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Therefore the core of ancient Greece's exist aesthetics is self- regard, in other word, with pursuing stylized exist, they made themselves happy by controlling themselves.
古希腊生存美学的核心是关注自我,通过自我控制成为自己的快感对象,追求风格化存在。 cnki

Counter- tilt slopes are those with anti- direction terranes, in other word, the slant of slope is opposite to that of the terrane.
反倾边坡是指具有反倾结构面即边坡的倾向与结构面的倾向相反的边坡。 dictall

Now instead of the Empires we have the Multinational Corporations a kind of Supranational system that rules the WTO, in other word nothing changed from the ancient age.
如今,这三大帝国被作为超国家体系的多国社团所取代,换言之,从古时起 WTO的性质没有任何改变。 blog.sina.com.cn

One of his principles is that a company of over diversification, or in other word, diversification can't be a good one.
其中一条即过度多元化或称“多元恶化”绝不是好企业。 blog.sina.com.cn

Or in other word, Spartan formerly was a city-state country, afterward gradually developed into a territory country.
或者说,斯巴达先是一个城邦国家,后来慢慢发展成为领土国家。 cnki

These factors will naturally stay in his mind, which can hardly be erased. In other word, they are imprints.
这些因素就自然而然的在人们的心理留下了无法抹去的痕迹,即烙印。 boshuo

In other word, the art need a structural which as a result of designed and aimed, if the art want to express certain emotion.
换言之,艺术要想表达某种情感,需要有一个经过设计的,目的性的结构。 blog.sina.com.cn

In other word, competitive advantage typically reflects some combination of market- specific and firm- specific factors.
换言之,竞争优势典型地反映着一些市场特定因素和企业特定因素的组合。 yeeyan

In other word, information building of enterprise reflects competition capacity of enterprise.
可以说企业的信息化从一个侧面反映了企业的竞争能力。 cnki

In other word, intertextuality has broken the dependency status of tradition literary criticism mutually, enabled the status of the literary criticism to obtain the unprecedented enhancement.
也就是说互文性理论打破了传统文学批评的附庸地位,使得文学批评的地位得到了空前的提高。 fabiao

In other word, the distinctive cognitive style of social information processing of aggressive children should have their neurological bases.
换言之,攻击性儿童在信息加工过程上较之于一般儿童的独特风格,应该具有其神经心理的基础。 cnki

In other word, we would need fully people commitment to participate in quality work.




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