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词汇 par
释义 par.

golf the standard number of strokes set for each hole on a golf course, or for the entire course;

a par-5 hole

par for this course is 72

a state of being essentially equal or equivalent; equally balanced;

on a par with the best

make a score on a hole equal to par来自拉丁语par,相等的,匹配的,可能来自原始印欧语*pere,分配,分割,切分,词源同part, pair。来自拉丁语per,向前,通过,整个的。来自原始印欧语per,向前,词源同for, from, perfect。para-在旁,在周围,辅助,准,超过,相反,保护,防御,来自希腊语para,靠近,在边上,向前,相反,相对。来自原始印欧语per,穿过,向前,词源同for, from。词义防御,来自拉丁语parare,准备,挡开,词源同prepare。该前缀体现了一种矛盾性,其矛盾性来自于其基本义离开,向前,一方面有先行者优势,另一方面有先行者劣势,比较peril, expert。 per来自拉丁语per,穿过,通过,凭借,方式,每。来自原始印欧语per,向前,前进。per-通过,完全的,整个的,表强调,来自拉丁语per,穿过,通过。来自原始印欧语per,向前,前进。引申词义完全的,整个的,或表强调,少数情况下表否定。 per来自拉丁语per,穿过,通过,凭借,方式,每。来自原始印欧语per,向前,前进。per-通过,完全的,整个的,表强调,来自拉丁语per,穿过,通过。来自原始印欧语per,向前,前进。引申词义完全的,整个的,或表强调,少数情况下表否定。 for来自原始印欧语per,向前,穿过,词源同far, ford。后主要用做介词或副词使用,与fore在中古英语时期才开始产生词义上的差别。 from来自原始印欧语*pro,从…出发,向前,词源同far, froth。 perfectper-,完全的,-fect,做,履行职责,词源同fact, effect。即完全做好的,引申词义完美的。 per来自拉丁语per,穿过,通过,凭借,方式,每。来自原始印欧语per,向前,前进。per-通过,完全的,整个的,表强调,来自拉丁语per,穿过,通过。来自原始印欧语per,向前,前进。引申词义完全的,整个的,或表强调,少数情况下表否定。 for来自原始印欧语per,向前,穿过,词源同far, ford。后主要用做介词或副词使用,与fore在中古英语时期才开始产生词义上的差别。 from来自原始印欧语*pro,从…出发,向前,词源同far, froth。 preparepre-,在前,早于,预先,pare,准备,安排,削皮。 peril来自原始印欧语per,向前,前进,词源同ford, forth。引申词义探索,开拓,风险,危险。比较其同源词expert, experience。 expertex-,向外,-per,尝试,试验,词源同peril, empiricism。-t,过去分词格。即经历过多次的人。up to par达到水平正常…par excellence最卓越的below par低于票面价值不适…par.段cet. par.=ceteris p…par-=para- 表…par exemple例如 =for e…par avion 航空邮递的…on a par with同等par for the course意料之中的事(常有的…on a par同等under par(股票, 证券等在…at par平价above par在票面价值以上在标…
GRE难词记忆par→part n.(部分→各部分的平均量GRE难词记忆par 音“怕”→怕搞平均主义partn.部分⇒各部分的平均量近义词 normal正常的equality同等equation相等average平均数parallel平行的equivalence相等

用作名词He is on aparwith his brother in intelligence.他在智力方面同他的弟弟不相上下。
As a writer she was on aparwith the great novelists.她是与伟大小说家齐名的作家。
Most athletes are aboveparin physical conditions.大多数运动员的体质在一般水平以上。
This stock is selling abovepartoday.这家股票今天以高于票面价值出售。
Only three golfers are underparfor the tournament.只有三位选手最终以低于标准杆的成绩完赛。noun.average, equilibrium
同义词 balance,criterion,equality,equatability,equivalence,level,mean,median,model,norm,parity,sameness,standardadequation,coequality,equal footing,equivalency,usual
反义词 difference,disproportion,dissimilarity,extreme,imbalance,inequality
averagenoun normal, typical amount
equalitynoun similarity, balance;egalitarianism
adequation,civil rights,commensurateness,coordination,correspondence,equal opportunity,equatability,equilibrium,equipoise,equivalence,evenness,fair play,fair practice,fair shake,fairness,homology,identity,impartiality,isonomy,likeness,par,parallelism,parity,sameness,tolerance,uniformity
equivalencenoun sameness, similarity
identicalnessnoun sameness
adequation,alikeness,analogy,equality,equivalency,identity,indistinguishability,monotony,no difference,oneness,par,parity,predictability,repetition,resemblance,selfsameness,standardization,tedium,uniformity,unison,unity,unvariedness
meannoun average
balance,center,compromise,happy medium,median,middle,middle course,midpoint,norm,par
mediannoun middle
average,center,centermost,central,equidistant,halfway,intermediary,intermediate,mean,medial,mid,middlemost,midmost,midpoint,midway,par Lo and behold, their bonds would go up because people had discovered that you might be entitled to par.

Often, if it is “ cool” and works, we consider that to be enough, even if the coding is not up to par.
如果某个软件是“酷”的,并能够发挥作用,那么我们就认为这是好的软件,即使编码并不合乎标准。 ibm

All Notes pay interest twice a year, and expire at par value.
所有中期国库券的利息每年按票面金额支付两次。 yeeyan

China's code is now on par with similar codes in seismically active areas of the world.
中国现在施行的标准与世界其他地震活跃地区施行的标准基本一致。 ecocn

If it was found wanting, either Goldman as underwriter would have had to buy the stock back at par, or Facebook would have had to go public.
如果发现高盛有所欠缺,要么高盛作为证券认购者将不得不按票面价格买回这些股份,要么脸谱网将必须挂牌上市。 ecocn

If they were late, we had the prospect of getting par quickly.

If you suspect that a new hire with similar responsibilities is making more than you are, use current salary data to approach your manager with the request to bring your salary up to par.
如果你预测一份责任相同的新工作会比你现在的工资高,你就可以利用薪资数据去和你的经理协商,让他为你加薪到市场标准。 hjenglish

In fact, the share of GDP accounted for by profits seems to be rising over time, so even a sub- par cyclical recovery may deliver outsized profits.
事实上, GDP中利润所占的百分比看起来一直都在上升,因此即使低于平均标准的周期性复苏也可能会产生过多的利润。 ecocn

In science it is on a par with Jordan, poorer still.
在理科方面与约旦,依旧较穷的国家相提并论。 ecocn

In this crisis, as in past ones, they have shown they will do all they can to avoid“breaking the buck” allowing their net asset value to fall below par.
在这场危机中,他们一如既往表示将竭尽全力避免资产净值“跌破一元” 让其资产价值跌破面值。 ecocn

It rarely makes sense to buy at that high a price for them to be satisfied with being paid off only at parthe full value of the bond.
有银行家说,“对他们来说,以高价买入企业债券是没有任何意义的,他们只满足于以债券面值的价格买入。” ecocn

Performance though improving is still not at par with the relational data.
尽管性能有所改进,但是仍然比不上关系数据。 ibm

So far, sub- par growth has not brought the higher unemployment that the central bankers expected and want.
到现在为止,低于标准的增长速度并没有想央行希望和愿意的那样提升失业率。 ecocn

So, for companies that could pay you back, but their bonds are trading below par, probably because they have a low coupon.

These are intended to stop Tiger Woods shooting30 under par, but also make the game less fun for less gifted players.
这是为了防止泰格伍兹打出标准杆30杆的情况,但是这减少了较低水平的玩家游戏的乐趣。 ecocn

When a golfer takes a swing at a ball, one degree of difference can determine whether he comes in under par, or sinks one in the lake.
当一个高尔夫球员击打球时,一度的差异可以决定这个球将会低于标准杆或者是将掉入湖中。 yeeyan




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