

单词 expensive
释义 ex·pen·sive 英ɪkˈspensɪv美ɪkˈspɛnsɪvAHDĭk-spĕnʹsĭv ★★★★☆小初中高四六研I牛4COCA²⁰⁵⁵BNC¹⁴⁸⁵iWeb¹³⁸⁶Economist⁸⁷⁴


costing a lot of money

high in price or charging high prices;

expensive clothes

an expensive shop


❌ The price of this suit of clothes is too expensive.

✔️ The price of this suit of clothes is too high.

✔️ This suit of clothes is too expensive.



❌ Modern farms aren't expensive to be developed.

✔️ Modern farms aren't expensive to develop.

✔️ Modern farms aren't expensive for us to develop.

be expensive+to- v 结构中,不定式的主动形式有被动意义,所以不可用被动结构。


❌ In my stamp album I have many highly-costed stamps.

✔️ In my stamp album I have many expensive stamps.

highly-costed意为“成本高”, expensive才是“有价值的,贵重的”的意思。

expensive, costly, dear

这组词的共同意思是“高贵的”或“昂贵的”。其区别在于:dear指本身并不见得贵,但与同类物品的价格相比而显得“贵”; expensive指虽物有所值,但超出购买者支付能力的“贵”; costly则指物体本身“贵重”,因而价格“昂贵”,常引申指耗费的物质或精力很大。例如:

In the middle of the summer, fresh oranges are dear, but in the winter months they are cheap.仲夏时节的鲜桔很贵,但在冬季的几个月里却很便宜。
We indulged in an expensive supper after the concert.音乐会后我们尽情地享受了一顿昂贵的晚餐。
Selling your house can be a costly and time-consuming business.出售你的房子很可能是费钱耗时的事。dear,expensive,costly





词根词缀: ex-出,向外 + -pens-支付 + -ive形容词词尾
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词expensive book昂贵的书expensive car昂贵的小汽车expensive clothes昂贵的衣服expensive education费用高的教育expensive gift昂贵的礼物expensive lady衣着华丽的妇女expensive mode of living奢华的生活方式expensive party耗资巨大的晚会expensive project耗资巨大的工程expensive watch昂贵的手表副词+~abominably expensive奢侈得可恶absurdly expensive价钱高得不合理,奢侈得愚蠢amazingly expensive昂贵得惊人criminally expensive奢侈得可耻cruelly expensive极昂贵dreadfully expensive极端昂贵enormously expensive奢侈得极可恶excessively expensive极度奢侈exorbitantly expensive昂贵得过头extravagantly expensive过度奢侈extremely expensive极其昂贵foolishly expensive奢侈得愚蠢inconceivably expensive昂贵得惊人inevitably expensive必然昂贵inexpressibly expensive奢侈得无法形容naturally expensive自然昂贵outrageously expensive奢侈得令人不能容忍~+动词不定式expensive to buy买不起expensive to travel by plane乘飞机旅行太贵~+介词expensive for sb对于某人来说太贵expensive in diet花在饮食上的费用大
非常记忆ex前夫〖熟词〗+pen钢笔〖熟词〗+sive西服〖谐音〗⇒前夫把昂贵的钢笔藏在西服里蒋争熟词记忆expense消费;支出-ive…的⇒花费钱多的;昂贵的ex出去+pens支付+ive形容词后缀,表倾向→要花很多钱的⇒昂贵的。词根记忆ex+pens+ive=要花钱的=昂贵的近义词 dearcostlyhigh-priced反义词 cheapmodestinexpensive
~+ n.He flattered her with flowers and expensive gifts.他用鲜花和昂贵的礼物讨好她。
We really don't need such a big, expensive car.我们实在并不需要如此大而豪华的汽车。
He gently refused to accept these expensive gifts.他委婉地拒绝了这些贵重的礼物。
The state government inaugurated an expensive project.州政府开始了一项耗资巨大的工程。
The shop sells very expensive clothes.这家商店销售十分昂贵的服装。
Such expensive dresses are not available in ordinary department stores.这样昂贵的衣服在普通百货商店里是买不到的。
I haven't got much money. Is it an expensive shop?我手头钱不多,那家店铺的商品售价很高吗?
Cargo handling usually takes time and expensive equipment.货物装卸通常费时,并需要昂贵的设备。
They had an expensive party last week.上星期他们举行了一次豪华的聚会。
It was an expensive education.它是一项耗资巨大的教育。
A long illness is an expensive misfortune for the average family.长期的生病对于普通家庭来说是件费钱而又不幸的事。
His books were bringing in royalties enough to enable him to live in a more expensive style.他的著作所获版税十分可观,足以使他过更为富裕的生活。
I bought the most expensive watch.我买了那块最昂贵的手表。
A passing group attracted his attention, two gentlemen and a radiantly expensive lady.一群过路的人引起了他的注意,两个男士和一位衣着华丽的妇女。
S+be+~If it is too expensive I don't want it.这东西如果太贵,我就不要了。
It may be expensive, but it's worth the price.这东西可能比较贵,但物有所值。
I don't like those shoes, besides, they're too expensive.那双鞋我不喜欢,而且也太贵。
The bed is expensive.这张床很贵。
Diamonds come expensive.钻石现在价格很贵。
The book was very expensive, costing over $500.这本书非常昂贵,要花500多美元。
The meals in that restaurant are very expensive.那家酒店的饭菜很贵。
Alcoholic drinks are relatively expensive.低度饮料相应地涨价了。
Living in the country is less expensive than in the city.住在乡间比住在城里花钱少。
Tailors are so expensive.裁缝们索价很高。
This was more expensive than the other one.这本杂志比其他杂志贵。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseThe book is too expensive for me.这本书太贵了,我买不起。
Such a tour would be too expensive for me.这样的旅行观光对我来说太贵了。
Meat was scarce during the war and too expensive for ordinary people.战争期间肉类紧缺,贵得普通人家买不起。
Houses are very expensive in this area.这个地区的房价非常昂贵。S+be+~+to- vThings such as diamonds are expensive to buy.买钻石这类的东西是很贵的。
Gold is too expensive to be used as a conductor.黄金太贵了,以致不能用作导体。It is/was+~+for sb to- vIt is expensive to travel by plane.乘飞机旅行很费钱。
It's too expensive for me to buy.太贵了,我买不起。



用作形容词The dress is tooexpensivefor me to buy.那衣服太昂贵,我买不起。
A cheaper camera is not always inferior to a moreexpensiveone.廉价照相机的质量并总不比昂贵的差。
This set of crystal wine cups is veryexpensive.这套水晶玻璃酒杯非常昂贵。
The overhead costs are ridiculouslyexpensive.日常开支太高了。
It is moreexpensiveto go by plane than by boat.坐飞机去比坐船去的费用更高一些。adj.high-priced
同义词 costly,extravagant,fancy,high,lavish,overpriced,pricey,upscale,valuablean arm and a leg,at a premium,big-ticket,dear,excessive,exorbitant,highway robbery,holdup,immoderate,inordinate,invaluable,out of sight,plush,posh,pretty penny,rich,ritzy,sky-high,steep,stiff,swank,too high,uneconomical,unreasonable
反义词 economical,reasonable,unimportant,worthlesscheap,inexpensive,low-priced,moderate
deluxeadjective superior, plush
exorbitantadjective extravagant, excessive
absonant,dear,enormous,exacting,expensive,extortionate,extreme,high,highway robbery,immoderate,inordinate,out of sight,outrageous,over one's head,overboard,overmuch,preposterous,pricey,steep,stiff,towering,unconscionable,undue,unreasonable,unwarranted,up to here,wasteful
extortionateadjective excessive
extravagantadjective indulgent, wasteful
fineadjective excellent, masterly
accomplished,aces,admirable,attractive,beautiful,capital,choice,cool,crack,dandy,elegant,enjoyable,exceptional,expensive,exquisite,fashionable,first-class,first-rate,first-string,five-star,gilt-edged,gnarly,good-looking,great,handsome,lovely,magnificent,mean,neat,not too shabby,ornate,outstanding,pleasant,rare,refined,select,showy,skillful,smart,solid,splendid,striking,subtle,superior,supreme,top,top-notch,unreal,well-made,wicked
highadjective extreme
costly,dear,excessive,exorbitant,expensive,extraordinary,extravagant,grand,great,high-priced,intensified,lavish,luxurious,precious,rich,sharp,special,steep,stiff,strong,unusual The fact that more people want them is why they are more expensive.
事实是,它们之所以昂贵是因为更多的人需要他们。 yeeyan

The purpose of this jar is to nurture yourself. You could purchase an expensive bottle of wine at dinner, get a massage or go on a weekend getaway.
这个罐子的目的是培养自己的额外兴趣:可以为晚餐买一瓶昂贵的好酒,做一次按摩,以及周末大逃亡之类的活动等等。 yeeyan

As I have heard on many occasions, a vaccine that is too expensive for the developing world is worse than no vaccine at all.
正如我在许多场合所听到的一样,对发展中世界而言太过昂贵的疫苗甚至比没有疫苗更糟。 who

But these are usually very expensive.
但这些通常是非常昂贵。 yeeyan

But why do consumers choose such an expensive way of borrowing money?
但是为什么消费者喜欢选择这样昂贵的途径借钱呢? ecocn

Do you have an expensive shoe or gadget habit?
你有买很贵的鞋子或者小玩意的习惯吗? iciba

Each HTTP link on the page is specially encoded, but it is expensive for the site to implement.
页面上的每个 HTTP链接都经过编码,但对于站点实现来说,代价是很昂贵的。 ibm

Essentially this is a data copy which in middleware is very expensive and should be avoided.
本质上这意味着数据拷贝,这在中间件是十分昂贵的操作应当予以避免。 infoq

For sure there are constraints in what and how you expose things when you are a vendor of an expensive product.
当然,当你是一个昂贵产品的供应商时,对于哪些可以以及如何暴露有着一定的约束。 infoq

He lived in Cambridge, in an expensive house.
他住在剑桥一幢昂贵的房子里。 ebigear

However, the source may be dynamic and these kinds of solutions can become very expensive and complicated.
然而,源可能是动态的,因而使这些种类的解决方案变得非常昂贵和复杂。 ibm

I bought a car yesterday. The car is very expensive.

I wonder at your allowing her to buy the expensive clothes.

If you're working in steel or granite, redesigning or adding onto something is very expensive.
如果你用钢或花岗岩来工作,重新设计或增加一些东西是很贵的。 ibm

She was dripping with expensive jewels.

So, if magnesium is so abundant, why is it so expensive?

So if all of these ingredients are basically the same, why are some shampoos more expensive?
因此如果所有这些成分基本上都是相同的,为什么有些洗发水会更贵一些? yeeyan

The table was glossed to give it an expensive look.

The good news is that all you have to do is go to a fabric store, buy more expensive looking buttons and replace those junky plastic ones.
现在这个好消息就是你所要做的是就是要到针织品店,买一些看起来更贵的纽扣把原来那些糟糕的塑料纽扣换下来。 yeeyan

There are many very expensive software packages out there that are designed to help you with this step and the last step, reporting.
那里有许多非常昂贵的软件包,旨在帮助您完成这个步骤以及最后的步骤:报表。 ibm

They make us believe that they are safe perhaps because they are so expensive, or because this or that celebrity happens to appear on their advertisement.
也许因为这些大牌昂贵的价格,或者因为这位那位名流恰巧出现在它们的广告中,这些大牌使我们相信它们更安全。 douban

This is an expensive operation because every live object might be moved, and every pointer to a moved object must be updated to the new location.
这是一项昂贵的操作,因为可能会移动每个活动对象,每个经过移动的对象的指针都必须更新为新位置。 ibm

This plan need not be expensive, but it faces one big difficulty.
这一计划不需要昂贵的代价,但是却面临一个很大的难题。 yeeyan

This shift can be complex, expensive and there is no shortage of opponents to the change.
这种转变是复杂的、昂贵的,而且从来不缺少这种变革的反对者。 ibm

What is more expensive than college?
比上大学还贵的是什么? kekenet

When I think about the money these guys make and the professions they are in both are actors I should have realized that we define “ expensive” differently.
当我想到这些家伙挣的钱和他们从事的职业时两个都是演员,我应该清楚我们对昂贵的概念是不同的。 yeeyan

You would do that here, for example, if the message processor needs to make a datasource lookup or other expensive resource connection.
如果消息处理器需要进行一个数据源查询或其他昂贵的资源连接,那么您需要在这里那样做。 ibm




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