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Eurocrats ˈjuːrəkræts Economist¹⁷²⁰⁵ 基本例句 n.欧洲共同市场的官员或职员Eurocrat的名词复数原型eurocrat的复数 As Eurocrats in Brussels are keen to stress, far from breaking up, the euro zone is growing. 布鲁塞尔的欧共体官员热衷于强调,欧元区正在扩大,远没有分裂。 ecocn As Eurocrats tell it, most countries accept the thrust of these ideas. 欧盟官员说,大多国家认可了这些想法的推动。 ecocn The Germans do not want Eurocrats raising and handing out too much money without close monitoring from national capitals. 德国人不愿欧洲共同市场的官员们在未经各国家资本的严密监视下,募集并取出太多钱款。 ecocn There is outright disdain in some quarters for the legion of Eurocrats in Brussels and their steady output of rules and regulations. 在一些地区人们直言不讳对在布鲁塞尔那一大帮欧洲共同市场官员以及他们稳定的规则条例输出的轻蔑。 mindcandle To judge from some banners, they may have a new category of enemy: Eurocrats. 从一些打出的标语来看,他们又有了新的一群敌人---欧盟官员。 ecocn Eurocrats in Brussels are only faintly aware of living in a paralysed country. 布鲁塞尔的欧盟官员们只不过朦朦胧胧地意识到他们正处在一个瘫痪的国家中。 ecocn British Eurocrats are now masters of working the French inspired bureaucratic structure, and they still fill many jobs at the top, notably in senior commissioners' private offices. 英国的欧盟官员熟稔欧盟的行政架构,他们在很多高位任职,特别是许多高级政府特派专员的职位。 ecocn But Eurocrats are unlikely to get what they want. Almost all national governments prefer an unhappy status quo to change. 但欧盟官员们很难如愿以偿,几乎所有的政府都宁愿维持令人不满的现状,也不愿意改变。 ecocn But Eurocrats are unlikely to get what they want. 但是欧盟官员不太可能得到他们想要的东西。 ecocn Despite Eurocrats’ faith in the benefits of labour mobility, Germany and Austria have maintained restrictions on workers from new members until the last possible day. 尽管欧共体官员对劳动力流动的好处存有信念,德国和奥地利尽可能地坚持其对新成员国劳动者的限制。 ecocn Even as Eurocrats become more cynical with age, learning that promotion has less to do with merit than with politics, most retain a spark of faith. 即便随着岁月流逝,人也变得愈加愤世嫉俗,亦已洞晓升官与政绩无缘却与政治有分,官员们仍怀揣热切的信仰。 ecocn Highly educated and often a bit bored, Eurocrats can also sound spoiled: moaning about their conditions while enjoying some of the safest jobs in the world. 欧盟的官员们受过高等教育,时常还感到厌烦,听起来也是被宠坏了:捧着全世界最结实的铁饭碗同时还对自身的状况抱怨有加。 ecocn It only obliges the Eurocrats to respond. 它仅仅能责成欧盟官员作出回应。 ecocn Like priest- confessors, Eurocrats are well- placed to see the grubby deals done in the name of national interests. 欧盟官员与听取人们忏悔的牧师相似,他们的位置能清楚看到诸多以国家利益为名进行的肮脏勾当。 ecocn Lisbon is already“the inside-out version of the constitutional treaty.” Or, as Eurocrats put it: Lisbon is already Plan B. 里斯本条约已经是“非常明显的立宪条约”了,或者如欧共体官员所说,是欧盟宪法的 B计划。 ecocn Richer countries should help poorer ones, but recycling money through Brussels for their own less well- off regions benefits only Eurocrats. 相对较富的国家应当帮助相对较穷的国家,但富国如果只是从布鲁塞尔那里讨要退款以资助本国的不富裕地区,那么从中获益的只有欧盟官员。 ecocn That makes other countries, and many Eurocrats, uneasy. 这使其他欧洲国家和许多欧盟职员心神不安。 ecocn The nightmare for Eurocrats is that one of the less creditworthy countries, such as Greece or Ireland, may one day have a similar problem. 欧共体的噩梦是如希腊或爱尔兰那种信用情况较差的国家也许也会遇到类似的问题。 ecocn Too bad, say Eurocrats; one aim of the reform is to create a bigger incentive for trade accords. 结果很糟糕,一位欧共体一位官员这样说,改革的一个目的是为贸易协定创造出更大的刺激因素。 ecocn Yet the private talk among Brussels policy types and senior Eurocrats is bleak. 布鲁塞尔政策类型和欧共体官员之间的私下谈判也很冷清。 ecocn Eurocrats hope it will create new impetus. 欧共体的官员希望,新条约能发挥出新的推动力。 ecocn Eurocrats in Brussels like to portray the rotating presidency as largely redundant now there is a permanent European Council president. Brussels的欧洲共同市场官员们认为轮换主席是形同虚设,因为有个永久性的欧洲委员会主席。 ecocn Eurocrats say a reduced emphasis on auctioning permits won't undermine the benefits of the package; carbon- cutting discipline still comes from the ceiling on the number of allowances issued. 欧共体的官员表示,减少对排碳额度的拍卖并不会影响方案的效益,颁布排碳上限仍然是实行减排的保证。 ecocn Eurocrats suspect there is much market- fixing going on, in breach of the EU’s services directive. 欧共体官员怀疑以市场为导向的交易的存在,这种做法违反了欧盟的服务指令。 ecocn Eurocrats talk apocalyptically of the consequences of a euro break-up Poland’s finance minister has suggested that a real war could erupt within a decade. 欧盟官员们都在谈论欧元崩溃的预计后果波兰财长认为,10年内可能会发生一场真正的战争。 ecocn This is the kind of belief that keeps Eurocrats going even on the gloomiest days. 正是这种想法让欧洲经济共同体即使在最黑暗的日子里仍能继续前进。 ecocn |