

单词 fuzzed
释义 fuzz·ed 英fʌz美fʌz COCA¹²¹⁷⁰⁸BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
n. 细毛;绒毛⁶⁷;警员¹³v.起毛²⁰;使变得模糊不清原型fuz的过去式过去分词fuzzed现在分词fuzzing三单fuzzes
filamentous hairlike growth on a plant;

peach fuzz

uncomplimentary terms for a policemana hazy or indistinct representation;

it happened so fast it was just a blur

he tried to clear his head of the whisky fuzz

the first beard of an adolescent boyfuzz-face长胡子的人the fuzz警察fuzz up使模糊
近义词 pig猪fur毛皮nap小睡down向下hair头发bull公牛copper铜blur弄脏fluff软毛feather羽毛lint绷带用麻布tomentum生绒毛cop纺锤状线团、管纱…

The fuzz of the toy bear is very soft and pretty.玩具小熊身上的绒毛十分纤柔秀美。as in.obscure
同义词 belie,blind,block out,blur,camouflage,cloud,confuse,cover,cover up,darken,dim,disguise,eclipse,mask,misrepresent,muddy,overshadow,shroud,veiladumbrate,becloud,bedim,befog,blear,block,cloak,con,equivocate,falsify,fog,gray,haze,mist,murk,obfuscate,overcast,overcloud,pettifog,screen,shade,shadow,stonewall,wrapcloud the issue,double-talk,fuzz,gloom,muddy the waters,throw up smoke screen
反义词 brighten,clarify,clear,clear up,explain,lay out,lighten,reveal,uncover,unmask,openilluminate,loose In Fuzzy Theory, the characteristic parameters of equipment fault can be fuzzed by degree of membership, and then the fault diagnosis can be processed by the fuzzy inference.
模糊理论包含方面较多,这里主要应用了隶属度和模糊推理。 应用隶属度概念可以把设备故障的特征参数分级模糊化,再应用模糊推理可以直接进行设备的故障诊断。 cnki

The FCNN is fuzzed by FCM algorithm and improved LMS algorithm is applied to tune the weight of FCNN.
采用模糊C—均值聚类算法对网络进行模糊化,利用改进的 LMS算法对网络进行训练。 cnki

The fuzzy orthogonal design is a method that the orthogonal results were fuzzed and then analysed using fuzzy mathematical theory.
模糊正交法通过把正交试验结果模糊化,以模糊数学的理论和方法处理试验数据。 cnki

The fuzzy orthogonal design is a method that the orthogonal results were fuzzed and analyzed by fuzzy mathematical theory.
模糊正交法是把正交试验的结果模糊化,以模糊数学的理论与方法处理试验数据。 chemyq

The research on time- fuzzed ammunition hitting on the target is the basic of fire effect evaluation.
预制破片弹对目标射击命中研究是射击效能评定的基础。 dictall

The spring light was fuzzed out, and fat gray flakes drifted down from the whitened sky, landing in dove-colored piles on the ground.
春光很黯淡,大块的灰色碎片从白茫茫的天空飘下,落在地面浅灰色的尘土堆上。 yeeyan

For the CIR problem, the structure and training algorithm of FNN are decided, the input and output of FNN are fuzzed and the algorithm is modified.
针对煤岩界面识别的具体问题,确定了模糊神经网络的具体结构和训练算法; 对于网络的输入、输出进行了模糊化处理并对算法进行了修正。 cnki

He fuzzed up the plot line with a lot of emotional nonsense.

If you’re the least bit fuzzed by jet lag, your ability to think and react will be impaired.
就算时差只让你稍微有点晕,你的思考和反应能力也会削弱。 yeeyan

If you've fuzzed your program for24 hours and it's still standing, then it's unlikely that further attacks of the same sort will compromise it.
如果您用24小时对程序进行模糊测试而其依然无事,那么随后同种类型的攻击就不大可能再危及到它。 ibm

In Chapter 2, a design method of decentralized signal detection system which consists of adaptive fuzzed local detectors and a data fusion rule of on line self- learning the weights.
第二章提出了一种由局部自适应模糊检测器和在线自学习融合算法所构成的分布式信号检测系统的设计方法。 cnki

Instead of a face, all you can see is his grease- combed black hair, his big ears fuzzed with tufts of black hair.
你所能看到的不是他的脸,而是他一头梳得油光蹭亮的黑发,他的大耳朵被头发遮着看起来毛绒绒的。 yeeyan




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