

单词 eye socket
释义 eye socket aiˈsɔkit ☆☆☆☆☆高短语³⁹⁹⁹⁵

the bony cavity in the skull containing the eyeball近义词 orbit势力范围orbital cavity眼眶
用作名词He blacked her eye with that one punch.他用那一猛拳把她的眼眶打得发青。
The eye of a blue macaw is surrounded by a featherless golden rim.蓝金刚鹦鹉的眼睛具有金色无毛的眼眶。
It emphasises bone structure and the depth of the eye sockets.它强调的骨骼结构和深度的眼窝。
On the wall of Helm's Deep during the battle, a one-eyed warrior turns to the camera, revealing his scarred empty socket.战争期间,在圣盔谷的城墙上,一个独眼战士走到摄像机前,揭开他的眼罩,露出伤痕累累的眼窝。 A good eye is what? What to method of pouch? What eye cream get rid of the black eye socket? How to remove.
好的眼霜是什么?还有什么去眼袋的方法?用什么眼霜去黑眼圈好?怎么样去除。 www.ed007.cn

The product can relieve eyes' fatigue, replenish the skin around eyes deeply, eliminate black eye socket, pouch and tiny wrinkle around eyes, and then leave the skin around eyes tender and lubricious.
舒缓眼部疲劳,深层补充眼部肌肤水份,有效去除黑眼圈、眼袋、及眼部细纹,令眼部肌肤呈现水嫩细滑。 www.521000.com

To observe the white eyeball veins color and shape changes diagnose the diseases, the acupuncture prevents diseases by around the eye socket treats an illness.
通过观察白睛脉络颜色,形态变化以诊断疾病,根据变化及辨证在眼眶周围针刺以防病治病。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

Also provide some black eye to tips and recipes, teach you how to get rid of the black eye socket, on standby.
还会提供一些去黑眼圈的小诀窍和偏方,教自己怎么去黑眼圈,以备不时只需。 ditan.happy9go.net

And he lifted his great fist and hit Cheng on the eye socket and split open the corner of his eye so that his eyeball burst out.
然后他举起大拳打在郑屠的眼窝,在他的眼角打出一条口子,眼珠都快掉出来了。 www.022net.com

But the other party was always all very obstinate, badly even if humiliated by oneself, the tears also all just beat to turn in the eye socket.
但是对方一向都很倔强,即便是被自己欺负的厉害了,眼泪也都只是在眼眶中打转。 articlesidea.info

Finger through the eye socket— try to hook around and pop the eye out.
手指向眼窝猛刺——努力向上钩起,把眼珠子剜出来。 blog.sina.com.cn

His father sitting in a chair, his eyes sunken, eye socket black, unkempt, bearded, and his face lack yellow.
父亲坐在椅子上,双眼凹陷,眼圈发黑,蓬头垢面,胡子拉碴,脸色乏黄。 baihuoyw

Objective Evaluating the effect of improved artificial eye implantation in the rehabilitation reconstruction of eye socket.
目的评价改良义眼台一期植入术的临床的效果。 dictall

Pick close to where you want the edge of the eye socket to be for each eye. You can currently create only two holes.
采摘紧挨您要眼球孔的边缘是为每只眼睛的地方。您只能当前创造二个孔。 hxsd

Schmitz and Motani measured the inner and outer dimensions of this ring, plus the size of the eye socket, in33 fossils of dinosaurs, ancestral birds and pterosaurs.
斯切米茨和藻谷测量了33具恐龙、始祖鸟和翼龙化石的巩膜环内围和外围及眼眶大小。 yeeyan

Some features of her skull, such as the ridge above the eye socket, are quite different from those of chimpanzees.
头骨上的其他特征,比如眼眶上方的眉骨也与黑猩猩的截然不同。 yeeyan

The world not too had been already clear, is the smog which puts out too deceives both eyes already to crawl the full cheeks' tear moist eye socket?
世界已经不太清晰了,是吐出的烟雾太多蒙住了双眼还是早已爬满脸颊的泪湿润了眼眶? blog.sina.com.cn

What eye cream get rid of the black eye socket effect best?
哪个眼霜去黑眼圈效果最好也? www.90sq.cn




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