词汇 | 天之骄子 |
释义 | 天之骄子 辨形“骄”,不能写作“娇”。 辨形“骄”,不能写作“娇”。 公元90年,匈奴骑兵又侵占五原;酒泉,杀掠当地百姓。汉武帝派大将李广利等率军反击匈奴。匈奴单于最高首领丢弃了粮草;武器,却保存着实力。李广利大败匈奴。这时,他家属犯罪下狱的消息传来,他很担忧。谋士献计要他将功折罪。于是他挥兵北进,浴血沙场。后匈奴单于又乘机领兵袭击李广利。他招架不住,便投降了。单于为了笼络住李广利,把女儿嫁给他。一年后,李广利遭到匈奴“丁灵王”卫律的嫉妒,被害死。 单于致书汉武帝:强胡,“天之骄子”。他要汉朝每年赠他美酒;绸缎等。汉武帝只得承认强胡难灭,以后与匈奴时和时战。 匈奴人自称“天之骄子”即为天所骄宠,故极强盛。后也指非常勇敢或有特殊贡献的人。 Huangshan, favored, a national treasure, the world's wonders, nature never occur again. Hello, teacher! Sabian is your painstaking efforts of the broad masses of students, your hard work cultivating a new generation of Tianzhijiaozai, I wish you happy holidays and good health. Everyone said that he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but actually he acquired his fortune through many years of hard work. That year, Wu entered a university with excellent score, and became the only“ favored one by God” in that area. The weak exist in any community, country and society. College students who are called“ God is favorite son” are no exception. Anything do not have to argue, or under the recollection, our these university students, these so-called“the God's favoured one” have all made any! Sabian is your painstaking efforts of the broad masses of students, your hard work cultivating a new generation of Tianzhijiaozai, I wish you happy holidays and good health. It's high time you looked at yourself objectively. College students are not heaven- favored children any longer. As the new century, this striking navy in the world of“ lucky” as the backbone of the U. S. Navy to continue to dash about the blue ocean. I am God's favored one. Many people like the mainstream of90 posts- and non- linked. I would say we are not; we are the darlings of a new era. It's a jarring change for an educated elite in a society where university students are called“Proud Children of Heaven.” After all, we are college students. Only one or two out of the young people in our age can go to college. |
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