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Aloe ferox mill 基本例句 好望角芦荟 Definition: Aloe is the dried juice of the leaves mainly of Aloe ferox Miller, or of hybrids of the species with Aloe Africana Miller or Aloe spicata Baker .本品为百合科植物主要是好望角芦荟Aloe ferox Miller 及非洲芦荟 Aloe Africana Miller 与穗花芦荟 Aloe spicata Baker 的杂种的叶子汁液的干燥物。 Content : minimum 18.0 per cent of aloin for Aloe barbadensis, and minimum 6.0 per cent of aloin for Aloe ferox, calculated with reference to the dried drug.本品按干燥品计算,含芦荟苷库拉索芦荟不得少于18.;0%;好望角芦荟不得少于6 Definition: Cape aloes consists of the concentrated and dried juice of the leaves of various species of Aloe, mainly Aloe ferox Miller and its hybrids.本品为以百合科植物好望角芦荟Aloe ferox Miller及其种下变异植物的叶所含汁液的浓缩干燥物。 |