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词汇 nikita
释义 nikita ˌnɪˈkiːtə 高Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
Over the first hour of the session Nikita Belykh posted more than dozen tweets on his account, sharing with his followers details of the meeting and commenting on his colleagues’ statements.
会议前的一小时 Nikita Belykh就发了超过十二条推特,在上面分享会议的细节、评论他同事们的发言。 yeeyan

Richard Nixon was showing Nikita Khrushchev around the American National Exhibition in Moscow. He made him stop at a kiosk hawking Pepsi-Cola.
当时,理查德·尼克松在带领赫鲁晓夫参观莫斯科的美国国家展览会时,设法让他在叫卖百事可乐的亭子前停下。 ecocn

Sergei Khrushchev, Nikita's son, recently looked back and remembered what it felt like to be on the Soviet side.
最近,尼基塔·赫鲁晓夫之子谢尔盖·赫鲁晓夫回忆了站在苏联的角度看待这一事件的感受。 yeeyan

The Izvestia daily, which tracked down Nikita, discovered that he had refused to wash after that kiss.
俄罗斯《消息报》找到了尼基塔,发现他自从被吻后就一直拒绝洗澡。 ebigear

The past, present and future all collide on next week's new episode of Nikita.
在下一集《尼基塔》中,过去、现在和未来将会交织在一起。 hjenglish

Another document is a note from the head of the KGB in1959 informing then Kremlin leader Nikita Khrushchev that important Katyn files had been destroyed.
另一份文件由克格勃首脑于1959年签署,它向当时克里姆林宫领导人赫鲁晓夫通报,卡廷事件的重要文件已经被销毁。 yeeyan

But could he deal with Congress, and with Nikita Khrushchev at the height of the Cold War?
可是,他能和国会处理好关系吗?能对付尼基塔·赫鲁晓夫这个冷战敌手吗? yeeyan

In 1962 the then Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev famously denounced and banned an exhibition of avant-garde artists in Moscow, saying his grandson could paint better.
1962年,苏联当时的领导人 Nikita Khrushchev极严厉地抨击并禁止了莫斯科前卫艺术家的一次展览,称他孙子都能画的比他们好。 ecocn

In between we meet Nikita Khrushchev, the post- Stalin boss who promised Russian consumers a land of plenty by1980.
而在这个故事进行的过程中,我们遇见了继斯大林后的掌权人尼基塔·赫鲁晓夫 Nikita Khrushchev,他曾承诺到19世纪80年代给苏联的消费者们一个富饶之地。 ecocn

In1953, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev initiated the“ Virgin Lands” program to turn the traditional pasturelands into a major grain-producing region for the Soviet Union.
在1953年,苏联领导人赫鲁晓夫发起了“处女地”计划,将传统的畜牧业地区改为以为苏联种植谷物为主。 ebigear

It's a development that would have made Josef Stalin and Nikita Khrushchev proud.
照此发展下去,尤瑟夫·斯大林或尼基塔·赫鲁晓夫也会为我们感到骄傲。 yeeyan

JFK and Nikita Khrushchev ended the crisis by striking a secret deal.
肯尼迪和赫鲁晓夫达成秘密协议才结束了危机。 yeeyan

Kostya spent two weeks in the refugee shelter in Gander before he was claimed by Father Nikita, a Russian Orthodox priest who operated a halfway house for Russian refugees in Toronto.
克斯特亚在甘德的难民收容所里呆了两个星期之后,被尼基塔神甫领走了。 尼基塔神甫是一位俄罗斯东正教牧师,他在多伦多开办了一家收容俄罗斯难民的中转站。 yeeyan

Records show that Nikita Khrushchev was briefed on its contents in 1959.
尼基塔·赫鲁晓夫曾在1959年简要地浏览过该档案的目录。 yeeyan

Strobe was working on an even bigger project, Nikita Khrushchev’s memoirs.
斯特罗布的计划则更大:尼基塔.赫鲁晓夫的回忆录。 yeeyan

The5-year-old boy, named Nikita Konkin, was clearly stunned by the kiss and speculation over Putin's motivation has run wild in the week since it happened.
这个名叫尼基塔肯金的5岁小男孩显然是被这突如其来的一吻给吓到了,而对于总统先生亲吻“动机”的各种猜测也在一时间成为热门话题。 ebigear

They recently imported some hit episodes of American TV dramas, including Gossip Girl, The Big Bang Theory and Nikita.
最近该网站引进了几部比较火的美剧,其中包括《绯闻女孩》、《生活大爆炸》和《尼基塔》。 hxen

Nikita did not answer for some time, apparently still intent on thawing out his beard and moustache.
尼基塔没有回答,有一段时间,但显然仍在意图就融化了他的胡子。 iciba

Nikita Sokoloff: Aren't we all?
尼基塔·索科洛夫:难道我们不是生意人? tingvoa

Nikita V. Petrov, a historian of Russian security services, said Moscow agreed to the deal“ to save face” after the embarrassment of the arrests.
俄罗斯安全服务历史学家 Nikita V. Petrov表示:莫斯科之所以同意这项交换是为了挽回在此事件中丢掉的脸面。 yeeyan

Nikita's grandmother said that his grandson began to act like an adult without much talking sometimes when he knew the adult was the president.
尼基塔的祖母说,自从尼基塔知道亲他的那个大人是总统后,他的行为举止开始像个大人了,有时还不怎么说话。 ebigear




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