

单词 Giving birth
释义 Giving birth短语¹¹³⁹⁶

the process of giving birthas in.birthing
同义词 accouchement,bearing,childbearing,childbirth,delivery,labor,lying-in,parturitionas in.labor
同义词 birth,childbearing,contractions,delivery,pains,parturition,throes,travailbirth pangs
birthingnoun birth
labornoun childbirth process
birth,birth pangs,childbearing,contractions,delivery,giving birth,pains,parturition,throes,travail A team took close-up footage of captive chimps giving birth, which revealed that the newborn emerges from the birth canal facing away from the mother.
一个研究小组对捕获的黑猩猩的生育过程进行特写录像,结果显示新生儿从产道中露出来时是脸朝外背对着母亲的。 yeeyan

However, as I look deeper, sexual freedom would actually begin with each woman giving birth.
不过,要是更深入一点,性自由实际上应以每一位女性生育为起点。 yeeyan

I once saw him take a group into the home of a young woman giving birth.
我有一次看见他带着一群人去一个正在分娩的年轻妇女的家里。 yeeyan

Many Chinese scholars say that giving birth is a basic right and should not be subjected to official diktat.
中国的许多学者称生育是基本的权利,不应该由官方的强制命令来决定。 yeeyan

That may, in part, be why some women suffer“ baby blues” in the first few days after giving birth.
这可能是一些女性在生育后的开始几天里患上“产后抑郁症”的部分原因。 yeeyan

These animals do nearly everything in the water, including giving birth and sleeping.
这种动物,无论是生育还是睡觉,几乎每件事都是在水下完成的。 yeeyan




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