousies about your self- improvement goals, you’ll be able to recognize them and deal with them.
只要你认识到朋友可能会对你的自我发展产生嫉妒,你就能发现并且处理这个问题。 yeeyan

As a supranational body designed to overcome national jealousies, the EU is vulnerable to a backlash in one or other member.
作为一个旨在克服国家之间互相猜忌的国家联合体,若是成员国之间有了激烈的冲突,欧盟很容易破碎。 ecocn

By focusing on the doing, we drop our worries and anxieties, jealousies and anger, grieving and distraction.
把精力集中在所做的事情上,我们就会忘记担心和焦虑,忘记嫉妒和愤怒,忘记悲伤和困惑。 yeeyan

I want a wife who will remain sexually faithful to me so that I do not have to clutter up my intellectual life with jealousies.
我需要一个妻子在两性关系上对我忠诚,这样我的精神生活就不不致于受到嫉妒心理的困扰了。 www.523333.com

I'am tired of all these jealousies and quarrels.
我腻烦了这些猜忌和争吵。 hjenglish

Listen to sweet music, and your foolish fears and pretty jealousies will past away. The beauty of the world helps us to seek and find the beauty of goodness.
倾听美妙的音乐,愚蠢的恐惧和微妙的嫉妒就会无影无踪,美丽的世界会帮助我们,去寻找和发现美的真谛。 blog.sina.com.cn

Listen to sweet music, and your foolish fears and petty jealousies will pass away.
倾听悦耳的音乐,你那愚蠢的恐惧与狭隘的嫉妒都会过去。 hjenglish

Meanwhile, the four obvious candidates are held back by regional jealousies: India by Pakistan; Brazil by Argentina; Germany by Italy; and Japan by China.
同时,四个候选国家因区域嫉妒而受阻:印度受巴基斯坦;巴西受阿根廷;德国受意大利;日本受中国。 yeeyan

Paul's words correct jealousies and pride, steering people away from extremes that undermine Christian unity and love.
保罗在此批评嫉妒和骄傲的现象,把信徒们从败坏基督完整和爱的极端思想中引导出来。 tianya

She grew tired of his petty jealousies.
她越来越讨厌他那种心胸狭窄的忌妒行为。 websaru

Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiving attitude, selfishness, and fears. And you will find things are actually not as difficult as you think.
放下所有的怨恨、嫉妒、不宽容的态度、自私以及惧怕,你会发现事情的境况原来并不如想象中的差。 mykh

Then you will become aware of your own reactions, of your own pettiness, of your own jealousies.
此时你会觉察到你自己的反应,你自己的琐碎,你自己的嫉妒。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn

They were divided by mutual suspicion and jealousies.
他们因互相猜疑,嫉妒 而对立。 bab

They were divided by mutual suspicion and jealousies.

You will appreciate opulence, while fearing jealousies that it causes.
你喜爱富裕的生活,也可能会担心因此而导致的嫉妒。 blog.sina.com.cn

Your grudges, resentments, frustrations, and jealousies will finally disappear. So, too, your hopes, ambitions, plans, and to-do lists will expire.
妒忌、怨恨、挫折与猜忌终将消失。同样的,你拥有的希望、抱负、计画及执行的细节都将终止。 zhixiaoren

Your grudges, resentments, frustrating, and jealousies will finally disappear.
你的怨恨、愤慨、挫折和嫉妒最终也将消失。 iciba

Your grudges, resentments, frustrations, and jealousies will finally disappear.
所有的不满,愤恨,挫折以及嫉妒终将烟消云散。 putclub

Jealousies could yet rumble within the ruling family.
妒忌之音也可能会在该统治家族内部持续不断。 ecocn




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