释义 |
Green Health 基本例句 “绿源生” Hgh oxygen content, small in size, easy to carry, easy-to-use,it is a new type ofgreen healthsupplies.具有含氧量高、体积小、携带方便、使用方便的特点,是一种新型的绿色保健用品。 Bai snails from France, a high-protein, low-fat naturalgreen healthfood products.白玉蜗牛源自法国,属高蛋白,低脂肪的天然绿色保健食品。 Hongguniang dry powder medicament can fill up blank of local market, it's belong togreen healthcare production.The market requi.红菇娘干粉冲剂属填补国内市场空白,项目产品定位为绿色保健产品市场潜力巨大。 PHS implement one-way charges, and fixed telephone rates consistent with economic benefits,green health, such as sophisticated fashion Many features.小灵通实行单向收费,资费标准与固定电话基本一致,具有经济实惠、绿色健康、精巧时尚等诸多特点。 Be like this only, internet just has depurative possibility, ability can realize the network environment ofgreen healthtruly.唯有如此,互联网才有净化的可能,才可真正实现绿色健康的网络环境。 The project including thegreen healthcare food processing workshop.workshop of soap and cosmetic,office building and live fercilities.项目主要建设绿色保健食品加工车间;制皂车间、化妆车间;办公楼、生活区及其他附属设施。 |