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词汇 Garzón
释义 GarzónEconomist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
It would be strange indeed if the only person to be prosecuted over the crimes of the civil war were Judge Garzón.
如果唯一因内战罪行而遭起诉之人竟是加尔松法官,那实在太荒诞了。 ecocn

Judge Garzón’s critics complained that he chased foreign dictators but ignored Spain’s own past.
有批评者责备加尔松对别国独裁者穷追不舍,但却对西班牙过往不闻不问。 ecocn

Judge Garzón is the target of a private prosecution that claims he overstepped his powers in pursuing Franco’s ghost.
加尔松法官是一项私诉的目标。 这项私诉宣称他纠缠佛朗哥的阴魂,实属越权。 ecocn

The accusation against Mr Garzón was brought by two far-right groups.
两个极右派团体提出对加尔松现实的指控。 ecocn

The Argentinian case has been brought because Mr Garzón himself is now likely to be tried, on the orders of Spain's supreme court.
阿根廷的案件已提请因为加尔松先生自己现在很可能要依照西班牙最高法院的命令受审。 ecocn

The writ mirrorsthose that Baltasar Garzón, a crusading Spanish magistrate, once used to investigate atrocities committed under Argentina's juntas and Chile's dictator, General Pinochet.
命令状反映了巴尔塔萨加尔松曾经受命调查阿根廷军政府和智利独裁者皮诺切特将军所犯下的暴行,巴尔塔萨加尔松是西班牙一位致力于改革的法官。 ecocn

A controversial investigating magistrate, Baltasar Garzón, has jailed three businesspeople close to the PP.
备受争议的调查法官博塔萨.戈森已经关押了三名与人民党关系密切的商界人士。 ecocn

A judge in Spain, Baltasar Garzón, abandoned his plan to investigate Franco- era killings after state prosecutors challenged his jurisdiction over the crimes.
西班牙法官加松放弃了调查弗朗哥时代大屠杀罪行的计划,这一决定是在国家检控官质疑其在罪案的权限后做出的。 ecocn

A pro- Garzón rally called by trade unionists this week was anti- democratic, claimed the PP leader, Mariano Rajoy.
人民党领导人马里亚诺·拉霍伊本周声称一个支持加尔松的所谓贸易联合会的团体是反民主的。 ecocn

Although Judge Garzón later passed the case down to provincial courts, a right-wing pressure group sued him.
尽管之后由地方法院接手审理,右翼组织还是施压将加尔松告上法庭。 ecocn

Although Judge Garzón stopped his inquiry, passing the case down to lower courts, his action rekindled ancient hatreds.
虽然加尔松法官停止了调查,将此案下达至下级法院,但他的行动再度激起了过去的仇恨。 ecocn

Judge Garzón has made enemies across the political spectrum and within the judiciary itself.
加尔松法官在政坛上和司法系统内四面树敌。 ecocn

Judge Garzón, though, likes pursuing dictators.
法官加尔松对独裁者们尤其深恶痛绝。 ecocn

Judge Garzón’s investigation was prompted, it is reported, by the recording of a conversation handed in by disgruntled PP members.
据报道,党内不满人士上呈了谈话录音,这对戈森法官的调查可谓推波助澜。 ecocn

Left-wing protesters say Mr Garzón is being pursued not only because he dared investigate Francoism but also because he was looking into corruption involving the PP see article.
左翼抗议者说加尔松先生被盯住不仅因为他敢于调查佛朗哥主义还因为他调查了涉及代理的腐败行为见文章。 ecocn

Mr Garzón’s investigations provoked the arrest of General Pinochet in London and the trial and conviction of an Argentine navy captain in Madrid.
加尔松先生的调查使得皮诺切特将军在伦敦被逮捕,还帮助在马德里审判并定罪一名阿根廷海军舰长。 ecocn

Mr Garzón's investigations provoked the arrest of General Pinochet in London and the trial and conviction of an Argentine navy captain in Madrid.
加尔松先生的调查驱使皮诺切特将军在伦敦被逮捕和对阿根廷海军舰长在马德里被审判和指控。 ecocn

Protesters have blocked streets and filled halls in support of Mr Garzón.
示威者封锁街道涌进礼堂支持加尔松先生。 ecocn

Some supporters smell revenge; Judge Garzón has made enemies across the political spectrum and within the judiciary itself.
一些支持者闻到了复仇的味道;加尔松法官在政坛上和司法系统内四面树敌。 ecocn

The old Falangists are dead, like all35 Franco- era officials named by Judge Garzón for their role in a campaign of extermination against100,000 opponents.
老一代的长枪党党员已死,比如加尔松法官指出的曾参与消灭100,000反对派人士行动的所有35个佛朗哥时代官员。 ecocn

1975 from sitting in judgment over Judge Garzón; like all judges who started work under Franco, she says, they swore before God loyalty to the caudillo and the principles of the National Movement.
她说,这些法官与在佛朗哥统治期间就任的所有法官一样,都曾以上帝之名宣誓效忠该军事独裁者、忠于“民族运动”的宗旨。 ecocn




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