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词汇 Anthropocene
释义 Anthropocene
The economic engine of the Anthropocene is literally fueled by pulling carbon-rich materials from the ground, and burning them.
人类世的生态动力来源从字面上讲,就是把富含碳的物质从地面上拿出来、烧他们以得到能源。 yeeyan

The challenge of the Anthropocene is to use human ingenuity to set things up so that the planet can accomplish its21st- century task.
人类纪的挑战在于运用人类智慧让地球能够完成21世纪的任务。 ecocn

The impact of the term Anthropocene has already been felt outside the scientific community.
人类世的影响已经波及到了科学界以外的领域。 yeeyan

“ We don't know what is going to happen in the Anthropocene, ” says geographer Professor Erle Ellis of the University of Maryland.
“我们不知道在人类世里会发生什么事情,”马瑞兰大学 University of Maryland地理学教授厄尔·伊利斯 Erle Ellis如是说。 yeeyan

Although the technologies are still nascent, the idea that humans might help remove carbon from the skies as well as put it there is a reasonable Anthropocene expectation;
尽管这些技术依然处于实验阶段,人类也许能将碳从天空中移走就像是排放在那里一样的想法是一个合理的人类纪期望。 ecocn

As Simon Lewis, an ecologist at the University of Leeds, points out, embracing the Anthropocene as an idea means reversing this trend.
还有就是西蒙•刘易斯 Simon Lewis,这个英国利兹大学 Simon Lewis的生态学家指出,人类世这个理念的包含内容意味着这种趋势的转变。 ecocn

At the moment the amount of energy people use is part of what makes the Anthropocene problematic, because of the carbon dioxide given off.
当前人类使用的能源已经让人世类在局部出现了问题,原因就是二氧化碳的排放。 ecocn

But so will an Anthropocene deprived of such deliberation.
不过人类世将不会允许有这样的考虑。 ecocn

But have we really ushered in a new geological era, the so-called Anthropocene?
但是,我们真的迎来了一个新的地质时代,所谓的“人类世”吗? yeeyan

Crutzen has suggested that the Anthropocene began in the late18th century, when, ice cores show, carbon dioxide levels began what has since proved to be an uninterrupted rise.
Crutzen建议人类世在18世纪晚些时候开始,期间在冰核里自从 CO2存在时可以显现二氧化碳不停地增长。 yeeyan

Even critics like Finney concede that the new concept of the Anthropocene is“ useful.”
即使批评者如芬尼,也不得不承认人类世的新概念是“有益的”。 yeeyan

In an editorial published in May, the respected publication argued that the Holocene could simply be renamed the Anthropocene.
在五月发表的社论中,这份权威刊物认为这仅仅是将全新世更名为人类世而已。 yeeyan

On this basis picking out the Anthropocene in the rocks of days to come will be pretty easy.
以此为基础,挑出人类世那个时代的岩石就相当容易了。 ecocn

One of the characteristic markers of the Anthropocene will be the widespread remains of organisms that humans use, or that have adapted to life in a human- dominated world.
人类世的特征之一就是有机物的广泛使用,或者说是适应人类点主导地位世界的生活。 ecocn

Our various interventions in the surface of the earth should really be considered as the dawn of a new, man- centred geological age: the Anthropocene.
人类各式各样的对地球表面的干预应当被真实不假地看做一个崭新的、以人类为中心的地质年代——人类世——的开端。 ecocn

Rather than placing us still in the Holocene, a peculiarly stable era that began only around 10,000 years ago, the geologists say we are already living in the Anthropocene: the age of man.
地质学家说我们已经生活在了“人类世”:即第四纪人类时代,而不是将我们置于那个开始于一万年前特别稳固的时代“全新世”。 ecocn

Some members are very cautious and think it's premature to define the Anthropocene, because the Holocene has only been around for a short period in geological terms.
一些委员谨小慎微,认为给人类世下定义为时尚早,因为全新世在地质学概念里出现还不长时间。 yeeyan

We now live in the Anthropocene, a geological age of mankind’s making.
我们现在生活在人类世,用人类来决定地质年龄的世界。 yeeyan

When the group took a coffee break, the Anthropocene was the main topic of conversation. Someone suggested that Crutzen copyright the word.
当参加会议的专家在会议休息的间隙,人类世是会话的主要话题,有人建议 Crutzen对这个新词申请著作权。 yeeyan

Zalasiewicz and his colleagues believe that adopting the concept of the Anthropocene could do away with the old antithesis between man and nature.
扎拉斯维奇和他的同事相信通过接受人类世的概念可以消除人与自然之间古老的对立关系。 yeeyan




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