

单词 hinder
释义 hinder 英ˈhɪndə美ˈhɪndɚAHDhĭnʹdər ★☆☆☆☆高四六研GIMST宝6八COCA¹¹⁷²⁷BNC¹⁸⁴³⁶iWeb⁷⁷⁶⁵Economist¹⁵⁶¹¹

vt. 阻碍; 妨碍

stop or delay the advance or development of a person or activity

located at or near the back of an animal;

back or hind legs

the hinder part of a carcass

be a hindrance or obstacle to;

She is impeding the progress of our project

hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of;

His brother blocked him at every turn

put at a disadvantage;

The brace I have to wear is hindering my movements

hinder from, hinder in

hinder from和hinder in都表示“阻挡”“妨碍”。其区别是:

hinder from要比hinder in语气重,且hinder in还有“暂时阻挡”的意味。

hinder, bar, block, dam, impede, obstruct


1.block指有效地堵住了所有通道,使人、物等无法通过; bar指堵住出入口; dam指挡住涌流物,如眼泪等; obstruct和impede都指在路上设障碍以使运动的物体或事物速度放慢或阻挡其前进, impede比obstruct语气更强些,指困难非常大; hinder则强调阻碍和干扰的有害或令人讨厌。例如:

Heavy traffic blocked the road.拥挤的车辆阻塞了道路。
She barred him out of her room.她把他关在她的房间外面。
She barred up her tears.她抑制住了自己的眼泪。
Tall trees obstructed his moving.大树阻挡了他的前进。
The development of the project was seriously impeded by a reduction in funds.由于基金削减,工程进度严重受阻。


My father barred smoking at the dinner-table.我父亲禁止在餐桌上用餐时吸烟。hinder, prevent


prevent指“阻止”某事发生或存在; hinder指“延缓”某一事物的进行。









用作动词 v.
~+副词hinder irritatingly令人不高兴地妨碍hinder painfully讨厌地阻碍hinder tremendously极大地阻碍hinder unendurably不可容忍地妨碍~+介词be hindered by被…所阻碍hinder from阻碍,使不能hinder in妨碍,暂时阻挡
hinder from v.+prep.

阻碍,使不能 stop (sb from doing sth)

hinder sb from v-ingThe crowd hindered him from leaving.人群挡着他,使他走不开。
Your arrival hindered me from leaving.你的到达使我不走了。
The parents hindered their children from playing on the railroad tracks.父母阻止孩子们在铁轨上玩耍。
Don't let me hinder you from going.不要让我影响你走。
That hindered him from going further.那使他不能继续向前。
I was hindered from getting here earlier.我因受阻不能早到这里。
hinder in v.+prep.

阻碍,暂时阻挡 stop (sb from doing sth temporarily)

hinder sb in sth/v-ingDon't hinder me in my work.不要妨碍我的工作。
You're hindering me in work by talking all the time.你老说话妨碍我工作。
That hindered him in carrying out his plan.那使他不能执行他的计划。GRE红宝书hindadj 后边的; 后面的, er-使得落在后面-阻碍
与behind同源;阻碍到behind 后面去了
GRE难词记忆hinder 音“恨得”→阻碍我背单词,真是恨得我牙根痒痒谐音记忆hinder音“恨得”⇒阻碍我背单词,真是恨得我牙根痒痒非常记忆finder发现者⇒发现者用椅子h阻碍了我词根记忆hind后面+ er → 落在后面 ⇒阻碍联想记忆hind后面+er→落在后面→阻碍,妨碍联想记忆阻碍hinder发展,落在后面behind近义词 bar酒吧stop停止curb路边back后面hold拿着delay耽搁deter阻止check检查block街区impede妨碍hamper妨碍thwart反对retard妨碍hind后部的prevent预防obstruct阻隔encumber妨害restrain抑制handicap障碍hold back阻碍blockadeC封锁embarrass使窘迫stymy 使 … 处于困难境…stymie 使 … 处于困难境…get in the way阻碍, 妨碍
S+~+AIt is not the dark place thathinders, but the dim eye.看不清东西,不是因为它在阴暗处,而是因为其视力不好。
I'm uncertain whether it will help or hinder.我不能确定它是否有用。
S+~+ pron./n.Don't hinder me.不要妨碍我。
The rain hindered our advance.雨阻碍了我们前进。
Heavy snow hindered construction work.大雪阻碍了建筑工程的进展。
Don't hinder him on his progress.不要妨碍他的进步。
I was hindered by the heavy traffic.拥挤的交通耽误了我。S+~+sb's v -ingNobody wants to hinder your doing that.谁也不想阻止你做那件事。
Such interruptions will only hinder our reaching a solution.这种干扰将会阻碍我们找出解决问题的方法。
I have much business that has hindered my answering your letter.我有很多事使我不能早日给你复信。
The mud hindered their advancing quickly.泥泞使他们无法快速前进。



用作动词The crowdhinderedhim from leaving.人群使他无法脱身。
Heavy snowhinderedthe construction work.大雪妨碍了这项建筑工程的进行。
Don't let mehinderyou from going.别让我妨碍了你走。
Help out, don'thinder.帮帮忙,不要碍事。
I won'thinderyou since you are busy.既然你很忙,我就不打扰你了。
Don'thinderme when I am trying to work.我要工作的时候别打扰我。用作形容词Thehinderleg of this horse was broken.这匹马的后腿断了。verb.prevent, slow down
同义词 block,burden,crimp,cripple,curb,delay,deter,frustrate,hamper,hamstring,handicap,hold up,impede,inhibit,interfere,interrupt,obstruct,preclude,prohibit,retard,thwartarrest,balk,bar,bottleneck,check,choke,clog,contravene,counteract,crab,cramp,debar,encumber,fetter,hog-tie,muzzle,neutralize,offset,oppose,resist,snafu,stay,stop,stymie,terminate,trammelbox in,get in the way,hold back,louse up,shut out
反义词 advance,aid,allow,assist,encourage,expedite,facilitate,forward,further,help,permit,promote,push,support,approve,begin,free,go,let go,liberate,loosen,open,release,start,unblock
anticipateverb act in advance of
apprehend,be early,be one step ahead of,beat someone to it,block,delay,forestall,hold back,intercept,precede,preclude,prepare for,prevent,provide against
anticipatesverb act in advance of
assumes,awaits,bargain for,conjectures,counts chickens,counts on,crosses the bridge,divines,entertains,figures,forecasts,foresees,foretastes,foretells,has a hunch,hope for,is afraid,jumps the gun,looks for,looks forward to,plan on,prepares for,previsions,prognosticates,promises oneself,prophesies,sees,sees comes,sees in the cards,supposes,visualizes,waits,waits for
arrestverb stop or slow
block,can,check,delay,drop,end,freeze,halt,hinder,hold,inhibit,interrupt,knock off,obstruct,prevent,restrain,restrict,retard,scrub,shut down,stall,stay,suppress
balkverb thwart
baffle,bar,beat,check,circumvent,counteract,cramp,cramp one's style,dash,defeat,disappoint,disconcert,foil,forestall,frustrate,hinder,obstruct,prevent,ruin,stall,stop,throw a curve,throw monkey wrench in,upset the apple cart
barverb prohibit
ban,boycott,circumvent,condemn,debar,deny,disallow,discountenance,discourage,eliminate,enjoin,except,exclude,exile,forbid,freeze out,frustrate,hinder,interdict,interfere,keep out,limit,obstruct,ostracize,outlaw,override,preclude,prevent,refuse,reject,restrain,rule out,segregate,shut out,stop,suspend
bindverb obligate;restrict
compel,confine,constrain,detain,engage,enslave,force,hamper,hinder,hogtie,indenture,lock up,necessitate,oblige,prescribe,put half nelson on,put lock on,require,restrain,restrict,yoke The interactive capability of crime maps and other online tools can hinder their effectiveness, due to incomplete or inaccurate crime reporting.
犯罪地图和其它线上工具的交互式特性,可能由于不完全或不精确的犯罪报告,而妨碍它们的有效性。 yeeyan

As people begin to recognize that you are trying to help instead of hinder their plans, they will be more open to your ideas and suggestions.
当人们开始认识到您正在尽力帮助而不是妨碍他们的计划时,他们将更乐意接受您的思想和建议。 ibm

But both share a welcome desire to look at what climate change means in a world that can adapt to it— and what can hinder that adaptation.
不过他们都用一种欢迎渴望的态度来看气候变化对于世界的影响,什么是能适应的,以及什么会阻碍这种适应。 ecocn

But do such accords help or hinder the cause of full liberalisation?
但这种做法到底是帮助还是阻碍完全的贸易自由呢? ecocn

Computer scientist David Farber is one of those who has cautioned against net neutrality saying it may hinder the progress of new, innovative networks.
计算机科学家大卫.法博就是那些曾告诫反对网络中立可能阻碍新的创新网络进步的人中的一个。 yeeyan

Critics responded that the proposals would only hinder banks.
评论家回应称这些提议只会阻碍银行业。 ecocn

Different conductors engage these skills in different ways, and may in fact help or hinder this process.
不同的指挥用不同的方式衔接这些技巧,并可能在事实上帮助或者阻碍这一过程。 infoq

I wouldn't hinder your work, I'm going swimming right now.

Keep aisles clear of any suitcases, bags or other items that might hinder escape in an emergency.
保持车厢走廊通畅,移开皮箱、行李袋以及其他物品,以免阻碍紧急逃离。 kekenet

The proponents for migrant farm workers insist that they help, not hinder, the U.S.
移民农场工人的支持者认为他们是美国的帮助而不是阻碍。 yeeyan

These are irrelevant and do not hinder the performance of the application.
这些是不相关的,并不会妨碍应用程序的性能。 ibm

They also wonder if we treat androids as the outgroup that they’ll inevitably be, will the negative stereotypes formed about them hinder any positive interaction?
他们也想知道,如果我们把机器人——不可避免的——当成外人,那么对他们形成的负面成见会不会阻碍有益的交往呢? yeeyan




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