

单词 sociality
释义 so·ci·al·i·ty 英ˌsəʊʃiːˈælɪtiː美ˌsoʃiˈælɪtiAHDsō'shē-ălʹĭ-tē 高COCA⁴⁴⁵¹⁶BNC⁵⁶¹¹⁶iWeb⁴⁸⁵⁹⁴
the tendency to associate with others and to form social groups;

mammals as a class are not strong on sociality

用作名词The inequality of regional higher education brings many problems in economy andsociality.区域高等教育发展不平衡,带来了许多经济和社会问题。 In other words, the “ I,” the subjectivity, this is gradually subsumed by the sociality of the story as it unfolds.

It is interesting to see that even animals that have contact with humans, like cats, have much smaller brains than dogs and horses because of their lack of sociality.
有趣的是,我们发现即便是那些已经同人类有过亲密接触的动物,例如猫类,其大脑还是因为其缺乏社会性而比狗类和马要小了很多。 yeeyan

The main characters that people can distinguish from animals are the subjective consciousness, language and sociality; they are also the objective conditions that people can be educated.
人的主观意识、语言、社会性是人区别于动物的主要特征,也是人能够被教育的客观条件。 cnki

The old-age right has several characteristics, such as its universality, qualification, foundation, sociality and comprehensiveness.
养老权具有普遍性、资格性、基础性、社会性、综合性的特点。 iciba

The periodical has its naturality and sociality.
期刊固有其自然性与社会性。 dictall

To be sure, gossip, conflict, slander, fraud, greed and bigotry are part of human sociality, and those parts of human behavior can be amplified, too.
无可否认,流言、冲突、诽谤、欺骗、贪婪和偏执是人的社会性的一部分,而且人类行为的这些部分也可以放大。 yeeyan

Although the sociality is only an aspect of the character of economic law, it provides a new way for the theory and practice of economic law.
虽然社会性只是经济法属性的一个方面,却为经济法的理论与实践提供了新的路径。 cnki

But altruism, fun, community and curiosity are also parts of human sociality and I propose that the Web is an existence proof that these capabilities can be amplified, as well.
但是利他、乐趣、社群和好奇心同样也是人的社会性的一部分——而且我认为网络的存在就是一个证据,证明这些潜在能力也可能得到放大。 yeeyan

Capitalistic private ownership and market economy define the dualism of capitalist economy, that is, private and sociality.
资本主义私有制和市场经济共同决定了资本主义经济的两重性,即私人性和社会性。 cnki

However because community concept itself originates from the sociological theory, the community plans continuously in between the policy and the sociality not an accurate localization.
然而由于社区概念本身来源于社会学理论,社区规划一直在政策性和社会性之间没有—个准确的定位。 cnki

Human existence is the unity of body, mind and sociality, therefore human health has also three corresponding dimensions.
人的生存是生物性、精神性和社会性的统一,所以,人的健康也包含相应的三个方面。 cnki

In designing the basic elements, we emphasize on the concept of position, and other items concerned, so that the design of the basic elements has its sociality.
在要素设计中,我们强调了职位这一概念,并述及其有关事项,使要素设计具有社会性。 cnki

Literacies are where the human brain, human sociality and communication technologies meet.
读写能力是大脑、人类社会性和交流技术的汇合点。 yeeyan

Much of Dr Dunbar’s career has been devoted to trying to explain the development of sociality in primates.
邓巴教授的职业生涯中,大部分时间都在努力对灵长类动物的交际发展做出解释。 ecocn

One particularly useful affordable of online sociality is that a great deal of public behavior is recorded and structured in a way that makes it suitable for systematic study.
线上社交一个特别有用之处是,大量公众行为被记录和组织起来,并能适合系统化研究之需要。 yeeyan

One particularly useful accordance of online sociality is that a great deal of public behavior is recorded and structured in a way that makes it suitable for systematic study.
在线社交给予的一件特别有用的事情是,大量公众行为被记录并在某种程度上组织起来,使之适合有系统的研究。 yeeyan

Open of content, diversity of form, dynamic of connotation and sociality of value are main characteristics of curricular resource of geography.
地理课程资源的主要特征表现为内容的开放性、形式的多样性、内涵的动态性及价值的社会性。 cnki

So this shows that there is complexity, not just in distribution but in sociality.
这表明,无论是在物种的分布还是物种间的交流都极为复杂。 yeeyan

Times, history, relatively independent character, nationalism, variety, and sociality is the fundamental trait of mode of thinking.
时代性、历史性、相对独立性、民族性、多样性、社会性是思维方式的基本特征。 cnki

When Dudley was in school in the 1980s, the very idea of plant sociality was practically taboo among scientists.
上世纪80年代达德利求学时,植物也拥有社会性这种观点实际上成为科学家的一种“禁忌”。 blog.sina.com.cn

Sociality is the human essential attribute is separate man from the animal's basic attribute.
社会性才是人的本质属性,是人区别于动物的根本属性。 uuu120.com




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