

单词 expansion
释义 ex·pan·sion 英ɪkˈspænʃən美ɪkˈspænʃənAHDĭk-spănʹshən ★★★☆☆高四六研IT46八COCA³⁴⁵²BNC²³⁷¹iWeb²⁵⁴⁴Economist¹⁴⁸⁵


action of expanding; state of being expanded


sth which has been expanded

the act of increasing something in size or volume or quantity or scopea function expressed as a sum or product of terms;

the expansion of a+b^2 is a^2 + 2ab + b^2

a discussion that provides additional informationadding information or detail词根词缀: ex-出 + -pans-延伸,扩展 + -ion
用作名词 n.
形容词+~military expansion军事扩张political expansion政治扩张territorial expansion领土扩张名词+~arms expansion军备扩充~+名词expansion joints伸缩接头介词+~rate of expansion膨胀率~+介词expansion of arms and war preparation扩军备战expansion of factory工厂扩建expansion of the currency通货膨胀expansion of trade贸易的发展expansion of vocabulary词汇量增长
非常记忆ex前夫〖熟词〗+pan平底锅〖熟词〗+sion婶〖谐音〗⇒扩展地盘时前夫用平底锅赶走了婶婶ex向外+pans伸展+ion名词后缀,表行为本身及结果→向外伸展→扩张,膨胀⇒阐述。词根记忆expanse扩大,ex出+panse扩展谐音记忆音“一个使胖身”⇒膨胀来自expandv. 扩大,扩张来自expandv. 扩大近义词 width宽度breadth宽度increase增加addition增加growthU增长extension延长accession到达development发展enlargement扩大opening out对开elaboration详细阐述反义词 contraction收缩
用作名词n.The future expansion of the business calls for two new factories.将来业务扩大需要新建两个工厂。
Heat causes the expansion of gases.热使气体膨胀。
His chest is like the expansion of a sea.他的胸怀像大海一样宽阔。
He gave an expansion of that affair.他详述了那件事。
His big book is an expansion of the little book he wrote before.他这本大部头的书是在以前写的一本小册子基础上扩充而成的。Poverexpansion过度扩充Pafter-expansion残余膨胀Pmacroexpansion宏指令扩展Pexpansionismn.膨胀主义领土扩张政策Pexpansionarya.扩张性的发展性的展开性的Pexpansionista.扩张主义的赞同扩张主义的n.扩张主义者领土扩张论者

用作名词Metals undergoexpansionwhen heated.金属加热时会膨胀。
The thermostat is based on the fact that different metals have different coefficients ofexpansion.恒温器是以不同的金属有不同的膨胀系数这一事实为根据的。
His economic policies paved the way for industrialexpansion.他的经济政策为工业的扩展铺平了道路。
The time has come for the firm to consolidate after several years of rapidexpansion.公司经过几年的迅速发展之後,该整顿一下了。
This book is anexpansionof the play he wrote before.这本书是他以前写的剧本的扩充。noun.growth
同义词 development,enlargement,extension,increase,inflation,spreadamplification,augmentation,breadth,diffusion,dilation,distance,distension,evolution,expanse,magnification,maturation,multiplication,space,stretch,swelling,unfoldingopening out,unfurling
反义词 abridgment,compression,decrease,reduction,shrinkagelessening,stagnation
additionnoun something conjoined to or enlargement of something
amplificationnoun increase in size or effect
addition,augmentation,boost,boosting,buildup,deepening,development,elaboration,enlargement,exaggeration,expansion,expatiation,extension,fleshing out,heightening,intensification,lengthening,magnification,padding,raising,strengthening,stretching,supplementing,upping,widening
augmentationnoun making greater;improving
accession,accretion,addition,amplification,beefing up,boost,buildup,development,enhancement,enlargement,enrichment,expansion,extension,fleshing out,growth,heightening,hike,increase,increment,inflation,intensification,magnification,multiplication,raise,reinforcement,rise,strengthening,swelling,up,upping
boomnoun prosperity
boostnoun increase
broadeningnoun widening
enlargement,expansion,extension,increase With them credit expansion is the panacea for all economic ills.
他们认为信贷扩张是所有经济弊病的灵丹妙药。 yeeyan

But its expansion has pushed cattle ranches further into the jungle, and started itself to encroach on the forest.
但是它的扩张使养牛的农场向丛林中推进,而且其本身也开始侵蚀这片森林。 ecocn

From this point of view these flat spaces around us turn out to be one possible source of dark energy for the accelerating expansion of the Universe.
从这个角度看,我们周围的这些平面空间可能是暗能量的一个来源,而正是它让宇宙加速膨胀。 yeeyan

Future expansion of the business calls for two new factories.

However, he believes some firms may scale back their expansion plans in the region as a result of the downturn.
但是,因为经济衰退,他相信一些事务所将会缩小在这一地区的扩展计划的规模。 yeeyan

If there is nothing for Moscow to fear in NATO and EU expansion, its members should not act as if there is.
如果俄罗斯对于北约和欧盟扩张行为的担忧无关紧要,那么它们的成员对此也应不予理睬。 yeeyan

It has no interest in this kind of imperialist expansion.
苹果对这种帝国主义式的扩张不感兴趣。 ecocn

No one knows why this should be: until that point, everyone assumed the universe's expansion would be slowing down after the big bang.
没有人知道这究竟是为什么:在这一论点提出之前,大家都以为在大爆炸之后,宇宙的膨胀会渐渐慢下来。 yeeyan

On smaller machines, adding disks and controllers may be a challenge and may also require the purchase of an expansion unit.
在较小的机器上,添加磁盘和控制器可能是一个难题,还可能需要购置一个扩展单元。 ibm

The last series of questions is an expansion on the theme.
最后那一组问题是对事件实质的扩展思考。 yeeyan

Their desire for expansion has increased.

There are different kinds of crisis in different countries, and some countries in the developing world are experiencing expansion rather than decline.
不同国家存在着不同的危机类型,在一些发展中国家的报业则正经历着扩张而不是衰退。 yeeyan

There's room for expansion at the fringes of all.
在每个城市的边缘都有可供扩展的空间。 yeeyan

This allows the user greater flexibility in planning for server consolidation or expansion by having the option of adding more users or additional applications.
通过增加更多用户或附加的应用程序,允许用户在服务器合并或扩展的规划中具有更大的灵活性。 ibm

This is indispensable in a region like the Near East, where the scarcity of water prohibits further agricultural expansion.
对于近东这样的区域来讲,这是极为必要的,在这里,水的短缺限制了农业的扩展。 fao

We have got used to expansion and dominance.
我们必须习惯资源的膨胀和支配。 yeeyan

We only know it exists because of its effect on the expansion of the Universe.
我们只能根据它对宇宙膨胀所起的作用来认识到它的存在。 yeeyan

Why should they pump loans into capacity expansion?
他们为什么还会用贷款来扩大产能? yeeyan




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