

单词 benzodiazepine
释义 ben·zo·di·az·e·pine 英ˌbenzəʊdaɪˈæzəˌpiːn, -pɪn美ˌbɛnzodaɪˈæzəˌpin, -pɪnAHDbĕn'zō-dī-ăzʹə-pēn', -pĭn 高COCA⁷²⁸⁵⁰BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰iWeb¹⁷⁴³¹

any of several similar lipophilic amines used as tranquilizers or sedatives or hypnotics or muscle relaxants; chronic use can lead to dependencybenzo苯-diazepine⇒n.苯二氮as in.sleeping pill
同义词 sedativebarbiturate,bromide,hypnotic,nightcap,sedative-hypnotic,sleeping tablet,soporific
sleeping pillnoun pill to aid sleep
barbiturate,bromide,hypnotic,nightcap,sedative,sedative-hypnotic,sleeping tablet,soporific Several endogenous ligands of benzodiazepine receptorBZR had been found in the mammalian brain.
已证实哺乳类动物脑中存在有安定受体的内源性配基。 cnki

The MISPE method was demonstrated to be applicable to the analysis of diazepam metabolites and other benzodiazepine drugs, in addition to diazepam itself.
分子印迹固相萃取方法 MISPE被证明了可用于地西泮代谢物和其他苯二氮卓类药物的分析,但除地西泮外。 med66

The most well- known sleeping pills are the non- benzodiazepine hypnotics like Ambien, Lunesta or Sonata. These drugs affect structures in the brain called GABA receptors.
最有名的安眠药是像安必恩,卢内思塔,或松那塔这类的非苯二氮类催眠药,作用在人脑中称为 GABA受体的组织上。 yeeyan

The most well- known sleeping pills are thenon- benzodiazepine hypnotics like Ambien, Lunesta or Sonata.
最有名的安眠药是无镇静作用的安眠药如安比恩,舒乐安定或索拿塔。 yeeyan

Thus the DSST test and EEG analysis provides sensitive and reliable quantitation of benzodiazepine central nervous system effects.
上述结果表明 DSST和脑电波幅测试是两种敏感可靠的苯二氮类药物中枢神经系统效应定量分析方法。 cnki

A screening analytical method for11 benzodiazepine medicines and9 their main metabolites in plasma and urine using electron capture detection gas chromatography was developed.
建立了血浆和尿中11种苯并二氮杂类药物及其9种代谢物的电子捕获检测气相色谱分析方法。 cnki

Another change is the rise of tranquillisers such as benzodiazepine and diazepam.
另一变化是诸如苯二氮卓类药物、地西泮等镇静剂的用量增加。 ecocn

In addition to GABAB receptor, activation of GABAA receptor benzodiazepine binding site and blockade of GABA uptake change the activity of globus pallidus by prolonging the duration of GABA current.
除 GABAB受体外,激活苍白球 GABAA受体苯二氮卓结合位点及阻断 GABA重摄取可延长 GABA电流持续时间,从而改变苍白球神经元兴奋性。 cnki

Objective To determine the efficacy and safety of trazodone in the treatment of benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms.
目的验证曲唑酮对苯二氮类药物戒断症状的疗效及安全性。 cnki

Objective To investigate the effects of peripheral benzodiazepine receptor PBR in hippocampus synaptosomes on spatial learning and memory.
目的观察海马突触体外周型苯二氮受体 PBR水平对大鼠空间学习和记忆能力的影响。 cnki

Objective:To investigate the status of benzodiazepine drugs BZD application on psychiatric in patients.
目的:调查精神科住院患者苯二氮类药物 BZD的使用现状。 cnki

Other benzodiazepine receptors, not linked to GABA, are present in the kidney, colon, blood cells and adrenal cortex and these may also be affected by some benzodiazepines.
其他在体内与 GABA无关的苯二氮卓类药物受体存在于肾脏,结肠,血细胞和肾上腺皮质,这些受体同样会被部分苯二氮卓类药物影响。 blog.sina.com.cn

Part II: 1H-1,5- benzodiazepine are interesting compounds because of their pharmacological properties and biological activity.
第二部分:1,5-苯二嗪类化合物具有独特的药理及生理活性。 cnki

RESULTS& CONCLUSION: Advance in non- benzodiazepine sedative hypnotic drugs has been swift in recent years, it has little evidence of drug tolerance and dependency, almost no rebound insomnia.
结果与结论:近年来,非苯二氮类镇静催眠药进展迅速,其耐药性和依赖性很小,几乎无反跳性失眠现象。 cnki

Some doctors prescribe Clonazepam, a benzodiazepine, to help people sleep more deeply.
一些医生开出氯硝安定一种苯二氮来帮助人们睡得更深。 yeeyan

The benzodiazepine were the most frequently used anti- anxiety agents337,88% and the frequency of use was first75.7%.
抗焦虑药物以苯二氮卓类药物为主,有337例,占88%,其中的使用频度居首位75.7%。 pp.lunwenchina.net.cn




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