释义 |
Hubble distance 基本例句 哈勃距离 In fact, Hubble's law predicts that galaxies beyond a certain distance, known as theHubble distance, recede faster than the speed of light.事实上哈伯定律预测,在某个距离以外的星系,后退的速度会比光速快,这个距离叫做哈伯距离。 One might conclude that the light beyond theHubble distancewould never reach us and that its source would be forever undetectable.所以人们也许会断言,在哈伯距离以外的光,绝对到不了我们这里,因此便永远侦测不到它们的来源。 Photons at theHubble distanceare like the Red Queen and Alice, running as fast as they can just to stay in the same place.在哈伯距离的光子,就好比是红心皇后和爱丽丝,她们全力奔跑,只是为了能够保持在原地。 Distant events may send out light beams aimed in our direction, but this light is trapped beyond theHubble distanceby the acceleration of the expansion.远方发生的事件也许会朝我们的方向发出光束,不过这道光会因为宇宙的加速膨胀,而被困在哈伯距离之外。 |