

单词 factored
释义 fac·tor·ed 英'fæktəʳ美'fæktər COCA³²⁹⁴¹BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺

fact, circumstance, etc. that helps to produce a result


number, except 1, by which a large number can be divided exactly

anything that contributes causally to a result;

a number of factors determined the outcome

an abstract part of something;

jealousy was a component of his character

two constituents of a musical composition are melody and harmony

the grammatical elements of a sentence

a key factor in her success

humor: an effective ingredient of a speech

one of two or more integers that can be exactly divided into another integer;

what are the 4 factors of 6?

a businessman who buys or sells for another in exchange for a commissionany of the numbers or symbols that form a product when multiplied togetheran independent variable in statisticsgenetics a segment of DNA that is involved in producing a polypeptide chain; it can include regions preceding and following the coding DNA as well as introns between the exons; it is considered a unit of heredity;

genes were formerly called factors

resolve into factors;

a quantum computer can factor the number 15

be a contributing factor;

make things factor into a company's profitability

consider as relevant when making a decision;

You must factor in the recent developments

factor, component, constituent, element, ingredient







用作名词 n.
动词+~add〔constitute〕 a factor增加〔构成〕一种因素mobilize〔reduce〕 factors调动〔减少〕因素形容词+~all factors一切因素external factor外因key factor关键因素various factors各种因素名词+~amplification factor电子管的放大系数windchill factor风寒指数介词+~increase by a factor of four增加三倍,增加到四倍~+介词factor in …的因素factors in career success事业成功的因素
近义词 itempartaspect
用作名词n.They have analyzed various factors.他们分析了各种因素。
Industry and modesty are the chief factors of his success.勤奋和谦虚是他成功的主要因素。
He doesn't know how to resolute into factors.他不知道因数怎样分解。
3 and 5 are factors of 15.3和5是15的因数。
2, 3, 4 and 6 arefactorsof 12.2、3、4 和6是12的因子。
A new factor appears under the integral sign.积分号内出现了一个新的因子。
After cancellation, the factor is still present in the denominator.相消后该因子仍存在于分母中。as in.part
同义词 separatearticulate,cleave,detach,dichotomize,disjoin,dismantle,dissever,disunite,divide,factor,itemize,particularize,partition,portion,rend,section,segment,sever,slice,split,strip,subdivide,sunder,tearbreak up,come apart
反义词 attach,collect,combine,connect,couple,gather,join,link,unitearrive,comeas in.represent
同义词 mean,perform,produce,serve,serve as,show,speak forbe,betoken,body,copy,embody,enact,epitomize,equal,equate,exemplify,exhibit,express,factor,imitate,impersonate,personify,reproduce,stage,substitute,typifyact as,act as broker,act for,act in place of,appear as,assume the role of,be agent for,be attorney for,be proxy for,buy for,correspond to,do business for,emblematize,hold office,play the part,put on,sell for,stand for,steward
反义词 refuse,be original,differ,imbalance,oppose,reverse,stopas in.divide
同义词 cut,partition,share,shift,sliceallocate,allot,apportion,articulate,deal,disburse,dispense,disperse,factor,parcel,portion,prorate,quota,rationcut in,cut one in,cut up,deal out,dish out,divvy up,dole out,fork out,go fifty-fifty,hand out,hand over,lot out,measure out,piece up,shell out,slice up,split up
反义词 combine,unite,collect,gather,hold,keep,retain,withholdagree,append,attach,connect,convince,couple,disarrange,disorganize,join,link,maintain,persuade Another consideration that must be factored into deciding when to migrate is the timing of production replacement or rollover cycles for hardware, operating system, and third party applications.
决定何时进行迁移时必须考虑的另一个事项是,硬件、操作系统和第三方应用程序的生产更换或转换周期的时间。 ibm

Once education was factored in the NCFMR found with the exception of Asians the highest rate of first divorce was among women with some college regardless of race or ethnicity.
中心发现,一旦考虑到教育因素,除亚洲人外,最高的首次离婚率在具有大学学位的女性中间,与种族和民族无关。 yeeyan

Resembles relationships indicate that you want to look closely at similar use cases, trying to find commonality that can be factored out into“ subset” cases or equivalents.
类似关系表示您应该密切关注相似的用例,尝试查找共同点,它们可以被分解成“子集”用例或等价物。 ibm

We then heavily factored in cost of living and—to a lesser extent— sunny days, home price projections, and proximity to hospitals, golf courses, and other amenities.
此外,我们纳入了主要的生活费用因素——在较小的范围内——晴天、房价预测以及邻近医院、高尔夫球场和其它便利设施。 yeeyan




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