

单词 hijacking
释义 hijacking 美'hɑɪdʒækɪŋ 高COCA²⁸⁹³²BNC⁵⁴⁶⁰⁸iWeb³¹⁸²¹Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
robbery of a traveller or vehicle in transit or seizing control of a vehicle by the use of forcesession hijacking会话劫持hijack劫持aerial hijacking空中劫持
hi-jack-ing动名词⇒n.劫持⁸⁴;抢劫动词hijack的现在分词形式.n.敲诈勒索;强制;胁迫;劫持飞机的事件;劫机;抢劫¹⁴;绑架_null.动词hijack的现在分词形式近义词 robbery抢劫highjacking劫持飞机

用作名词I've been told about thehijacking.我已听说了那次劫机事件。 Attacks far out at sea have been made possible by the hijacking of merchant vessels that are then used as“ mother ships”.
海盗劫持商船并将其用作“母船”使得外海的攻击成为可能。 yeeyan

On the evening of August23,2010, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi called Philippine Foreign Secretary Alberto Romulo on the hijacking of Hong Kong tourists in the Philippines.
2010年8月23日夜,外交部长杨洁篪就香港游客在菲律宾被劫持事件打电话给菲外长罗慕洛。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

American government lawyers this week brought criminal charges against a young Somali man in connection with a ship hijacking earlier this month.
本周,美国政府律师对一名索马里年轻人提出控诉,怀疑其与本月初船只劫持案有关。 kekenet

At best, Facebook is showing billions literally of spyware ads that trick users into installing browser- hijacking software.
Facebook最多发布了数十亿这不是夸大其辞间谍软件广告,这些广告诱骗用户安装浏览器劫持软件。 yeeyan

If you sign in to Gmail via a non- secure Internet connection, like a public wireless or non- encrypted network, your Google account may be more vulnerable to hijacking.
如果你在不安全的网络环境下登陆 Gmail,比如在公共无线网络里或者没有加密的网络里,你的Gmai帐号可能会被劫持。 yeeyan

In 2010, the hijacking of American democracy by corporations and the super- rich became almost complete.
2010年,由财团和超级富翁对美国民主的劫持几近完成。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, the INS Tabar, a Russian- made, high-tech Indian warship, managed to thwart the attempted hijacking of an Indian cargo ship off the coast of Somalia.
同时,俄制、高科技的印度“塔霸号”战舰在索马里海岸挫败了一起意图劫持一艘印度货船事件。 ebigear

On Wednesday labor groups representing Filipino workers in Hong Kong held a press conference to express their condolences and demand justice for the bus hijacking.
星期三,劳工团体在香港代表菲律宾工作者举行了一个新闻招待会来表达他们的哀悼,并要为此次劫持事件讨回一个公道。 yeeyan

Police demonstrate their skills during a mock bus hostage rescue operation today in the wake of the Manila hijacking.
马尼拉劫持事件发生后,今日菲律宾警方在模拟大巴人质救援中“大显身手”。 yeeyan

Police in the Philippines have ended a day-long hijacking of a tourist coach in the capital, Manila.
菲律宾警方已结束了在首都马尼拉为期一天的劫持旅游车事件。 yeeyan

Since banks have started watching out for transfer requests from unknown computers, hackers have in the past year or so begun hijacking their victims' own IP addresses.
由于银行开始严密监视从未知电脑处发出的转账申请,黑客大约从前年开始劫持受害者的 IP地址。 yeeyan

Somali piracy takes the form of hijacking and extortion, rather than conventional robbery at sea.
索马里海盗主要采取劫持船只、索取赎金的方式,而非传统的海上抢劫。 ecocn

The most glaring is that of Mahmoud Mohammed Issa Mohammed, a Palestinian terrorist who took part in an Israeli airline hijacking; one passenger was killed.
其中最受关注的是巴勒斯坦恐怖分子马哈茂德穆罕默德伊萨穆罕默德,他参与劫持一架以色列航班,造成1人死亡。 ecocn

The wave of violence started on the night of November20th, when the gangs began hijacking and burning cars and buses to cause fear and disruption.
这一波暴力事件从十一月二十日晚上开始,当时帮派分子开始劫持和焚毁汽车和巴士引起恐惧和混乱。 ecocn

This is nearly as harmful as hijacking the entire account.
这几乎和劫持整个帐户一样邪恶。 yeeyan

This is not mere hijacking.
这不仅仅是简单的劫持。 ecocn

This is not mere hijacking. It is tantamount to a complete personality transplant for the infected cell.
这就不光是对受感染细胞进行劫持,简直无异于从根本上改变受感染细胞的性质。 ecocn

This would keep malicious parties from hijacking sessions with social media and other sites on open networks, especially Wi- Fi hot spots.
这将避开恶意方用社会媒体和其它开放的网络点,特别是无线保真 Wi– Fi热点进行劫持。 ecocn

We’ve already described two typical vulnerabilities for Web application technologies: session riding and hijacking vulnerabilities and injection vulnerabilities.
我们已经描述了两个典型的 Web应用程序技术漏洞:会话控制和劫持漏洞,以及注入漏洞。 infoq

Hijacking the debate over a crisis to push for the same things you were advocating before the crisis, and letting the economy continue to bleed.
在危机上劫持政策辩论,推行危机前倡导的东西,而让经济继续流血,这才是真正的不负责任。 yeeyan




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