

单词 round off
释义 round off 英raʊnd ɒf美raʊnd ɔːf ★★☆☆☆高短语²³¹⁸³
使圆满结束; 完成

make round;

round the edges

bring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state;

polish your social manners

express as a round number;

round off the amount

round off使圆满结束…
近义词 round圆的polish光泽brush up擦亮polish up改善round down松放round out圆满完成
They rounded off the evening by singing a song.他们唱了一首歌,圆满结束了这个晚会。
The performance was rounded off with group-singing.演出在合唱声中圆满结束。
He made the 90-mile round trip in one hour.他一个小时完成了九十英里的来回旅程。
Have you done all this work off your own bat?这些工作都是你独立完成的吗?verb.finish
同义词 culminate,finish off,top offbring to a close,cap,climax,close,complete,conclude,crown,settle
反义词 start
complementverb complete
accomplish,achieve,cap,clinch,conclude,consummate,crown,finish,fulfill,integrate,perfect,top off
complementedverb complete
accomplished,achieved,capped,clinched,concluded,consummated,crowned,finished,fulfilled,integrated,perfected,rounded off,topped off
complementingverb complete
accomplishing,achieving,capping,clinching,concluding,consummating,crowning,finishing,fulfilling,integrating,perfecting,rounding off,topping off
complementsverb complete
accomplishes,achieves,caps,clinches,concludes,consummates,crowns,finishes,fulfills,integrates,perfects,rounds off,tops off
completeverb carry out action
accomplish,achieve,actualize,bring to fruition,bring to maturity,call it a day,cap,carry off,close,conclude,consummate,crown,determine,develop,discharge,do,do thoroughly,effect,effectuate,elaborate,end,equip,execute,fill,finalize,finish,fulfill,furnish,get through,go the limit,go through with,go whole hog,halt,make good,make up,perfect,perform,put to bed,realize,refine,round off,round out,settle,sew up,supplement,terminate,ultimate,wind up,wrap up
completesverb carry out action
accomplishes,achieves,actualizes,brings to fruition,brings to maturity,calls it a day,caps,carries off,closes,concludes,consummates,crowns,determines,develops,discharges,does,does thoroughly,effects,effectuates,elaborates,ends,equips,executes,fills,finalizes,finishes,fulfills,furnishes,gets through,goes the limit,goes through with,goes whole hog,halts,makes good,makes up,perfects,performs,puts to bed,realizes,refines,rounds off,rounds out,settles,sews up,supplements,terminates,ultimates,winds up,wraps up And in the UK, Drayton Manor Park, home of Europe's Thomas Land, will round off the year with the ultimate65th anniversary event on December4th.
在英国,德雷顿庄园公园,欧洲的托马斯土地家庭,将在今年四舍五入与最终于12月4日65周年纪念活动。 cnhuu

The silver-rimmed air vents and blue detailing in the headlights are neat touches that round off the controversial design.
镶有银边的进气口和熏蓝的头灯使饱受争议的外形更加另类。 yeeyan

Children's rooms, a study, a utility room, a bathroom, a sauna and a music room round off the range of rooms.
儿童房,书房,杂物房,浴室,桑拿房,和音乐室有序排列。 archiant

Effective autofocus and image stabilization systems, plus full weather sealing, round off a compelling package.
高效的自动对焦和防抖系统加上全天候密封一起构成了一个让人无法拒绝的组合。 xitek

Further products for use with concrete, including conveyor belts for truck mixers and plant control or moisture measuring systems, round off the product program.
另外,产品方案还补充有其他混凝土应用产品,包括混凝土搅拌车带皮带输送机及搅拌站控制或湿度测量系统。 kuenglish

Now we will round off the corners of the images, so they look a little less pointy.
现在,我们要圆滑图像中的转角,因为它们看起来有些尖锐。 yeeyan

Then set the layer to Overlay blending mode and use a mask to round off the corners.
然后将这个图层的混合模式设置为叠加,并用蒙版圆滑转角。 yeeyan

To round off the celebrations, a mouthful of mooncake is essential.
在这样一个完美的夜晚,月饼是不可或缺的美食。 iciba

We decided to round off our tour of Europe with a brief visit to Madrid.

We will first round off the small rectangles, as they need a smaller radius, and then progressively do the others.
我们首先要圆滑小方形,它们需要更小的圆角半径,之后我们再处理其他的。 yeeyan

When the equations are consistent, the solutions can be obtained within finite steps in the absence of round off errors, and the least- norm solution can be given by choosing a special initial matrix.
在不考虑舍入误差时,对任意给定初始矩阵,该迭代算法能够在有限步迭代计算之后得到矩阵方程组的解;选取特殊的初始矩阵时可得到矩阵方程组的极小范数解。 dictall

Round off the letter by stating that you always welcome their comments, and thank them again for their business.
说明你一直欢迎他们的建议,并再次感谢他们的惠顾,结束信函。 jukuu




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