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hiss 英hɪs美hɪsAHDhĭs 基本双解英英词源搭配记法近义反义句型例句Thesaurus例句 n.嘘声⁴¹;嘶嘶声⁷v.发出嘘声表示不满;发嘶嘶声
v.动词 vi. 发嘶嘶声make a sound like a continuous “s” vt. & vi. 发嘘声表示反对show disapproval and dislike of n.名词 C嘶嘶声a hissing sound Noun: a fricative sound especially as an expression of disapproval;the performers could not be heard over the hissing of the audience a cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt Verb: make a sharp hissing sound, as if to show disapprovalmove with a whooshing soundexpress or utter with a hissshow displeasure, as after a performance or speech拟声词。hiss off嘘下microphone hiss传声器啸声hiss noise噪音auroral hiss极光嘘声Hiss capsule staining希斯氏荚膜染色法…hiss someone off the stage把某人嘘下台…hiss at对 … 发嘘声…hiss away把…嘘走hiss down把 … 嘘下台…hiss out把…嘘出去 故事记忆一对情侣太 Remiss粗心的老板刚刚去 Piss小便办公室里就 Kiss亲吻同事围过来 Hiss嘘老板回来就 Dismiss解雇高升机会被 Miss错过GRE红宝书比较: piss撒尿 象声:嘘嘶 比较:piss撒尿GRE难词记忆hiss→象声词→嘶嘶作声联想记忆拟声词近义词 bird鸟jeer嘲弄mock嘲弄sigh叹气gibe嘲笑taunt辱骂scorn轻蔑hoot鸣笛声murmur低语razz轻蔑声whisper低语whistle口哨sizz发嗤嗤响razzing倒彩声buzz发出嗡嗡声fizzle发嘶嘶声raspberry覆盆子catcall不满之声hissing发嘶嘶声snort喷鼻息作声rustle发出沙沙声whoosh飞快地移动Bronx cheer讥讽声disapproval不赞成hushing冲刷找矿法sibilate发出齿擦音sibilation齿擦音发音boo表示不满、轻蔑等嘘…susurrate发出沙沙的声音… 用作动词v. 用作不及物动词 S+~+AGeese and snakeshiss.鹅和蛇发嘶嘶声。 The iron hissed as it pressed the wet cloth.熨斗压在湿布上时发出了嘶嘶声。 用作及物动词 S+ ~+n./pron.He was booed and hissed off the stage.他在一片倒彩声和嘘声中被轰下台。用作名词n.The speaker was received with a mixture of applause andhisses.那演说者同时得到喝彩声和嘘声。 名词69%,动词31% 用作名词However, they occasionally snort,hiss, or bark.不过哑天鹅偶尔会发出呼哧声,嘘声,或吼声。 With a sibilanthiss, the Things began to move.藉由一声丝丝作声的嘘声,事物开始移动。 When hearing the snakehiss, I felt creepy.听见蛇的嘶嘶声,我感到毛骨悚然。 Thehisscame from an open comms line.的嘶嘶声来自一个开放的通信线。用作动词Even if you don't like one of the players you should not boo andhissat them.即使是你不喜欢其中的一个球员,你不应该对他们发出嘘声。noun.buzzing sound;jeer 同义词 catcall,hootboo,buzz,contempt,derision,sibilationBronx cheer,sibilanceverb.make buzzing sound;ridicule 同义词 boo,hoot,jeer,seethe,shout down,spit,wheeze,whirr,whisper,whistleblow,catcall,condemn,damn,decry,deride,disapprove,mock,rasp,revile,shrill,sibilate,siss,whiz Bronx cheernoun rude disapproving noise boo,catcall,heckle,hoot,jeer,raspberry,razz,razzing booverb decry catcall,heckle,hiss,holler,hoot,jeer,raspberry buzznoun droning sound drone,fizz,fizzle,hiss,hum,murmur,purr,ring,ringing,sibilation,whir,whisper catcallnoun heckle Bronx cheer,boo,derision,gibe,hiss,hoot,jeer,raspberry,shout,whistle criedverb call out, yell bawled,bemoaned,bewailed,blubbed,blubbered,boohooed,broke down,burst into tears,caterwauled,choked up,complained,cracked up,deplored,dissolved in tears,fretted,grieved,groaned,howled,keened,lamented,let it all out,let went,mewled,moaned,mourned,put on the weeps,rang the blues,regretted,shed bitter tears,shed tears,sighed,sniffed,snivelled,sobbed,sorrowed,squalled,turned on waterworks,wailed,wept,whimpered,whined,yammered,yowled criesverb call out, yell bawls,bemoans,bewails,blubbers,blubs,boohoos,breaks down,bursts into tears,caterwauls,chokes up,complains,cracks up,deplores,dissolves in tears,frets,grieves,groans,howls,keens,laments,let goes,lets it all out,mewls,moans,mourns,puts on the weeps,regrets,rings the blues,sheds bitter tears,sheds tears,sighs,sniffs,snivels,sobs,sorrows,squalls,turns on waterworks,wails,weeps,whimpers,whines,yammers,yowls The noise was more of a “descending scream, building into a deep, rasping roar, and ending in a deafening hiss,” he said. 声音中较多的是渐弱的、刺耳的尖叫声,融入低沉地、令人心焦的咆哮,最后以震耳欲聋的嘶嘶声结束。 yeeyan The playback effect of optical discs for music is very perfect, no hiss and crackle as with other photo- records. 音乐光盘播放音乐的效果非常完美,没有像用其他唱片那样的嘶嘶声和噼啪声。 ebigear The hiss and pop of fireworks filled the air, alerting the spirit world to the master's arrival. 鞭炮的巨响和火硝味弥漫在空气中,似乎是在向先人世界通报大师的到来。 yeeyan With a hiss of steam, lava flows into the Pacific Ocean in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii. 伴随着蒸汽的嘶嘶声,夏威夷火山国家公园内的岩浆正注入太平洋。 yeeyan Also Edom shall be a desolation: every one that goeth by it shall be astonished, and shall hiss at all the plagues thereof. 以东必令人惊骇。凡经过的人就受惊骇,又因她一切的灾祸嗤笑。 ebigear Because of the wrath of the LORD it shall not be inhabited, but it shall be wholly desolate: every one that goeth by Babylon shall be astonished, and hiss at all her plagues. 因耶和华的忿怒,必无人居住,要全然荒凉。凡经过巴比伦的要受惊骇,又因她所遭的灾殃嗤笑。 ebigear But it was no help to Hiss’s appeal; for Mr Tytell still could not account for his typewriter’s politics, or its dreams. 但是这对 Hiss的上诉没什么帮助。因为泰特尔依然不能描述其打字机的梦想或政治意愿。 ecocn By bringing HISS products into these negotiations we have the potential of adding considerable value to the new organization. 通过把 HISS的产品带进这场谈判中,我们有潜力为新组织增加相当大的价值。 www.etiri.com.cn Ghostly images flickered in and out. There was no audio except for a static hiss. 幽灵般的图像在屏幕上闪闪烁烁,但是,除了静电发出的沙沙声外,没有任何声音。 yeeyan I’d just harden my eyes and hiss back. 我只是沉下目光,冲他们嘶叫回去。 yeeyan I let him guide me into position on the table and open the top half of my gown, the little bow giving way with a hiss. 我让他把我带到桌子上的位置,打开我穿的睡袍的上半部分,略微弯着的身子发出嘶嘶声。 yeeyan In places where the bubble didn’t end in a spectacular pop, the result has been a steady hiss as the air has gone out of the construction industry. 在那些泡沫并未以大规模破裂而告终的地区,结果是空气好像正嘶嘶的流出建筑业一样。 ecocn Men shall clap their hands at him, and shall hiss him out of his place. 人要向他拍掌,并要发叱声,使他离开本处。 ebigear The hiss they found at one particular frequency turned out to be evidence for the then- controversial idea that the universe had been born in a Big Bang. 这过程中,两位天文学家发现了某一特定频率的嘶音,恰好证明了当时争议不断的大爆炸理论。 ecocn The hiss came from an open comms line. 的嘶嘶声来自一个开放的通信线。 tianya We are alone, in the silence, only the hiss of the wind on the sand. 我们各自在那儿,沉默着,只有风吹在沙子上的嘶嘶声。 odyguild What you're hearing, that incessant guttural hiss, is the sound of one person, and then another, dredging up phlegm, seemingly from the depths of his or her soul. 你听到的此起彼伏的咕噜声,原来出自某人的喉咙,不一会儿又换个人的,仿佛要从灵魂深处把浓痰给掏上来。 yeeyan When disturbed, larger members of the species stand up open mouthed and let out a large hiss. 当受到骚扰时,会有更多的壁虎直立起来,张开嘴,发出嘶嘶的声音。 yeeyan Who smile and frown, wince and hiss. 他们微笑和皱眉,畏缩与嘶嘘。 blog.sina.com.cn With a brief, muffled hiss of a jet engine, the test vehicle that an Israeli start-up hopes will be the future of the hybrid electric car, ignites. 随着短促而低沉的喷射引擎的嘶鸣声,以色列人期待能成为混合动力汽车未来发展方向的试验车启动了。 hxen You don't want her to strike at you with her paw or hiss and growl. 你可不会希望她用爪子攻击你或发出嘶叫或低声叫声。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn |