

单词 invoicing
释义 invoicing 英'ɪnvɔɪsɪŋ美'ɪnvɔɪsɪŋ 高COCA¹⁷⁰⁴¹¹BNC⁵⁴⁶⁴⁹Economist¹⁶⁴⁶¹
动词 invoice:
send an bill to
as in.list
同义词 classify,detail,enter,file,note,place,post,register,specify,spell outarrange,bill,book,calender,catalogue,census,chart,chronicle,docket,enroll,enumerate,index,inscribe,insert,inventory,invoice,itemize,manifest,numerate,particularize,peg,poll,record,schedule,specialize,tab,tallybutton down,keep count,put down as,put down for,run down,set down,tick off,write down
反义词 disarrange,disorder,displace,erase,forget,withhold,cancel,disorganizelie,straightenas in.bill
同义词 bone,chase,debit,dun,figure,invoice,reckon,record,render,solicitdraw upon,put the arm on,put the bite on,put the squeeze on As department performance improved, Bob implemented other improvements as well:24- hour project quotes, project indexing, software storage, streamlining of royalty and invoicing systems, and more.
随着部门的业绩逐步提高,鲍勃也进行了改进:24小时报价,项目检索,软件存储,精简印花税以及发票系统等等。 yeeyan

As freelance web designers, we spend a lot of time chasing clients, invoicing and various other administrative tasks that we are simply not good at and, more importantly, hate doing.
作为一名自由设计师,我们花了大量时间去做各种跟进客户,开具发票这样的行政工作,既不是我们的长项,还让人厌恶。 yeeyan

For example, employees of the company internal organizational users can set messaging preferences, customers can set shipping preferences, and vendors can set invoicing preferences.
例如,公司的员工内部组织用户可以设置消息传递选项,客户可以设置发货选项,供应商可以设置发票选项。 ibm

Once you secure clients and gigs, you'll need to carefully manage the three main elements of your freelance writing income: invoicing, banking and taxes.
一旦你有了顾客和约稿,你要谨慎地经营你自由写作的收入,并且遵循三条重要的准则:结账、银行、税额。 yeeyan

Some consumers who request the invoicing service could do more than these three actions, but the sequencing of these specific actions is constrained by the protocol.
有一些请求结账服务的消费者可以做一些比这更多的事情,但是这些特定操作的顺序由协议所限制。 ibm

This pattern also supports the need to accumulate data for overnight runs which might cover invoicing, billing, issue of contracts and related documents and renewal reminders.
此模式还能为累积数据进行夜间处理的需求提供支持,这可能包括货品计价、帐单编制、合同问题和相关文档及更新通知。 ibm




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