

单词 entomologist
释义 en·to·mol·o·gist 英,ɛntə'mɑlədʒɪst美,ɛntə'mɑlədʒɪst 高COCA²¹⁹⁶²BNC⁶⁵¹⁴³iWeb²⁹⁴⁷⁰

a zoologist who studies insectsentomology昆虫学
entomology昆虫学+ist专业人士⇒昆虫学者。近义词 bugologist昆虫学家bug-hunter昆虫学家

用作名词Anentomologistat Britain's Natural History Museum said it was likely that the centipede hitched a ride aboard a freighter, probably with a shipment of fruit.英国自然历史博物馆的昆虫学家说,这只蜈蚣很可能是搭乘运送水果的货船飘洋过海来到这里的。 It was not until a year later when Mr Kobylinski went for a beer with medical entomologist Andrew Haddow from the University of Texas while on another trip to Senegal that they had a breakthrough.
在另一次前往塞内加尔的考察中, Kobylinski与来自德克萨斯大学的医学昆虫学家 Andrew Haddow一起喝啤酒聊天,这次他们有了突破。 yeeyan

“ The hive chooses,” is the disarming answer of William Morton Wheeler, a natural philosopher and entomologist of the old school, who founded the field of social insects.
“由蜂群选择的。”这是威廉·莫顿·惠勒解除人们疑虑的回答。他是守旧派自然哲学家和昆虫学家,创立了社会性昆虫研究领域。 yeeyan

Given their massive populations and, as the famed entomologist E.O. Wilson writes, their “ unity of purpose and social machinery, ” it’s no surprise that ants are also bonafide masters of war.
考虑到其的个体数量十分庞大,并如著名昆虫学家E.O. Willson写的那样“有目的的团结性及社会体系”,不奇怪为什么蚂蚁才是真正的战争之王。 yeeyan

He later learned that another entomologist in New Jersey,260 miles away, observed a wedding flight by the same species of ant, on the same day, and at exactly the same time!
他后来知道,在260英里以外纽泽西州另一个昆虫学家也观察到同一种类蚂蚁举行飞行婚礼的时间,竟和他记录的在同一天、同一个时刻! hjenglish




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