

单词 fuzzier
释义 fuzz·y 英'fʌzi美'fʌzi COCA⁸²⁸⁵³BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
covering with fine light hairs;

his head fuzzed like a dandelion gone to seed

indistinct or hazy in outline;

a landscape of blurred outlines

the trees were just blurry shapes

confused and not coherent; not clearly thought out;

a vague and fuzzy idea of the world of finance

Fuzzy Mathematics模糊数学fuzzy logic模糊逻辑fuzzy elevator电脑自动控制的升降机…fuzzy algorithm模糊算法fuzzy region模糊不清区域…fuzzy subset模糊子集fuzzy subgraph模糊子图fuzzy theory模糊论fuzzy image模糊图象fuzzy environment模糊环境fuzzy event摩擦事件,模糊事件…fuzzy objective模糊物体fuzzy coat绒毛状外套fuzzy mapping模糊映射fuzzy set模糊集fuzzy diagnosis模糊识别fuzzy sets模糊集fuzzy reasoning模糊推理fuzzy relation模糊关系fuzzy automaton模糊自动机
近义词 hazy朦胧的hairy多毛的furry毛皮的downy绒毛的muddy泥泞的foggy有雾的blurry模糊的vague不明确的obscure难解的blurred模糊的fluffy毛绒绒的woolly毛茸茸的nebulous星云的confused困惑的unsure不肯定的unclear不清楚的muzzy模糊不清的bleary眼睛模糊的uncertain不确定的incoherent不连贯的ambiguous模棱两可的ill-defined不清楚的fuzzed动词fuzz的过去式,动…

用作形容词My hair is naturally wavy, so it getsfuzzyeasily.我的头发自然卷,所以容易毛茸茸的。
I tied it withfuzzywhite yarn, and admired my work.我用毛茸茸的白纱线把它系好,欣赏着我的杰作。
His thinking was superficial andfuzzy.他的想法肤浅又模糊。
When we can see it, it appears as afuzzyball.当我们能看到它时,似乎只看到一个模糊的球体。
I have afuzzyfeeling for him.我对他我有说不清的感情。 The food firms, they say, have rushed to introduce their own, fuzzier guidelines first in a cynical attempt to undermine the government's plan—which they fear might hurt their sales.

This paper introduces a new adaptive fuzzy system with Gauss fuzzier GAF, optimizing the parameter based on the data from PID by back- propagation algorithm.
本文提出一种带有高斯模糊器的自适应模糊系统 GAF,基于PID控制的成功经验数据,通过反向传播学习算法对其进行参数寻优。 cnki




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