

单词 vitrified
释义 vit·ri·fied 英'vɪtrɪfaɪd美'vɪtrɪfaɪd COCA²²²²⁸¹BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺iWeb⁴⁹⁸⁸⁴
of ceramics having the surface made shiny and nonporous by fusing a vitreous solution to it;

glazed pottery

glassy porcelain

hard vitreous china used for plumbing fixtures

近义词 glassy如镜的vitreous玻璃的
用作形容词The most effective preventative measure is to select a pipe material resistant to corrosion, such asvitrifiedclay or plastic.最有效的预防措施是选择抗腐蚀的管道,比如玻璃化的粘土或塑料。as in.thick
同义词 deep,gooey,heavy,impenetrable,opaque,stiff,syrupyclose,compact,concrete,firm,set,solidcaked,clabbered,clottedcoagulatedcompressed,condensed,congealed,consolidated,crowded,curdled,fixed,gelatinous,gloppy,gummous,gummy,gunky,impervious,jelled,jellied,ossified,ropy,sloppy,solidified,thickened,turbid,viscid,viscous
反义词 clear,easy,light,soft,trivial,understandable,flexible,indefinite,loose,slackattenuated,diluted,intelligent,reasonable,sensible,slight,smart,thin,uncrowded,unfriendly,unsociable,watery,wise
thickadjective concentrated, dense
caked,clabbered,close,clottedcoagulatedcompact,compressed,concrete,condensed,congealed,consolidated,crowded,curdled,deep,firm,fixed,gelatinous,gloppy,gooey,gummous,gummy,gunky,heavy,impenetrable,impervious,jelled,jellied,opaque,ossified,ropy,set,sloppy,solid,solidified,stiff,syrupy,thickened,turbid,viscid,viscous A single crystal diamond was ground with vitrified diamond wheel to research on the grinding efficiency.
为了考察单晶金刚石的研磨效率,试验采用陶瓷结合剂金刚石砂轮对单晶金刚石刀片进行研磨。 dictall

For difficult-to- grindmaterials it is desirable to use a diamond vitrified wheel without filler.
磨削难磨材料时,最好使用无添加材料的陶瓷结合剂金刚石砂轮。 cnki

It is then circulated back along the exterior of the tunneling machine to help cool the vitrified rock as the tunneling machine forces its way forward.
然后,当隧道钻机还在强行向前钻进时,锂就回过来消散在隧道钻机的表面来帮助冷却玻璃化了的岩石。 bbs.lingyi.org.cn

The smelting high temperature liquid slag discharged from blast furnace, without water quenched, but with additive, can directly vitrified and be used to produce decorative material.
冶炼高炉排放的高温液态渣不经水淬,添加外加剂直接进行玻化处理,可制得饰面材料。 dictall

The thin film of the invention comprises a hydrate of a vitrified gel containing an extracellular matrix components, which can be integrated with a retainer as required.

The thin film of the invention comprises a hydrate of a vitrified gel containing one or more extracellular matrix components, which can be integrated with a retainer as required.

The vanished streets could still be traced as faint marks in the vitrified ground, but of the houses, nothing remained.
消逝的街道,仍能在玻璃化后的地面上找到一点模糊的痕迹。 stnn

The vitrified surface of glass microspheres can realize the chemical corrosion resistant, and reflex action on light.
玻璃微珠玻化质的表面更抗化学腐蚀,对光有反射作用。 uupx

Crack forming is one of the main reject phenomenon for vitrified abrasive wheel.
裂纹是陶瓷砂轮的主要废品现象之一。 cnki

For these reasons, the new materials of replacement quartz sands as vitrified abrasives setting sands to improve working environment are badly in need for being discovered.
为此,采用新材料取代石英砂作陶瓷磨具烧成垫砂,改善工人劳动环境,已是急需解决的课题。 cnki

If only reasonable parameters are selected, the grinding ratio with vitrified diamond wheel is lower and the machining cost is lower.
只要采用合理的加工参数,陶瓷结合剂金刚石砂轮研磨单晶金刚石磨耗比低、加工成本低。 cnki

In this paper, the measuring conditions of dilatometry for vitrified bond grinding tools were investigated.
本文对陶瓷结合剂磨具热膨胀系数测定条件及影响因素进行了研究。 chemyq

Its main constituents are cement, fly ash, vitrified microsphere, EPS grain, macromolecule binding agent and fiber.
其组成材料主要为:水泥、粉煤灰、玻化微珠、 EPS颗粒、高分子粘结剂、纤维网格布等。 cnki

Objective: Study the effects of cumulus cells on the developmental potential and cytoskeleton of mouse vitrified- thawed oocytes.
目的:探讨卵丘细胞在玻璃化冷冻中对小鼠卵母细胞发育潜能及细胞骨架的影响。 zidian8

Suitable for electroplated, vitrified and metal bond tools, wheels etc.
适用于电镀、陶瓷、金属结合剂体系磨具、砂轮、工具制造。 youboy

The aim of this study was to verify the developmental capacity of bovine oocytes vitrified at various maturation stages following intracytoplasmic sperm injection ICSI.
实验研究了不同成熟培养时间的牛卵母细胞玻璃化冷冻及胞质内单精子注射 ICSI后的受精效果。 dictall

The ceramic tiles in the food preparation areas have also been vitrified for extra strength.
灶台用瓷砖构造成玻璃状增机了额外的力量。 china-designer




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