

单词 harbors
释义 har·bor·s 英'hɑːbə美'hɑːbə COCA³¹⁴²³
a sheltered port where ships can take on or discharge cargoa place of refuge and comfort and security
maintain a theory, thoughts, or feelings;

bear a grudge

entertain interesting notions

harbor a resentment

secretly shelter as of fugitives or criminalskeep in one's possession; of animalshold back a thought or feeling about;

She is harboring a grudge against him

harbor seal动斑海豹Pearl Harbor珍珠港美国夏威夷港…harbor plan港口平面图harbor craft港口运输船tidal harbor有潮港harbor entrance港口artificial harbor人工港coastal harbor沿海港口harbor master港务局长harbor line港口线,港区界线,海…harbor authority港务局harbor light港口灯harbor work港工harbor chart海港航图harbor regulation海港规则natural harbor天然港湾open harbor开口港,无掩护港口…harbor dues港务费,入港税,碇泊…natural ice-free harbor天然不冻港harbour港口
近义词 bed床the那hide藏to对于bay海湾dock码头port港口hold拿着quay码头pier码头shield盾roof屋顶bunk铺位zone地域mind头脑keep保持idea主意haven港口wharf码头house房屋guard看守cover封面inlet水湾nurse护士think认为lodge小屋board木板cloak斗蓬in在 … 里cling紧贴screen屏幕cove小海湾refuge避难defend防守foster领养safety安全dear亲爱的protect保护believe相信cherish珍爱conceal隐藏embrace拥抱mooring下锚landing着陆wharves码头sanctum圣所retreat撤退berth停泊处harbour港口seaport海港asylum收容所consider考虑maintain维持secure安全的cling to抱住shelter避难所anchorage下锚entertain娱乐sanctuary圣所hold dear看重harborage停泊处fancy华丽装饰的quarter四分之一safeguard保卫者waterfront水边地keep in mind记住safety zone(马路上保护行人…marina(供游艇停泊的小港、码…

用作名词The ship steamed into theharbor.船驶入了港湾。
The bombers made a sudden strike on theharbor.轰炸机对这港口进行了一次突然袭击。
They alsoharborexotic life-forms, far below the reach of sunlight.他们也是外来的生物避难所,远远低于阳光的到达。用作及物动词Theyharboredrefugees in times of war.他们在战争期间收留难民。
Heharborsa secret grudge against his father.他对父亲暗怀不满。
Iharborno malice toward him for what he has done.对于他所做的事,我并没有心怀恶意。
Harboring criminals is an offence in law.窝藏罪犯是犯法的。
You may be punished if youharboran escaped criminal or a spy.你若窝藏逃犯或间谍,就会受惩罚。用作不及物动词The Earth is the only world known so far toharborlife.据我们所知,地球是唯一维持生物生存的世界。 The forest is invaluable, too, because it harbors unique and endangered animals like the kiwi and takahe, both flightless birds, and the kea, the only alpine parrot.
森林也是无价的,因为它庇护了独一无二而濒临灭绝的动物,比如不能飞行的几维鸟和短翅水鸡,以及食肉鹦鹉,唯一的高山鹦鹉。 yeeyan

He was the self-proclaimed father of the H- bomb and promoted all things atomic, even talking about using nuclear weapons to create canals and harbors.
他自称是 H型炸弹之父并且提倡所有原子能的东西,甚至谈到使用原子能武器来开凿运河和海港。 yeeyan

This wonderful city has become an industrial base and one of the biggest Chinese harbors, carrying goods along with the spirit of cooperation all over the world.
这座精彩的城市已经成为了一个工业基地和中国最大的港口之一,从这里向世界各地输送物资、合作项目和友爱的信息。 hjenglish




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