

单词 Iapetus
释义 I·ap·e·tus 英aɪˈæpɪtəs, iːˈæp-美aɪˈæpɪtəs, iˈæp-AHDī-ăpʹĭ-təs, ē-ăpʹ- COCA¹⁴⁶⁵¹⁰BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺

Greek mythology the Titan who was father of Atlas and Epimetheus and Prometheus in ancient mythologyWhat has happened to Saturn's moonIapetus?究竟土星的卫星土卫八发生了什麽事?
The discovery offers a possible solution to the mystery of the moonIapetus.这个发现给土卫八之谜提供了一个可能的解释。 A sub- satellite of the Saturnian moon would explain two of the most puzzling features of Iapetus.
土星卫星的子卫星将解释 Iapetus的两个最使人迷惑的特征。 yeeyan

Both the ring and Phoebe orbit in the opposite direction of Saturn's other rings and most of its moons, including Titan and Iapetus.
新环和土卫9的运行方向与土星主光环以及包括较大的土卫六和土卫八的大部分卫星的方向相反。 www.astronomy.com.cn

The movie then zooms back into the system to show the orbit of the moon Iapetus in blue.
视频接着回到蓝色的土卫八轨道展示了土星系统。 www.astronomy.com.cn

The ring circles in the same direction as Phoebe, while Iapetus, the other rings and most of Saturn's other moons go the opposite way.
光环和“土卫九”沿同一方向形成圈,而“土卫八”、其它光环以及土星的大多数其它卫星沿相反方向运动。 yeeyan

The ring is circling in the same direction as Phoebe, while Iapetus, the other rings and most of Saturn's moons are all going the opposite way.
环是绕在同一方向的菲比,而土卫八,其他环和土星最大的卫星都是走相反的方向。 hocome

According to the scientists, some of the dark and dusty material from the outer ring moves inward toward Iapetus, slamming the icy moon like bugs on a windshield.
据科学家们,一些黑暗物质和灰尘从外圈向内移动对土卫八,砰冰冷的月亮一样挡风玻璃上的缺陷。 hocome

And its flattened shape implies that Iapetus once spun very quickly, completing a rotation in16 hours.
并且它平坦的外形意味着其曾经旋转的很快,完成一个自转周期为16小时。 yeeyan

But not before its outward drift sapped rotational energy from Iapetus and slowed it down.
但是不久土卫八外围的漂浮物削减其自转能量并使其变慢。 yeeyan

Debris on the surface of Iapetus has a similar composition to material known to exist on Phoebe.
“土卫八”表面的碎片与已知存在于“菲比”上的物质的成分相似。 yeeyan

EVEN a cursory glance at Saturn's moon Iapetus reveals it to be an oddball.
甚至只是对于土星的卫星土卫八粗略地一瞥,也足以表露出它的古怪。 yeeyan

Half of Iapetus is so dark that it can nearly disappear when viewed from Earth.
有半边的土卫八已经暗到即使从地球观看,还是几乎消失的样子。 artofwar-tw.org

If the short-lived moonlet emerged from a debris disk, as Earth's moon did, the moonlet could have forced leftover debris onto Iapetus to form the walnut ridge.
如果短命的子卫星形成于碎片带,像月亮一样,那么其能从土卫八胡桃木样山脊处夺取残留的碎片。 yeeyan

If the outer layers of Iapetus froze solid at this time, some remnant of that shape might be preserved.
如果它的外层在此时凝固成固体,这个形状的残迹可能还能被保存下来。 yeeyan

Maybe it was a onetime moonlet of Iapetus, explained Kevin Walsh of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, at a recent planetary science meeting in France.
可能 Iapetus之前有个小卫星,科罗拉多州波尔德市西南研究所的 Kevin Walsh在最近一次法国举行的行星科学会上这样解释道。 yeeyan

Possibly solving a300- year- old mystery, two recent studies suggest a likely mechanism behind Iapetus' two- faced nature.
最近的两个研究可能能解释伊阿珀托斯两面性的产生机理,解决这个300年之久的谜题。 ng.trends.com.cn

Scientists think material from the outer ring moves inward and slams into Iapetus.
科学家们认为光环外侧的物质向内移动并猛烈撞击“土卫八”。 yeeyan

The other half of Iapetus is relatively bright but oddly covered with long and thin streaks of dark.
而另一半边的土卫八则是相对明亮但是怪异地布满又长又细的深色条纹。 artofwar-tw.org

The discovery offers a possible solution to the mystery of the moon Iapetus.
这个发现给土卫八之谜提供了一个可能的解释。 www.astronomy.com.cn

The ingredients of Iapetus are also peculiar.
它的组成也是非常的奇特。 yeeyan

They say dust particles may be flying off another moon, Phoebe, and are smacking into Iapetus's leading edge“ like bugs on a windshield.”
他们指出,尘埃颗粒可能飞离另一颗卫星——土卫九“菲比”并撞向土卫八的前缘,就像小虫子撞上汽车的风挡玻璃一样。 yeeyan

They suggest Iapetus was hit by a large object billions of years ago, and then the debris from the impact was thrown into space, where it formed a mini- moon.
这些数据表明在数十亿年前,土卫八曾受到大型物体的撞击,撞击产生的残骸反弹到太空中形成一个小卫星。 blog.sina.com.cn

This mini- moon then started to fall back towards Iapetus, they argue.
科学家们认为,之后这个小卫星又开始向土卫八坠落。 blog.sina.com.cn

Tidal forces tore it apart and spread the wreckage out into a huge ring. When this ring eventually collapsed onto Iapetus, it built up the ridge we see today.
受潮汐力的影响,小卫星分裂开来,其碎片形成了一个巨大的圆环,圆环最终撞向土卫八表面,形成了我们现在看到的山脊。 blog.sina.com.cn

What has happened to Saturn's moon Iapetus?
究竟土星的卫星土卫八发生了什麽事? artofwar-tw.org




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